2019 Home Run Challenge

Current Standings

1 point = Solo homer
2 points = Two-run homer
3 points = Three-run homer
5 points = Grand slam
10 points = in addition to above scoring, add ten if the player you pick is not in the starting lineup

x2 multiplier = Double that player's total if your player hits a second homer
x3 multiplier = Triple that player's total if your player hits a third homer
x4 multiplier = in effect only if you correctly predict two pre-game homers (can be same player). No points if both players don't do it.
x8 multiplier (i.e. September desperation move) = in effect only if you correctly predict three pre-game homers (can be combo of same or different players).  No points unless all make it.


Each Citizen can make one in-game call per night (in addition to your pre-game pick) in where you predict a homer right before it happens.

10 points = Correctly announce a Spooky (don't get additional points or multipliers from above--this is a flat score)
-1 points = If the player you Spooky strikes out you lose a point
-5 points = If the player you Spooky hits into a double play you lose five points

Inside The Park Homerun

If in the rare event the player you pick hits an inside-the-parker, the next game you will be allowed to select 6 players pre-game and get all the points they each get individually

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.