I will spend all day giving long, rambling interviews in Macho Man Randy Savage's voice. For the rest of the week, I assume I won't be able to talk.
75 thoughts on “May 21, 2011: Oooooh Yeah”
Here's the info I gave on the Facebook event page regarding the June 5th ballgame in KC, for anyone who didn't see it there and were interested:
We will be in section 242, row KK, if you want to try coordinate seats. As far as the tailgating, would it work if I give out my cellphone #, and people call when they get there to find out where in the lot we're parked?
I'm interested. Who else is attending?
I'm in. I'm pretty sure The Dread Pirate and his wife and Mr. & Mrs. Big Mak are all coming too
You're not on the WGOM Facebook distribution? You didn't get an invite??
I think I joined post-invite. I don't check Facebook very often so I could have easily missed it.
not sure which Sean you are on FB...
The faceless one.
peckish jane wanted a nightlight. so, naturally, i went out and got her the very best:
The very same one that I gave Runner daughter for her birthday last year. Excellent choice. And while you're at it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.
Is this a reference to something I am missing? Either way cool night light.
it's a blue canary in the outlet by the light switch.
Blue Canary huh. Thank goodness for Urban Dictionary:
Firefighter slang for a police officer at a fire or accident involving hazardous materials. Usualy it's because cops will approach the scene without any breathing apparatus or protective gear. When you see the cop keel over, call the mop and glow squad and get the hell out!
Happy Relegation Day Day Before Relegation Day everyone! Sometimes these scraps to stay up are more interesting than the title race. Blackburn, Blackpool, Wigan, Birmingham, and Wolves are all in danger. 3 safe spots for 5 teams. This should be riveting.
Edit: Well crap, all the games are tomorrow. I was all jacked up for nothing.
Better one day early than one day late.
I thought today was "relegation day"????1!!!111one111!!!
Yeah, I've been getting way into this in my first full season of following the league religiously. I'm a little bummed that all of tomorrow's games are on at the same time, but I can't deny that it makes sense.
I want Blackburn and Birmingham to join West Ham, if only for their tepid form in the final third of the season.
Wolves, Blackpool, and Wigan then would beat the relegation hammer.
Of those 3, I only really care about Wolves and Blackpool beating the drop. Wolves are just too good to go down in my opinion, and Blackpool needs the money to do things like improve their ground and hire somebody to clean uniforms so they don't have the distinction as the only team in the league where players have to take care of that themselves.
Blackpool's in trouble. They're one of the three teams that's down a point, and they're at Man U. I guess Man U could phone it in if they felt like it, but I think it would be pretty bonery of them to play as champions in front of their home fans and give no effort.
The other two 39-point teams are at Tottenham and Stoke, so it's an uphill battle for all of them. A draw might be enough to stick around.
What Blackpool has in their favor is that ManU already has the title locked up and the Champions League final is next week. They'll probably play a team featuring Scholes and Obertan instead of their best XI.
Just played MLB 2K9 for the Wii. Liriano with a two-hitter and 19 Ks, no walks against the A's. He struck out the side in the ninth, so no real drama. [Redacted] with a two-out, two-run double in the seventh for the only runs. I had gotten the game about six months ago, but couldn't figure out the hitting. Just now starting to get it. I'm having Span, Casilla and Gomez bunt every time for hits. Got three in the game, but none figured in the scoring. I wish they would let The Show be made for the Wii. It will be awhile before I go to a PS3 (we have a PS2).
I don't see Sony letting go of that exclusive property...and The Show, with all its memory, would probably be molasses on the Wii unless they really stripped it down like they do for the PSP.
I bought that for PC but never played it because they didn't even bother re-writing the key assignments in the manual.
This led to about 20 minutes of frustration, and I never went back to it since.
I do too, although I'd warn to other clickers that the comments section gets way more into the forbidden than the story warrants.
Thanks. I didn't read the comments (I rarely do, other than here) so I didn't notice that.
I rarely do as well; this site gives me more than enough and it never leaves me angry. I only did so over there because I didn't recognize the site.
I just want to re-iterate Spooky's point about not reading the comments. Two questions came up when I did that very thing: "WTF?" and "why do I read this stuff?"
It's always blown my mind that there are people who think that every single news story is a legitimate chance to espouse their political leanings, to the point where they'll find the political in the unpolitical. "A new species of giant squid was found? Well, [x] being [in political position y] is ruining our country."
Tell me about it. Being in Wisconsin right now is making that phenomenon far more pronounced.
