A few years back, my fair state cycled through their standard license plate format (AAA ###) and moved to a different one (AA ####). They seem to be just issuing them sequentially (AA ####, AB ####, etc.) and I've noticed that a few months ago, they got to my initials combination. Strangely though, I see it all the time now. I'd say in around 40-50% of my car trips, I see one. I was explaining this to Jane a few days ago while we were driving, and thankfully an example presented itself about 15 minutes later.

CT uses the same format. I've been on the lookout for a couple license plate variations now: one that is a multiple of 10,000, one that uses only a single digit in the number section, and numeric palindromes. I've seen at least one palindrome but so far I've not hit on the other two. The closest I witnessed was 40001 or only two digits used.
I also saw one ending in 70000 today on the way home. Not sure if I'd noticed that before (and maybe wouldn't have had you not mentioned it).
Saw another one on the way into work today.
The DG wave was a little strange for me.
-20 wind chill wasn't enough to cancel school around here.
It was here (well, -30 anyway). It was also enough to canceling curling tonight.
everything is canceled in Nola (likely for the rest of the week!!)
That's wild, stay safe with that, I know your infrastructure ain't exactly prepared for it but hopefully at least your power grid is.
btw, I never applied for this when we moved to MO, but I did see a pickup with BUM not long after moving here.
I don't know if this applies to the whole state, but they clearly send packs of 1000 (or whatever number near to 1000) plates to our local DMV offices, such that everyone who goes there gets the same three letters and then a different number combination. AAA000 - AAA999.
Living in a county with just 15,000 people means I see the same 3 or 4 license plate letter combos an awful lot.
I wonder if law enforcement finds that irritating?
Y'all, like a legit snowstorm is happening in New Orleans right now. Bananas.
My brother lives near Gulport Mississippi and he's got more snow on the ground now than I have had at my place all winter
Well and safe wishes aside, this is pretty rad:
Airboat? “Airtoboggan,” more like.yeah, that's pretty old school, but glad they can "enjoy" it down south a bit
MLB HOF annoucements tonight. Thoughts on if Ichiro makes it in unanimously?
Also Billy Wagner's last year? Does he make it? Any other surprises?
Ichiro! has been on all 201 public and 11 anonymous ballots so there's a chance he's also unanimous. Wagner is at 85% over the same count so I think he makes it. Sabathia and Beltrán also are above 80% so far so it could be a sizeable HoF class. Andruw Jones meanwhile is at 72% so he won't make it this year but seems set for next year.
One voter. Unbelievable.
Torii stick as around another year.
I can't type what I'm thinking because this is a family site
I'm sure we can fill in the blanks with our imaginations.
Private voters did not like Beltrán or Utley but did like Vizquel, K-Rod, and Hunter.
Beltran is deserving IMO, but suffers from lack of black ink, like a lot of players up-the-middle. The same is true for Andruw Jones and (to some degree) Kenny Lofton (where most of his black ink was in SB.)
Torii Hunter will spend more time on the ballot than Kenny Lofton or Johan Santana. Hunter received 20 votes while Lofton had 18 and Santana merely 10.
He does have a HOF-worthy smile. There’s a guaranteed 12 votes right there.
Kenny Lofton was just totally robbed. I guess small market plus overshadowed by bigger personalities on those good ‘90s Cleveland teams.
The 2013 BBWAA HoF voting was a travesty across the board. They elected zero players that year. BR lists ten of those players as Hall of Famers now (though a few are stretches). Even the following year, only elected three newcomers: Maddux, Glavine, and Thomas.
To be fair, the BBWAA has pushed for some welcome changes in the balloting that were refused by the Hall. They wanted all public ballots and the ability to vote for more. Instead, the Hall reduced the amount of time a player can be on the ballot.
Well, good reason that they're private, it seems.
where is LaVelle E Neal III vote? 😆
y'all. y'all!!! its still snowing. There is at least a foot of accumulation on the awing outside my window. This is crazy pants.