24 thoughts on “March 12, 2019: Scouting Report”

      1. As a Minnesotan now living betwixt the mud ducks and FIBs, I have come to the conclusion that FIBs are aggressive jerks, Minnesotans are oblivious, and Wisconsinites are a mixture of dicks and oblivious.

      1. That name rung a bell... My sister and I watched her in "Flash Forward" during my first summer home from college.
        I guess her first name stuck out because the mononymous singer was just getting popular, and I thought they looked similar.
        We both really liked the show, but we must have caught it part way through and I think it got shuffled around (maybe the new afternoon cartoons lineup came out and pushed it?).
        Wonder if it's streaming anywhere.

  1. I don't understand how broadcasters can look at Astudillo's name and think it's pronounced "a studio", but they keep doing it.

    1. Nor does Gameday. It's entertaining seeing it "freeze up" as it's slowly realizing that Jake Cave was missed as third out the inning before, and it was actually Tyler Austin that hit the HR. It's still trying to rewind the discrepancies.

  2. I found out that you can cancel the Twins season pass mid-season, but you can't re-subscribe. It would still be nice to be able to pick and choose which months you want throughout the season, but this is better than all-or-nothing. They bill you monthly and stop billing you when you cancel.

  3. HJ, you shared a Brandon Warne tweet in the intro, but his tweet one containing two "allegedly" never recorded Mitch Hedberg jokes?!

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