That is amazing! I can imagine Scott Baker being a journalist in the offseason, but this was just published yesterday!
Home improvement update: Meat 1, Shelf Paper 2 at the end of two and a half*.
*Cans of klean strip ks-3 premium. This stuff is so powerful it could strip the dirty thoughts from a teenage boy's head. And it gives a you a wicked buzz.
Day two is finished. Somewhere down the line the family that lived here decided to use the faux wood contact paper to give their cabinets a quick and painless makeover. Subsequent homeowners decided to just go ahead and paint over this faux wood finish with any number of different kind of paints. While stripping this shit off I have come across several color schemes, and have finally gotten 75% of surfaces back to bare wood. I'm not sure why anyone ever covered up these cabinets in the first place, but now their so badly abused that all I can do is prime them and paint them. A shame for sure.
Shelf paper 3, meat 1.
Tomorrow I'll have victory.
paint over nice wood almost always makes me cry.
Apologies if I missed the discussion, but this is ripe for the property rights lawyers in the Nation.
Mr. Whitmill designed the tattoo for Mr. Tyson, called it “tribal tattoo,” and claims it as a copyrighted work.
He has gone to Federal District Court in St. Louis to ask a judge to stop Warner Brothers Entertainment from using the tattoo in its posters or in the movie, which would amount to stopping the film from being released, as well as to demand monetary damages for what he calls “reckless copyright infringement” by the studio.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution
“The Congress shall have Power… To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries…”
All I'm going to say is this: the policy objective of having Copyright is to To promote the Progress of Science. Of course! That tattoo must be protected for 70 years after the artist has died!
(Oh, and fair use, asshole.)
are you suggesting that works of art should not be protected by copyright, or that this isn't a work of art?
I guess I could see an argument that his design was being ripped off for financial gain by the film makers. But would film makers be obligated to compensate a modern sculptor or portrait artist for depicting or transforming their works in a film? What about something an Andy Warhol portrait that was transformed into wallpaper or toilet paper or summat in a film?
What if a company sold teeshirts with the tattoo design silkscreened on? would that be a violation of copyright?
I am suggesting that this is fair use and that the copyright term is ridiculously long. I am also suggesting that there are a whole lot of things protected by copyright that have absolutely nothing to do with the promotion of the progress of science.
I should say that I would imagine that it is parody and thus fair use. I haven't seen the movie. Also, I imagine that the studio will pay this guy a million dollars or some such to have him go away.
The commercials, and the fact that it was done in the first place after Tyson was used in the first film, seem to make it a pretty clear parody. This should be laughed out of court.
yea, I'm guessing parody as well, although the marketing of the film might be a different issue. But did you read the terms on the contract Tyson allegedly signed with the guy? he seemed to think that he would own any PHOTOGRAPHS taken of Tyson's face....
The complaint includes a photograph of the tattoo being inked and a statement from Mr. Tyson agreeing that “all artwork, sketches and drawings related to my tattoo and any photographs of my tattoo are property” of Mr. Whitmill’s business.
If I take a photograph of Tyson, he owns it? Bullshit. I took the picture! It's mine! Tyson can't assign my rights!
Consider this: the term for a patent is 20 years, max. Patent owners have to pay fees three times over the term of the patent or the patent will go expired. Copyright has a term of life plus 70! If this artist lives another 40 years, the term of that tattoo design, assuming it's copyrightable will be about 120 years. He didn't have to pay a fee. He doesn't even have to register it until he had an infringer (he'd have to register to file suit). Good Lord. It's ridiculous.
In the old days, you had to register for a copyright and you got 14 years, plus an option to renew for another 14 years. That's the way it should be now. Instead, we have instanteous rights assigned with no actual work needed to establish or maintain the right, a right that effectively lasts FOREVER. I think it's absolutely ridiculous.
I would have a good laugh if someone could produce a very similar tattoo that was older than Tyson's.
I find it hilarious anyone is claiming this for a "tribal" tattoo.
This is a chance for every tribe in the world to come forward and say "Uh, that thing is an abomination."
Impressed w/ length of comment. Also Dido.
In other news: Code words are fun.
You'd be surprised how much fun safe words are too.
Me vs. the Computer, Day 1. I brought home a Windows XP cd and tried to boot the machine with it. It's a "setup" CD. Anyway, I was able to boot to the setup environment, then go the "repair console" route far enough to see my C:\ drive (in a command line environment). I ran chkdsk with the /r option, which took most of the night.
