October 21, 2016: Twists

The plan was to be into our home in about April or May, and now due to a fortunate set of circumstances, it could be as early as December or January. I cannot wait to be putting my money towards...you know, something.

20 thoughts on “October 21, 2016: Twists”

    1. Still Eagan, actually, but pretty far for still being in the same city. I guess the one thing I'm not thrilled about is getting the girls on a new bus schedule.

      We're moving into my mom and stepdad's place after they move out, and they have to homestead in the new place by December 1st or they get nailed with higher taxes next year. It's significant, so they're trying to speed things up to where they can make this happen.

  1. My outside temperature gauge right now reads 101. At least the Santa Ana winds have stopped blowing today and at least it cools off at night this time of year, but I'm looking forward to the time of year when I can start bragging about the weather.

      1. Ooooohhhhh, nevermind. I was thinking it was one of the sequels (which I still haven't seen), and I was thinking about Danny Glover. Don't mind me.

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