59 thoughts on “December 2, 2011: Nutcracker”

  1. I think Kernel is on the same path. On the way to daycare Tuesday, I had NPR on and she wasn't digging it - squawking and getting fussier by the moment. I clicked over to 93X right in the middle of Black Hole Sun and she instantly settled down. I turned it down she was actually singing* along with the music. As a test, I turned to kfan and she almost immediately got worked back up. Over to KQ and some Buffalo Springfield and she settled down. I know it's not very "scientific", but I think she prefers rock to talk on the radio.

    *cooing, humming, etc......you know, whatever sound it is that 3-month-olds make when they're singing.

  2. According to my calendar, the new header isn't completely accurate, as 2011 is actually not over yet. Half-baked!

  3. Did I miss the reforming of the Basket and Ball Guys WGOM hoops league? I feel like rob or someone probably put it together already. If not, please mark me down for a spot so I can over draft Rubio by four rounds.

    1. I thought the re-establishing of the league was scrapped when the season was in doubt. But sign me up, too, if we wanna do this thing again.

      1. yeah, i'll join if whomever gets it together.

        looks like yickit did it last time. give me a second and i'll whip something up...

      1. I may, then trade him to Buffalo for way more than he's worth. I think I did that last year with Beasley.

              1. I got a non-basketball fan at work to watch youtube clips of Rubio on break today. I have at least one less person at work who makes fun of me for being excited about Ricky Rubio now.

    2. My team will be headlined by BAJ, with a nice supporting cast of Kandi, Szczrzdgbiak, Ndudi, Madsen, etc.

      1. we're you going to put something together? i thought that was baseball... if so, sorry. you're more than welcome to take over this one.

        1. No, I wasn't, and am glad you took over. I was just responding to the hitman's comment, above. I am more than happy to just be a participant, since (even after 2 or 3 seasons) I know virtually nothing about basketball.

  4. Normally I don't get too worked up one way or another about my clients. It's their lives; I'm just here to help them if I can. So I rarely ever blame myself if something doesn't work out. Right now I got three clients who were at risk of being homeless next week and this morning I have secured housing for all three of them through the holidays. I am super pumped.

  5. Sheenie ate dinner at the table next to Will Ferrell and his mother last night. The most famous person I've ever encountered at a restaurant in NOLA was Dick Enberg at Cafe du Monde (the day* before AP ran for approximately 4,000 yards).

    *aka my wedding day

  6. The first Thursday of the month being the first day of the month messed me up on a classic album review. I'll get one out next week. (Don't worry Bootsy, it won't be American Thighs, or Weezer for that matter.)

      1. The only category I feel versed in enough to comment on is the Rap album category. Tha Carter IV was pretty boring, I'd hardly call Pink Friday a rap album (which is unfortunate because I really enjoy Nicki's rapping), MBDTF is decent but it's too long and overproduced, Watch the Throne is pretty good but I liked other stuff more. I didn't listen to Lasers since I'm not too fond of Lupe Fiasco.

        So I guess what I'm saying is way to blow it, Grammys.

    1. I've been meaning to mention how much I like your classic album reviews. I think it is because we have fairly similar taste but you are a little older so you were at a different stage of life when they came out. When you relate the albums to your life it provides a different viewpoint of an album than I had had before.


  7. This totally would not surprise me if it was the Twins. Especially since there's so little information being leaked.

    1. Yep. Just updated. I just saw this as well from LEN3:

      The Twins are interested in signing lefthanded starter Chris Capuano, 33, who won 18 games in 2005 with Milwaukee but endured two Tommy John elbow surgeries before going 11-12 with a 4.55 ERA with the Mets last season.

      1. Once upon a time, I wanted to become a copyright lawyer. It certainly would've been an interesting field to get into in the last couple of years, when I would've finished school.

    1. the late great tv show 'Sports Night' said it best

      Isaac: Someone holds the copyright to "Happy Birthday"?
      Dan Rydell: The representatives of Patty and Mildred Hill.
      Isaac: Took two people to write that song?
      Dan Rydell: Go figure.

    2. I hope they don't own the phrase "Happy Birthday", too. If they do, I'm getting everyone here in big trouble!

  8. Rumor has it the Twins are talking to Edwin Jackson and Jeff Francis. Jackson is one of those players who seems older than he actually is, given that he's already played for six different teams in his career, but next year is only his age 28 season. He's a Boras client, which means he won't come cheaply, but then again, he has a career 4.34 FIP and 1.476 WHIP. Francis has been slightly better, at 4.40 FIP and 1.430 WHIP, but he's three years older than Jackson. Slowey, who will likely cost less than either of those two, is significantly better (4.24 FIP, 1.295 WHIP), but he has thrown even 160 innings in a season exactly once. Of the three, Jackson seems the most likely to reach 200+ IP, but he throws a fair number of sliders (25.8% over nearly 1100 innings), which could mean future elbow trouble.

    1. My vote would be Jeff Francis. I think he would be noticeably cheaper per season plus require fewer years of commitment. The Royals signed him to a one-year, $2 million contract last year and I don't see much that says this year will be any different. Jackson, meanwhile, would probably require a minimum of three years.

    2. I support Edwin Jackson because he was born in Neu Ulm, Germany.
      1. He and Gardy would share German birth.
      2. Player from New Ulm > Player from Neu Ulm > Player from Ulm >>>>> Player from anywhere else. (Everything else being equal.)

  9. I think I just had the worst puke I've had in 15 years, and it lasted at least five minutes. I'd forgotten what it was like.

    I have a 7am morning meeting tomorrow that's about 90 minutes long. I don't know whether to call in sick and spare everyone, or go there and not have everyone assuming I just wanted to miss what is indeed our most soul-crushingly boring and mostly pointless event. Argh.

    1. Who cares what they think. Don't go through that without at least being able to take advantage of a silver lining.

      1. That's my essential feeling, and it's made easier by the fact that I'll be taking a leave of absence in two(?) months to shoot the series anyway, but having to do this within a few weeks of being in the store...meh, I just know they won't buy it. Well, whatever. It's 3:30am and I've been tossing for the last hour, my head is swimming and my joints are killing me, so I really had no choice here.

        1. Too late to change your plans, but you should text them a photo of the toilet filled with puke.

    1. My brother sent me a link to this vid about a year ago- I was really hoping to see something more exciting in it.

      1. I think time-lapse would suffice. Show us in one minute.
        It is cool, just that the first step proves that it'll work, and the rest is repitition (I assume, I jumped to the end).
        Like my dad said to me: if you can swim without touching the bottom, it doesn't matter if it's one foot to the bottom, or 50 feet.

        1. Yep. When I saw 9+ minutes on the timer, I figured the excavator had to fall down or break or something. Not that it wasn't neat, but I wasted 7-8 minutes on it that I could have wasted looking at the next couple of YouTube videos.

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