Unfortunately, the machine still did not recognize the existence of the second (data) hard drive, nor would it recognize my USB external hard drive.
and after running chkdsk and rebooting, I kept getting a "NTLDR NOT FOUND" message and the machine wouldn't even boot to the CD.
next step -- I brought in an older desktop machine that we hadn't used for ~2 years. I'm running updates on it, then I will pull the data drive from the first machine to see whether the second machine will let me access it. If so, I'll back it up to the external drive, then repeat with the system drive from the first machine. Failing either of those will lead me to the freezer method.
The Windows XP CD is probably too old to recognize the peripherals. You have to use either an updated XP CD or a Linux live CD in order for everything to be recognized.
Second using an Ubuntu Live CD.
the machine is a Dell Optiplex GX260 -- ~4 years old, and the cd is for XP w/SP3. But I'll look into the Linux ideas if I strike out on the other strategies. Thanks, gentlemen.
Joe was right, he isn't out with bi-lateral leg weakness. He is just a baby and has Benjamin Button disease
photo used with permission by me.
*dials Family Services*
I hope sideburn tattoos aren't copyrighted.
*dials a daytime talk show, 'cause there's money to be made*
No, those are real.
(stands in the corner with the other envious girl dads)
I'm about to start a second draft on a screenplay, and I've sent out a call for a tiny bit of help from a couple of citizens, among other people. In short, I provided my script's main story in a couple of sentences, and asked "Given that this is the main story of this script, what questions would you need to see answered?" If anyone wants to take a look, send me an email at foreverunchanged at gmail. I might bother y'all on a CoC in the future, too, because if I'm going to be in the biz, I might as well learn how to abuse power.
hit me up.
If you ever need people to drool about the accuracy of UNIX in your movies, I'm your man.
I might be interested, too, spooks, if only to provide the insight from the geek spectrum missing from your other helpers.
Well, it was Tron: Legacy to be more precise. One of the CG guys involved in the movie talks about some of it.
I probably don't need to mention this, but the Cubs-Red Sox broadcast is very insufferable.
Did you know that the two teams you mentioned hadn't played in Fenway Park against each other in quite some time? In fact, way back then, people were dying from the flu! The flu! I jest you not. And guess what? Women couldn't vote! HAHahahahha. Man, they don't make 'em like they used to, huh?
And about to ban alcohol.
Why weren't those pansy-asses over in Europe killing Germans? Huh?? Why?
The owner of the card shop near me had a relative (aunt? don't remember) that was born like 30 days after the last Cubs WS appearance, and recently died at 103. It just slays him that she never saw the Cubs in the WS during her long life.
Here's the info I gave on the Facebook event page regarding the June 5th ballgame in KC, for anyone who didn't see it there and were interested:
I'm interested. Who else is attending?
I'm in. I'm pretty sure The Dread Pirate and his wife and Mr. & Mrs. Big Mak are all coming too
You're not on the WGOM Facebook distribution? You didn't get an invite??
I think I joined post-invite. I don't check Facebook very often so I could have easily missed it.
not sure which Sean you are on FB...
The faceless one.
peckish jane wanted a nightlight. so, naturally, i went out and got her the very best:

The very same one that I gave Runner daughter for her birthday last year. Excellent choice. And while you're at it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.
Is this a reference to something I am missing? Either way cool night light.
it's a blue canary in the outlet by the light switch.
Blue Canary huh. Thank goodness for Urban Dictionary:
Via Urban Dictionary
I also tried http://bluecanarynightlight.com/ but the website was down . . .
(on a related note, I think Runner daughter is buying us tickets for my birthday when TMBG is here in September)
I think they should replace the stiff arm with the duck.
Just another money grab.
how about a stiff arming duck?
I wants me some bacon hot sauce!
I want that table with axe handles for legs.
The VW microbus tent is pretty cool, too.
Relegation DayDay Before Relegation Day everyone! Sometimes these scraps to stay up are more interesting than the title race. Blackburn, Blackpool, Wigan, Birmingham, and Wolves are all in danger. 3 safe spots for 5 teams. This should be riveting.Edit: Well crap, all the games are tomorrow. I was all jacked up for nothing.
Better one day early than one day late.
I thought today was "relegation day"????1!!!111one111!!!
Yeah, I've been getting way into this in my first full season of following the league religiously. I'm a little bummed that all of tomorrow's games are on at the same time, but I can't deny that it makes sense.
I want Blackburn and Birmingham to join West Ham, if only for their tepid form in the final third of the season.
