I wanted to do an update of the wgom predictions for the two-thirds mark, but boring story short, I won't be able to access my laptop until tonight (I'm on the iPad) so we'll do it later. Brad Peacock, just another guy you've never heard of, starts against Mike Pelfrey. Woooooo.
87 thoughts on “2013 Game 108: More Astros, Yaaaaay”
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I'm predicting a 10-7 win for the Twins today.
What ever happened to Mauer hitting second?
Mauer, someone who plays catcher, what's the difference?
No Doubters are fun.
Only 8 more to go!
Greetings from Target Field. Daughter and I are here. We enjoyed Morneau's HR. I totally called it. Now I have to buy cotton candy.
Pony up, Dad.
Not many "Spookyings" over the past couple of seasons.
Buy me an ice cream?
A Hunt jersey?
Malt cups have been acquired!
but are there wooden spoons?
so, this is not a lost season after all.
Did you get one for GreekHouse?
GH are you here?
No, you'll have to mail me my ice cream.
At first I read that as "Matt Capps has been acquired!"
way to run into a double play. ASTROS BASEBALL
I like how the pronunciation of Arcia's name has gone from "ar-SEEYA" to "AR-seea" back to "ar-SEEYA"
Soon to be "the baseball player formerly known as Arcia."
Oswaldo Ortiz
Rhymes with porno.
That's how I remember it.
My bad.
Joe Schultz!
I like how my google search box auto-completes "Joe Schultz" with "sh_____k"
this Bernier "kid" seems ok.
I know I'm not telling anyone anything new, but Twins starters really, really suck.
Forbidden Zone or Just Snark: You Decide.
Even more forbidden.
The best thing I can say about that is that it's not the worst thing I've ever seen.
whoa! nice play by Astros 3Bdude
On the stove top: 5.5 gallons of water is set to boil, with an additional gallon that is currently steeping grain. Yeast is activated, hops are portioned out, and a sierra nevada torpedo is in hand. I know that free loves this beer, and so do I.
yar, Torpedos away!
What are you making? An IPA?
Cheaps hooked me up with an IPA recipe. Should come in around 6ish %, with hops that are more on the piney / grassy side than the traditional west coast hop profile.
of course I didn't follow his directions because the local guys were out of a few things, but I have faith.
numnum. what hops?
I'm a big fan of floral character to an IPA (a la Lagunitas). But piney/grassy works too.
Marble IPA from Albuquerque was the inspiration, and they told me their go to was simcoe. Cheaps came up with a magnum base, willamette in the middle, and simcoe to finish. The guys were out of willamette and only had leaf magnum. So I went for simcoe as the bittering, summit and chinook 1/2 and 1/2 at 20 minutes and flame out. The thought here was that summit can produce some weird aromas (garlic / onion) if used in quantity at flameout. We'll see how this goes.
clap, clap, clapclapclap!
gotta leave in a couple minutes to shop for bathroom light fixtures and toilets with the mrs. Pray for me.
You should request putting in a urinal.
You can sell that if the wife does the toilet cleaning. Might as well shoot for a bidet, too.
This is turning into a mess.
Okay, that's how God Bless America should be sung.
did it start "Take me out to the ball game"?
Dick calls it, yay!
Where's Oswaldo?
Rounding third and heading for home.
He is a brown-eyed handsome man.
Oswaldo Porno!
Where's OsWaldo!
hustle double for Mauer. coolcoolcool
Mauer Speed engaged.
Joey Hustle!
now THAT a showoff double.
I've enjoyed spending the last hour on the phone with DirecTV after my FSN feed went out YET AGAIN.
You should punish them by not getting NFL Sunday Ticket.
Consider them punished.
Jake Elmore? Wasn't he in Blues Brothers?
I thought he wrote stories about Raylan Givens
L.J. Hoes full name is "Jerome O'Bryan Hoes"
And he didn't go by JO Hoes?!?!?!?!
JOB Hoes
Wasn't Nellie Bluth one of GOB's Hoes?
You may be thinking of Nately's ho.
She was one of George's escorts, the one that Michael thinks is his sister and brings in as a consultant.
well played
Puppies. Broom. Done.
+ aisle 4
Jamie Hirsch got to read the "Tweets of the Day" about Morneau. All three more or less said how awesome he was and how he shouldn't be traded.
dancing Astros

so hypnotizing
dancing even though they were swept. I'd bench them all.
dancin when your team is losing, thats a paddlin.
Good pitching and old Doctor Longball have been a winning formula forever. We're still on track for 102-60!