I celebrate eight years of marriage today. Well, I don't "celebrate" it today, because I just remembered it yesterday, and I still had to remind the Milkmaid. Eh, we'll do something later in the week. Nothing else is going on this weekend, right?
43 thoughts on “December 20, 2011: Eight”
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Ha! That was some fine commentary too, I might add.
I can't believe none of those guys were man enough just to step in and stop the handle with their hip. Sure, it would hurt, but at least you wouldn't immortalized on YouTube as one of the wusses watching it spin for more than 2 and a half minutes.
Congratulations to you two, Spoons.
Ditto on the congrats, spooky. It would be easier to remember your anniversary if it was close to a big holiday or something.
The solstice is in two days.
Actually, that's why it's tougher. We think of our impending anniversary starting around November, but as Christmas comes and we obsess over gift-giving primarily for our kids, we forget all about the anniversary about a week or so before it arrives. Last year, I think the day actually had to come for us to remember it.
Stat-o-matic did a sneak preview this week profiling their 2011 card set. They released the defensive rankings for the upcoming game. Sadly, for the Twins there was no respect to Mauer's defense at first base, they gave him a 4 rating out of 5 (1 being best). Maybe the kid should just stick at catcher.
what's his third base rating?
Or right field.
4 in right, le sigh.
Somebody replaced the regular office coffee with some sort of holiday blend abomination that tastes like embalming fluid. Why are they starting a War on Coffee now?
I'm not sure if I should be more sorry about you having to have coffee that tastes like embalming fluid or that you know what embalming fluid tastes like.
Nice, socal.
I was young and misled about embalming fluid's alleged psychotropic effects.
It's a Christmas tradition, I believe.
embalming fluid-flavored coffee, or airing of grievances?
I'm more familiar with the terrible spiced coffee, but the airing of grievances is widely accepted, isn't it?
Everyone should know that holiday cheer is not spread by futzing with with the coffee, but by putting Bailey's and a peppermint stick in the hot chocolate.
Right, the only foreign substance allowed in coffee is Irish whiskey.
Protestant or Catholic whisky?
Hey now, let's keep this holiday season secular, the way God intended it.
so, Russian vodka?
I just saw a posting on craigslist for this item: Blonder Tongue HAVM-2 Series Consumer Agile Modulator.
I have no idea what it is or what it does, but I have an overpowering urge to go buy it anyway.
I'm tempted to Google it, but I've been down similar roads before and they don't go anywhere rewarding.
I did so with Safe Search off, and amazingly I got no disturbing images
There's a famous patent litigation case involving Blonder Tongue that was decided by the Supremes about 40 years ago.
It's not quite as amusing a name as the Schwing v. Putzmeister patent case, but it's up there. (Yes, that's the name of a real patent case.)
I liked reading Schmuck v. United States in criminal law last year about the used car dealer in Wisconsin who was rolling back odometers.*
*incredibly, this Sconnie used-car dealing schmuck was not Bud Selig
Schwing v. Putzmeister
Heh heh -- Hondo and Nellie Foxx, circa 1970

Nellie's obit. He was taken too soon.
So apparently Roy Oswalt would sign on a one year deal. I'd be totally amped about that, but I think with a one year deal teams with far more budget than the Twins will be calling. I think it would be worth a shot, especially if there's no long term commitment. But it would still leave the Twins with a pretty scary rotation situation in 2013, Baker, Blackburn, and...? I'd hope it's Kyle Gibson and Mark Appel, but that's just me.
i'm totally using that as an excuse to post this.
Ahh, I love that one.
does Roy Oswalt's bad back scare you?
Over a three year deal? Yes. On a one year deal? Less so.
I knew a few Citizens follow @dadboner on Twitter. If you ever wondered what the fuss was about, here is a 3000 word blog post on the all things @dadboner
Earlier this year three friends and I seriously considered taking a long weekend trip to Michigan and attempting to find Karl. In all actuality it would have just served as a fun guys weekend away from at all while drinking at chain restaurants. After further review (read: discussing it with wives/girlfriend) we didn't go.
While I think it would have been fun to going from chain restaurant to chain restaurant in a different state it was money probably better spent on anything else.
Michael Cuddyer was just on Hot Stove on MLB Network. He is going to be wearing number 3 for the Rockies in honor of Killer. Nicely done, Cuddyer.
PMB! It's illogical, but I hate losing to Kipper Snacks.
that 2nd period was awful. They are lucky only to be down a goal
I can't believe Shecky is taking the more rational approach to the Twins' offseason than LEN3. What is the world coming to?