Wolves, Blackpool, and Wigan then would beat the relegation hammer.
Of those 3, I only really care about Wolves and Blackpool beating the drop. Wolves are just too good to go down in my opinion, and Blackpool needs the money to do things like improve their ground and hire somebody to clean uniforms so they don't have the distinction as the only team in the league where players have to take care of that themselves.
Blackpool's in trouble. They're one of the three teams that's down a point, and they're at Man U. I guess Man U could phone it in if they felt like it, but I think it would be pretty bonery of them to play as champions in front of their home fans and give no effort.
The other two 39-point teams are at Tottenham and Stoke, so it's an uphill battle for all of them. A draw might be enough to stick around.
What Blackpool has in their favor is that ManU already has the title locked up and the Champions League final is next week. They'll probably play a team featuring Scholes and Obertan instead of their best XI.
Just played MLB 2K9 for the Wii. Liriano with a two-hitter and 19 Ks, no walks against the A's. He struck out the side in the ninth, so no real drama. [Redacted] with a two-out, two-run double in the seventh for the only runs. I had gotten the game about six months ago, but couldn't figure out the hitting. Just now starting to get it. I'm having Span, Casilla and Gomez bunt every time for hits. Got three in the game, but none figured in the scoring. I wish they would let The Show be made for the Wii. It will be awhile before I go to a PS3 (we have a PS2).
I don't see Sony letting go of that exclusive property...and The Show, with all its memory, would probably be molasses on the Wii unless they really stripped it down like they do for the PSP.
I bought that for PC but never played it because they didn't even bother re-writing the key assignments in the manual.
This led to about 20 minutes of frustration, and I never went back to it since.
I think this is pretty amazing.
I do too, although I'd warn to other clickers that the comments section gets way more into the forbidden than the story warrants.
Thanks. I didn't read the comments (I rarely do, other than here) so I didn't notice that.
I rarely do as well; this site gives me more than enough and it never leaves me angry. I only did so over there because I didn't recognize the site.
I just want to re-iterate Spooky's point about not reading the comments. Two questions came up when I did that very thing: "WTF?" and "why do I read this stuff?"
It's always blown my mind that there are people who think that every single news story is a legitimate chance to espouse their political leanings, to the point where they'll find the political in the unpolitical. "A new species of giant squid was found? Well, [x] being [in political position y] is ruining our country."
Tell me about it. Being in Wisconsin right now is making that phenomenon far more pronounced.
That is amazing! I can imagine Scott Baker being a journalist in the offseason, but this was just published yesterday!
Home improvement update: Meat 1, Shelf Paper 2 at the end of two and a half*.
*Cans of klean strip ks-3 premium. This stuff is so powerful it could strip the dirty thoughts from a teenage boy's head. And it gives a you a wicked buzz.
Day two is finished. Somewhere down the line the family that lived here decided to use the faux wood contact paper to give their cabinets a quick and painless makeover. Subsequent homeowners decided to just go ahead and paint over this faux wood finish with any number of different kind of paints. While stripping this shit off I have come across several color schemes, and have finally gotten 75% of surfaces back to bare wood. I'm not sure why anyone ever covered up these cabinets in the first place, but now their so badly abused that all I can do is prime them and paint them. A shame for sure.
Shelf paper 3, meat 1.
Tomorrow I'll have victory.
paint over nice wood almost always makes me cry.
Apologies if I missed the discussion, but this is ripe for the property rights lawyers in the Nation.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution
“The Congress shall have Power… To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries…”
All I'm going to say is this: the policy objective of having Copyright is to To promote the Progress of Science. Of course! That tattoo must be protected for 70 years after the artist has died!
(Oh, and fair use, asshole.)
are you suggesting that works of art should not be protected by copyright, or that this isn't a work of art?
I guess I could see an argument that his design was being ripped off for financial gain by the film makers. But would film makers be obligated to compensate a modern sculptor or portrait artist for depicting or transforming their works in a film? What about something an Andy Warhol portrait that was transformed into wallpaper or toilet paper or summat in a film?
What if a company sold teeshirts with the tattoo design silkscreened on? would that be a violation of copyright?
I am suggesting that this is fair use and that the copyright term is ridiculously long. I am also suggesting that there are a whole lot of things protected by copyright that have absolutely nothing to do with the promotion of the progress of science.
I should say that I would imagine that it is parody and thus fair use. I haven't seen the movie. Also, I imagine that the studio will pay this guy a million dollars or some such to have him go away.
