Tag Archives: bad ideas

Friday Music Day: WGOM Venn Diagrams

Pepper: I think I need a Venn diagram showing the extent of overlap  in the musical interests of [you, DK, and Daneeka's Ghost].

nibbish: I would actually like to see a vein diagram of a lot of the people at the WGOM. free and I would have two nearly distinct circles.

Pepper: You've still got  control of FMD, right? If you can find a way to get people to indicate what they like out of a list of 25 or so artists or songs, I bet there's a way to represent it in some sort of visual way.

Daneeka's Ghost: Come up with a list of 20 and then everyone gets to add 5 of their own that everyone gets to weigh in on.

It could quickly spiral into insanity or actually be really interesting. I'd volunteer my spreadsheet enthusiasm for this.

Sure. Why not?

In addition to your random 10's this week, go here. Put a checkmark next to an artist you enjoy, then add five more musics you enjoy at the end.