Tag Archives: Translated Literature

First Monday Book Day: Inconsistency

At the end of 2017, I read Autumn by Ali Smith and really enjoyed it.  It was the first book of a planned quartet named after each season, and I made a mental note to keep an eye out for the other books in the series.

A few years later, I was in a bookshop in White Bear Lake and I saw they had multiples of the other books in the series - I hadn't gotten around to keeping up with the books, so I had still only read one book and bought another, so I picked up two books from the store and then eventually realized that at this point I had two copies of Winter and no copies of Spring. Understandably, this did not inspire me to finish reading this set of books.

So now it's 2024, and I'm trying to read the books on my shelf, but I still have an incomplete mish-mash of books from this series.  But!  I was in Half-Price Books and Spring was on the shelves, but it was the hardcover, and my other three books were paperback.  The header image gives away my decision, but I did have to take a moment and think about whether the matching set was important, or was a complete set enough for me?

So far, this set hasn't been too off-putting, so I'm happy with my decision.  Now I just have to get around to reading these.

I read one of the books that I bought last month, and bought two more books this month:

Spring by Ali Smith - see above
Pnin by Vladmir Nabokov - see below

I also read two books that have been on my shelves for a while, so it's another month where small progress is being made toward having read most books in my house.

One of those books was The Remembered Part by Rodrigo Fresan.  See the picture above and explain to me why the publisher didn't keep books 2 and 3 of this trilogy consistent in design?  It's fine. I'm trying not to be bothered by it.

Reading this book was an experience.  800 pages that all take place in the mind of the character as they think about literature and life and culture.  It's not an exciting read, and it takes some time to accept the fact that although there are recurring events, there is no plot and there are no answers coming.  Fresan is incredible at keeping countless plates spinning as we cartwheel through the mental carnival of the narrator, and as I got closer and closer to the end I realized that I was going to miss sitting down and spending 30 or 40 pages in the head of the narrator every day.

The book is nominally about memory, but it's also about Dracula and 2001: A Space Odyssey and about fatherhood.  I really enjoyed it, but I am positive that this is a book that is impossible to recommend.  Read the whole trilogy if you want almost 2000 pages of rumination.

For about 200 pages in the middle of the book Fresan goes on a digression about Nabokov, the narrator's favorite writer.  I remember reading an excerpt of Pnin in an issue of The New Yorker that was in my landlady's house way back in grad school and liking it, so inspired a little bit by Fresan, I bought that book as well, and since I'm missing that dense, fully crafted style of The Remembered Part, maybe I can get a shorter shot of it from Nabokov.

What have you read?  What are you about to read?  What book series do you have that don't quite make up a matched set of consistent design or format?