The commercials, and the fact that it was done in the first place after Tyson was used in the first film, seem to make it a pretty clear parody. This should be laughed out of court.
yea, I'm guessing parody as well, although the marketing of the film might be a different issue. But did you read the terms on the contract Tyson allegedly signed with the guy? he seemed to think that he would own any PHOTOGRAPHS taken of Tyson's face....
If I take a photograph of Tyson, he owns it? Bullshit. I took the picture! It's mine! Tyson can't assign my rights!
Consider this: the term for a patent is 20 years, max. Patent owners have to pay fees three times over the term of the patent or the patent will go expired. Copyright has a term of life plus 70! If this artist lives another 40 years, the term of that tattoo design, assuming it's copyrightable will be about 120 years. He didn't have to pay a fee. He doesn't even have to register it until he had an infringer (he'd have to register to file suit). Good Lord. It's ridiculous.
In the old days, you had to register for a copyright and you got 14 years, plus an option to renew for another 14 years. That's the way it should be now. Instead, we have instanteous rights assigned with no actual work needed to establish or maintain the right, a right that effectively lasts FOREVER. I think it's absolutely ridiculous.
I would have a good laugh if someone could produce a very similar tattoo that was older than Tyson's.
I find it hilarious anyone is claiming this for a "tribal" tattoo.
This is a chance for every tribe in the world to come forward and say "Uh, that thing is an abomination."
Impressed w/ length of comment. Also Dido.
In other news: Code words are fun.
You'd be surprised how much fun safe words are too.
Me vs. the Computer, Day 1. I brought home a Windows XP cd and tried to boot the machine with it. It's a "setup" CD. Anyway, I was able to boot to the setup environment, then go the "repair console" route far enough to see my C:\ drive (in a command line environment). I ran chkdsk with the /r option, which took most of the night.
Unfortunately, the machine still did not recognize the existence of the second (data) hard drive, nor would it recognize my USB external hard drive.
and after running chkdsk and rebooting, I kept getting a "NTLDR NOT FOUND" message and the machine wouldn't even boot to the CD.
next step -- I brought in an older desktop machine that we hadn't used for ~2 years. I'm running updates on it, then I will pull the data drive from the first machine to see whether the second machine will let me access it. If so, I'll back it up to the external drive, then repeat with the system drive from the first machine. Failing either of those will lead me to the freezer method.
The Windows XP CD is probably too old to recognize the peripherals. You have to use either an updated XP CD or a Linux live CD in order for everything to be recognized.
Second using an Ubuntu Live CD.
the machine is a Dell Optiplex GX260 -- ~4 years old, and the cd is for XP w/SP3. But I'll look into the Linux ideas if I strike out on the other strategies. Thanks, gentlemen.
Joe was right, he isn't out with bi-lateral leg weakness. He is just a baby and has Benjamin Button disease
photo used with permission by me.
*dials Family Services*
I hope sideburn tattoos aren't copyrighted.
*dials a daytime talk show, 'cause there's money to be made*
No, those are real.
(stands in the corner with the other envious girl dads)
I'm about to start a second draft on a screenplay, and I've sent out a call for a tiny bit of help from a couple of citizens, among other people. In short, I provided my script's main story in a couple of sentences, and asked "Given that this is the main story of this script, what questions would you need to see answered?" If anyone wants to take a look, send me an email at foreverunchanged at gmail. I might bother y'all on a CoC in the future, too, because if I'm going to be in the biz, I might as well learn how to abuse power.
hit me up.
If you ever need people to drool about the accuracy of UNIX in your movies, I'm your man.
Hey, it worked for Tron!
And Jurassic Park!
(btw, it's cron, not Tron)
I might be interested, too, spooks, if only to provide the insight from the geek spectrum missing from your other helpers.
Well, it was Tron: Legacy to be more precise. One of the CG guys involved in the movie talks about some of it.
I probably don't need to mention this, but the Cubs-Red Sox broadcast is very insufferable.
Did you know that the two teams you mentioned hadn't played in Fenway Park against each other in quite some time? In fact, way back then, people were dying from the flu! The flu! I jest you not. And guess what? Women couldn't vote! HAHahahahha. Man, they don't make 'em like they used to, huh?
And about to ban alcohol.
Why weren't those pansy-asses over in Europe killing Germans? Huh?? Why?
The owner of the card shop near me had a relative (aunt? don't remember) that was born like 30 days after the last Cubs WS appearance, and recently died at 103. It just slays him that she never saw the Cubs in the WS during her long life.