The Rolling Stones – Going To A Go Go

tonight's the company holiday party. i'm on the "party committee" simply so i can influence things for my own maximum enjoyment. anyway, before joining my current corporate company, i worked pretty much exclusively in restaurants and bars. my current company, by far, throws the most fancy, lavish, distinguished, and expensive (i know our budget) parties i've ever been party to. yet, they are also the most boring holiday parties i've attended by far. ah well. i can still make some fun of it.


2 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 102 votes, average: 6.50 out of 10 (2 votes, average: 6.50 out of 10)
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8 thoughts on “The Rolling Stones – Going To A Go Go”

  1. I believe that surveys pretty consistently show that employees would rather have a bonus or time off than a employer-paid holiday party. Me, I think they provide employees with an avenue for b!tching.

    1. We do holiday parties (they vary by location) but I have to say, they're always done well. The stores give away a lot of prizes in a raffle - I got my first digital camera and second PS3 this way - and generally the venue is a bowling alley or something, with no structure and few rules besides "No alcoholic beverages until the company-sponsored portion of the evening concludes."

      1. At our parties, for about 80-90, we each get two drink tickets. I know some non-drinkers and a senior staff member I know often gets extras. We had our party at Hell's Kitchen on Wednesday. We had lunch and a band play and a comedian. I had a Furious, a Summit Winter, a Lagunitas IPA, and a Central Waters Imperial Stout.

        Overall, I've really enjoyed our holiday parties (with two exceptions): they've helped increase office camaraderie. While if given the choice I'd pick something different, I think that these events have been very useful for us.

        Two years ago, preceding our stressful divestment from our old mother company, we went to Brave New Workshop for their Christmas/Brett Favre spectacular. With drinks. It was appropriately cathartic.

          1. Based on their current cast:
            Lauren Anderson, Joe Bozic, Josh Eakwright, Mike Fotis, Ellie Hino,
            and Bobby Gardner as Brett Favre.

            There might have been one more player, but six seems to be the correct cast size. That means they're all still there.

              1. Lauren's been there for every show I've seen (like four over the past four years). She's great. I can't imagine those shows without her.

                1. She and I played romantic opposites in college - between shows and classes - something like seven times. I don't know what it was about us together that the faculty and directors liked so much, but I suspect it was something to do with the fact that we both joke about 95% of the time in life and feed off each other in that regard.

                  We had to have a loud orgasm offstage together once (our married characters lived upstairs from the lead in A Streetcar Named Desire). We'd start, and then we'd look at each other, trying to make the more ridiculous O-Face. We'd always keep it together, but everyone else backstage would have to walk away so they didn't crack up too loudly.

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