February 24, 2022: A Belated Gong Xi Fa Cai

We ate at a dim sum type restaurant last night, and when some dumplings came out for the boy, I truly meant to say, "oh boy," but it came out, "oh bao." I mean, I guess.

13 thoughts on “February 24, 2022: A Belated Gong Xi Fa Cai”

    1. We now have a Paramount+ subscription for this and old Iron Chef episodes. Thankfully we were able to drop the Hulu-Disney bundle to remain neutral-ish on cost.

      1. I wonder how common hit-and-run subscriber behavior will become. Streaming facilitates binging. About the only programming barrier right now is live sports.

        Streamers will need to really up the long-term commitment discounts, I guess.

        1. Streaming companies are fighting back by releasing series year-round. The best way to stop people from canceling is "but X drops next month".

        2. It is a pretty big problem for streaming services

          And according to Deloitte

          Nearly half of millennials (47%) and 34% of Gen Z in the U.S. canceled and then resubscribed to the same streaming video service within the following 12 months, according to Deloitte’s latest “Digital Media Trends” study.

          I think it is one reason you see more services dropping episodes weekly instead of a single dump.

          (sorry for the big image, I'm an idiot on this platform)

          1. Whenever Yellowjackets Season 2 starts I am guess Showtime will see a big jump and then cancelation once it's done.

  1. At the Wolves game, a 25ish yo fan was asked to name as many movies as he could in 15 seconds. He was trying to name more than Jaylen Nowell. I bet if I asked everyone here to list 100 movies off the top of your head, not one would include the first movie he named.

    Actual Spoiler SelectShow

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