WGOM Fitness: 4 February 2013, Three More

Since I last posted, I have worked out three more times. Recap after the break.

On Saturday, I did spin class, abbreviated. I had to take my daughter skating, so I cut off at 60 minutes out of 90. I didn't eat beforehand and I should have. I was really dragging and it wasn't very much fun.

On Sunday, my wife and I did Simply Strength class together. The instructor is really terrific and she mixes up the workouts every week. This week was 90 second intervals of repetitions with heavy than normal weights. It was a very hard workout and I still feel it as I write. I felt humbled by it, but I also recognize some progress. Man, I have a long, long way to go until I'm happy with myself there.

This morning, I did spin class again. The instructor on Monday mornings really focuses on form and technique and I felt like I benefitted from concentration on restricting movement to my lower body as much as possible. That makes the riding harder, of course, but hopefully also more beneficial.

On Sunday afternoon, I bought a heart rate monitor. I've been meaning to do that for some time, but I finally got it done. This monitor also estimates calories and collects data during the workout. This morning, I burned 743 calories, averaged 77% of maximum heart rate, with a maximum of 88%. I think that's working pretty hard and I wonder a little if that's not too hard.

3 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: 4 February 2013, Three More”

  1. I'm off to my second session with Mike. I took all weekend off, like he said, and it felt very weird. But I'm sure I'll be glad I did after I get done.

  2. I didn't get any formal workouts this week, but had some of my most active days this year according to my fitbit. So I guess I'll take it. Tomorrow I'm starting some strength training at home using no weights for the first time. Should be interesting.

  3. On Saturday in DC, I went to spinning at Sheenie's aunt's gym. It was beyond cramped and about fifteen degrees too warm, so it basically was the spinning equivalent to hot yoga. When I went back to spinning today at home, I could feel the effects from Saturday way more than usual.

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