27 thoughts on “December 14, 2020: Cleveland Spiders”

  1. I'm all for two things: the Cleveland Spiders and the Cleveland Spiders being worse than the Twins.

    1. Cleveland had an early pro team called the Foresters, I could get behind that since nobody seems to like my Cleveland Riverfire suggestion.

      1. Foresters would be cool. The Cleveland team in the Anitquity league is the Stevedores, which would also be excellent.

  2. Has anyone else tried Duolingo? I just signed up this weekend so I could try to not forget what little Japanese I know.

    1. I spent a little time playing with it a few years ago before a trip to Montreal. I thought it was an effective brief introduction to French.
      I'm sure it has changed a lot since then.
      For some reason their owl is some sort of meme with the kids...something to do with stalking users to get them to do more lessons.

    2. On consecutive day 673 of Duolingo in German (had an 88-day streak going before that but travel...).

      Unmögliches Deutschland. Unwahrscheinlich Japan. (Wilco)

  3. My Pine Phone shipped today.

    One step closer to de-Googling my life. Once the phone is fully up and running as I'd like it, it's time to start letting people know about my new email address and changing over my logins.

    1. I'll be curious to see how that goes for you. I too am intrigued by de-googling, and have made some extremely early steps (most of my browsing is on duckduckgo, and such), but I'm quite a ways away from this.

      1. Me too. I’ve switched to brave with duck duck go as my search engine. The internet is a different place without as much google.

          1. Note that Brave only exists because of Google. It doesn't send anything to Google but will further their browser monopoly.

      2. To me, getting a cellphone that doesn't run Android is the first step.

        I already keep my location off*, but Google still collects so much other data.

        *cool thing about the Pine phone is that the location, Bluetooth. camera and microphone all have physical switches to turn them off completely.

  4. Today in a large team meeting on Microsoft Teams someone wrote a list with 1,2 3, and accidentally left the 3rd one blank. I responded with "4. Profit!" Nobody got it and now I feel old.

  5. cat talkingheads.txt | sed s/"its a nothing burger"/"there is no there there"/g > /dev/null

    1. I looked last night about 8pm...I assumed it would be easy to tell, but apparently I need to do more research on where I'm looking and when.

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