Game 87: Twins vs. A’s: The Video Game!

Yes, now you can relive the excitement of yesterday's Twins/A's game anytime you like. Just copy the following code and enter it into a QBasic shell, then run it. Exciting text baseball action!

10 PRINT "Welcome to today's game pitting the visiting A's against the Twins.
20 PRINT "It's a scorcher out here - hot as hell, really. I don't know how these guys are going to do it."
30 PRINT "Cole De Vries takes the mound, looks in for the sign, and here's the pitch."
40 PRINT "It's a thigh high fastball out over the plate, and the batter crushes it for a home run."
50 LET X=X+1
60 PRINT "The score is now" X$ "to nothing"
70 GOTO 30

You've got all that you need for a riveting game of baseball. Go to it.