First Monday Book Day: Inheritance

Spent most of January reading N.K. Jemisin's Inheritance trilogy.

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - This was a re-read, but it was still really good. I still remembered so many of these characters even after 8 years between readings. Jemisin does a really great job in this series of writing gods that are almost human, but not quite.

The Broken Kingdoms - I was pretty pleased that this didn't just pick up where the first book left off.  Another cool expansion of the idea of gods and humans interacting, but not quite as amazing as book 1.

The Kingdom of Gods - I don't know what I think of this at this point.  In the moment of reading it, I felt like so much of the plot depended on new rules that the reader had no way of anticipating, but the farther I get from it, the more I appreciate it as a conclusion of the trilogy.  Not a book to read on its own, I guess, but one that fits the overall arc of the three books.

The Awakened Kingdom - (novella) - a fun little conclusion, but nowhere near the weight of the first three books.  It was fine.

Jemisin is really good in the longer novel-length stories.  I read her short story collection, How Long Till Black Future Month?, and the best stories read like short treatments of longer novels (and in multiple cases - they are exactly that - the plot of Broken Earth is there in one story, the plot of the Dreamblood books in another, and she keeps coming back to the ideas in the Great Cities series across multiple stories. I haven't yet regretted picking up a Jemisin novel, and this month did nothing to change that.

All the books I read in January:


So, which N.K. Jemisin series are you going to start in February?

Alternate question: What are you reading?

3 thoughts on “First Monday Book Day: Inheritance”

  1. Books bought/acquired in January:

    Bought three Graywolf press books:
    The Box by Mandy-Suzaane Wong
    Not a River by Selva Almada (translated by Annie McDermott)
    The Twilight Zone by Nora Fernandez (translated by Natasha Wimmer)

    Received a book as a birthday present
    James by Percival Everett

    My quest to read all of the books that I buy continues to mostly run in place (this month I read 4 books that I had previously bought, and then acquired 4 new ones)

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