17 thoughts on “October 3, 2021: End Of The Road”

    1. I really, really want the Quadracard, but as long as the red Sox it Yankees lose today, at least SOME chaos is possible.

      Do your job, Nationals.

  1. I explained the wild card scenarios to the little one today, and he thinks they should play a four-way baseball game. Each team gets to hit off the other team's pitchers for 3 innings each.

    I think it could work.

    1. That would be really cool.

      When I was a little kid, our coach would sometimes have us play three-way games. One team would be at bat, one in the field, and one would sit until the half-inning (third-inning?) was over. Then we'd rotate.

  2. Last week HJ brought the hammer down on my team, boosting himself into the 1st place game, and dropping me into the 3rd place game. With a very good offensive day and a bad pitching day for his opponent, HJ has a shot at the victory. I'm currently leading my match, and unless things go tragically I think I'll pull it off. At least, that's the hope.

    Anyway, that's what I'm watching today.

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