24 thoughts on “January 14, 2023: Reward”

  1. I was wondering how two teams had an issue with Correa's ankle.

    The Athletic: Did the Mets later tell you the same thing?

    Correa: The Giants used an ankle specialist who didn’t pass me. Then the Mets used the same specialist, who obviously wasn’t going to pass me.

  2. We don't get MLK day off per se, but we get a couple of floating holidays so we can take it if we want to. I'm saving my PTO for a quick trip to Colorado in April, wedding-related tasks and obligations (niece in June, Elder Daughter in September), and some long weekend getaways this summer (North Shore, St. Louis, Chicago, and KC are contenders). Mrs. Twayn works for a bank, so no Fed, no work. Things have been interesting at my work this week, though. Since the acquisition closed we've had two marketing leads, now we're down to one. There were a few other departures from the department and some new positions announced. Most other departments already went through their post-close shakeouts, so I knew it was coming for us eventually. For me not much will change except I report to a new boss who was just promoted and who I first met a year ago when I started and get along with great. The new CMO is my old boss who hired me. Our one-woman-band designer is now running the whole art department. Our product marketing VP that I work with hand-in-glove has an expanded role. So from my perspective all the changes have been positive, but even good change can be a little unnerving.

        1. Interesting. Someone must have figured out the password for the parody account. I trashed the posts and reset the account's password but didn't write it down so it's effectively locked.

  3. Stuck, the second chapter: wake up at 530 am to a loud blast out front. Kinda wait around to see if there are the tell tale pop pop that generally indicates a shootout. Nope. Go back to bed, boyo. 15 minutes later the same loud blast. Bacon the cat is now very alert. Growling. Knows gunfire when she hears it. We both go up front. Nothing doing. Hum. Look at the just installed camera and see a dude running from the vacant lot across the street into a double. Huh. Very strange. Scrub the video and woah! Shit! Dude pulls out a shotgun and just shoots it randomly into the street. Holy smokes!!!!!! Eff me, call the cops?!?!?!? Call the cops!
    911 - “can you hold….”
    Me - “uh, guy shooting in the street”
    911 - “are you in danger?”
    Me - “uhhhhhjjjjkdj diabbdbfjnabdhwiebbdjn”.
    911 - “address?”
    Me - “2xxx block of ————- street, yellow house, double shot gun”
    911 - “two shotguns?”
    Me - “uh, no, just one gun shotgun, house is a double shotgun style home”

    Who’s on first.
    911 - “we’ll dispatch when we can”
    Me - “hey, I just heard another round being fired”

    Two knuckleheads are searching for something out in front of the house, they clearly fire a shotgun 5 times over an hour at random shit on my street. Finally, chucklehead #1 finds the keys to his car and drives off. Dude who lives at the house goes to bed. Then the

    3 hours later NOPD’s finest arrives, guns drawn. Get the dude out of bed, cuff him, find a firearm, and book him. But! They’re missing the other dude who was the one illegally discharging a firearm!!!



    Meeting a new realtor tomorrow. Eff my future financial self.

    1. I’m really sorry the circumstances are forcing you to investigate a move, but I’m with Corn — being alive to resent the cure is better than the alternative.

  4. After due diligence since March 2020, COVID has finally breached the perimeter and infiltrated our household. NBBW slept most of yesterday with a headache and some fever, then we both took the tests - she positive, me negative. I made a batch of homemade chicken soup with thyme for dinner yesterday, we'll see how that goes.

    1. Good luck Bo. As we’ve been saying for years (!) now, “I hope the symptoms aren’t too severe or after effects too lingering.”

    2. Sending well wishes! It might be worth looking into getting Paxlovid for NBBW, if you haven’t already done so. I feel like it helped me recover more quickly.

        1. NBBW got the paxlovid. Said it left a strange metallic taste in her mouth. An Rx friend suggested that she take it with a little milk. She's sleeping soundly now and seems to be recovering well.

  5. Friends of ours just got back from a week in Portugal, where they saw the sights and caught the COVID.

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