AMR Graphs: The 2012 National League (Part 2 of 4)

Today, we'll look at the NL. Here's yesterday's look at the AL.

These graphs show games above or below .500 at the conclusion of each game. So double-headers will show two markers, one above the other. I started each team off at 0 on the day preceding its first game.

National League Central

National League West

National League East

Colors (mostly) match official team colors as they are in Wikipedia.
I brightened the red for the Reds because that just looked too dark.
I guessed at the classic Houston Astros' Navy and Orange, taking them from Atlanta and the Giants, respectively.
I used the Phillies' accent Blue as the color of their pinstripes.
I made a bit of a camo pattern for the Padres with their regular sand and a lighter tint of the same hue.