
Visit to Dr. Fear this morning for annual checkup.

He said I was 8 lbs (128 oz, .57 stone, 3638 grams) over the last time I visited him.

Me: Really?

He:  Yeah.

I was heavily into marathon training at the time, so there's that, but I didn't think I had added so much.  Maybe it's muscle mass (swimming miles now, bike-century-training, etc.).

Or maybe it's time for (Monty Python Spanish Inquisition "Dah Nah!!") The Sacred Heart Memorial Cabbage Soup Recipe.

At pg. 435 in Ulysses, looking forward to the slim 300 pg. Pale Fire.


2 thoughts on “Check-up.”

  1. Later today heading up to North Shore to do the 17-mile in one day hike I couldn't do in June because of bad weather. It starts off with 1000 feet of elevation gain in the first 2.5 miles. That ain't easy to find in Minnesota.

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