June 15, 2022: Update

The Tweeter machine keeps trying to get me to accept an update to their ToS. It's been going on for weeks. I always just restart/refresh the app/site. It says it took effect last Friday. I'm rolling dirty apparently.

21 thoughts on “June 15, 2022: Update”

  1. "Minor Details" is coming back, but it will take a couple more days off. First I had United Methodist Annual Conference, then I got sick. I'm better now, but am way behind on work, and so need a couple of days to catch up. Our target for the return of "Minor Details" is Friday.

      1. Thanks. I think I'll try to convince my District Superintendent that I'm allergic to Annual Conference, and so shouldn't have to go anymore.

  2. Operation: Ignore the Return to the Office policy is in danger. I got a call from my boss saying some people have complained that it isn't fair I'm still working from home because I was being open about it to most people. My thought was that this would inspire others to put pressure on management/HR to change their policy to something not stupid. Alas, the one time I'm not cynical about something. That said, my boss lives like two hours away so he also does not want to stop working remote. So he asked me to submit the days I want to work remote and when I'll be in the office (the absolute stupidest part of the policy) and that he prefers to take a hush, hush approach to following that plan. In fewer words, I just need to keep my mouth shut because there's no worker solidarity in this stupid country.

    1. Walker & his cronies in the Legislature stoked the politics of resentment well: rather than have public sector workers’ collective bargaining rights be the redoubt that protects labor rights across the state, people would rather all workers have no labor rights whatsoever.

      My colleagues have shown more solidarity on the remote work front, but I see mid-level administration (easily the most craven & corrupt at the institution) and “leadership” collectively working to roll back the advances forced upon them by the pandemic.

        1. I think that column gave me a brain drain, and considering the jejune ex-mayor still has a column in the local free weekly, I know of what I speak.

  3. man, I have a friend who lives on the west side of Madison that still has no power and the estimate they got is Friday for it to come back. Plus there's another storm rolling in tonight.

  4. Interesting math:

    $450,000 mortgage at 3% is $1,897.
    $316,500 mortgage at 6% is $1,897.

    It will be interesting to see how higher rates affect home prices.

      1. You'd think so, but it may just cause a lot of people to stay in their current houses longer as they can't move. That would keep supply lower and support prices.

        It will be interesting. I don't think it will be anything like 2008 where we had forced seeking by people who couldn't afford their current homes.

  5. I must have been out of it lately--I didn't even realize the Twins have a day game today!

  6. Guardians have played four doubleheaders yet the Twins have still played 7 more games.

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