As I type this, I'm about to bail on the Wolves game and go to bed. If this was a major comeback again, make lots of fun of me.
120 thoughts on “March 1, 2012: Bailing”
Spoons, even if it wasn't.
Wes Johnson finished the game last night with a +/- of -25 in only 17 minutes played. I didn't even think it was possible to suck that bad.
Wes has finally started to show his true talent- sucking more than anyone thought was possible. It can't be easy to be that terrible, can it?
Sounds like one of Spooky's "Seemingly Useless Super Powers".
Trust me, that talent of Spooky's is quite useful
Wow, we're workin' blue early today.
more like purple
You must never underestimate the depths to which Wes Johnson's game can suck.
Did you see the +/- numbers I put up yesterday? His drag on the team is breathtaking.
If there's one area of the job Adelman has done so far that is extremely disappointing, its his continued insistence of starting Wes Johnson. I really don't understand what he's trying to do there.
Trying to convince the front office that he needs someone better?
Ooooh, the long term strategy. I hadn't thought about that path. Let's hope you're right.
Don't be too surprised if Martell Webster ends up in the starting lineup before too long.
SBGville wins the state basketball title! (41 years ago) I still remember it (I was in kindergarten then, but it was an enormous deal for the whole town, as you can imagine) and every once in a while I see Moose in the Twin Cities.
We've been exploring financing with our credit union and are nearly finished with the pre-approval process. Unfortunately, our timetable to find, close on, and move into a new house has been radically condensed. Our present lease expires at the end of May, and after two years of worry-free renting (we have called our landlord exactly once), said landlord just indicated that she would not be willing to month-to-month to give us a little more time to find the right place. While that's certainly within her rights, it is a little disappointing because of the work we put in helping her renovate the house after the disastrous previous tenants left.
So, we're officially on the market.
It probably doesn't work for you location-wise in any way, but I know of a neighborhood in which a talented brewer lives with plenty of brand new houses for sale....
Oh, man, I wish I could handle that commute every day. I know we could buy a nicer house for the same money out there, and I hear there's a guy in the neighborhood who knows something about digging fence post holes...
It does kind of suck. It was a lot nicer when I worked in Lake Mills and my commute was about half what I'm doing right now and didn't include any highways. Also, the developer of this neighborhood is a dick. I just need people to start buying the houses around me to, hopefully, cease the property value freefall that is going on right now.
Are you in WI like Cheap? If you're in MN I could have some advice to keep you there on a month-to-month for a little while if you want.
Yep, I'm just north of cheaptoy, right in the heart of the state capital (I'm a grad student at the university there).
Well then so much for me helping you out. Psh.
I'm nonetheless curious about what you had in mind. (And I appreciate the offer, spoiled only by geography).
Long story short, most leases in MN automatically convert to month-to-month. There are often rules about accepting rent that can serve to waive a landlord's right to evict (or at least delay it) and notice requirements for month-to-month non-renewals. Using all those tools, unless the landlord is very sophisticated, I can usually keep people in their places for quite a while.
This is making me reconsider the choice to rent out our house...
Just make sure your contract details every possibility. It's all about the lease.
Of course, you're in TX, right? They're very consumer friendly, so you might just want to see what they've got for tenants, since those generally go hand-in-hand.
Don't trust form leases, whatever you do. If there's something you want, make sure it's spelled out in writing.
***None of this counts as real legal advice. I don't practice in any state but MN. Consult local attorneys for real advice.***
You wouldn't happen to do your lawyering in Pacific Heights, would you Phyllo?
Dropping a hundred bucks on an subscription again this year feels something of a waste now, thanks to MLB prohibiting regular subscribers like me from using anything but the "lite" version of the very well-reviewed At Bat 2012 app. Only Premium subscribers get full access, punk!
Way to put a bad taste in my mouth before the season even begins, MLB.
It's all about the fans. Psshtt.
I put in the extra 20 bucks for premium last year. I mostly used it to decide which feed I wanted to watch, but it's been worth it.
Yeah, I do the premium too, and wouldn't have it any other way.
I got the Roku Internet TV largely because you can get MLB.TV on it. Now I find out it has to be Premium. I haven't decided if I'm going to go that route.
So yeah, he's an embarrassment to the profession. I find the practice of forwarding e-mail jokes to be a mostly sophomoric activity to begin with, but for a sitting federal judge to send one out like this from his work account is, to be sure, beyond all bounds of decorum.
At this point, the only email jokes I get are political ones based on falsehoods, sent from redneck acquaintances. I can't imagine a judge sending one. Wow.
I rarely get them anymore, and the only people who send them I would be comfortable describing as rednecks (even though they aren't all racist, just mostly not funny).
I had a friend who was constantly sending me forward stories, and about 80% of them I found on snopes as false. I would forward her the correct information. She eventually got so annoyed she stopped sending me anything.
I used this strategy, too. That, too, got me off of such lists.
I prefer to believe that by responding to these forwards with correct information and reasonable responses I changed their beliefs of the people who sent them, and that's why I don't get forwards any more, not because they just took me off a list.
I think this one in particular I did change their mind on some things, but she did express how she hated that I always had to be right and I couldn't just let her believe what she wanted.
So her e-mails had to do with unicorns?
Close. A lot of e-mails like, "Can you believe Obama said this?"
Not to mess with the Forbidden Zone, but I do find myself tilting at windmills occasionally on the Book of Face when I see h.s. acquaintances throwing trash into the wind.
I removed someone recently for posting something which offended my beliefs greatly. I think I'm going to accept that policy going forward.
I actually got myself removed once, but I certainly wasn't the one taking a position outside of the mainstream.
I wouldn't be shocked if I have, since there does seem to be a lot of opinions opposite of mine hanging about in the people I have on my list.
That's the best thing about Google+ - no high school acquaintances.
or anyone else either 😉
I had a FB "friend" that would post some really unhinged comments on some discussions I had started. I thought long and hard about the most maddening reply possible and finaly settled on "Oh."
He quickly unfriended me.
My first cousin is diametrically opposed to me politically (and he's big time into the save the Sioux nickname, a cause that I, too, am in favor of because it provides a recruiting advantage for my alma mater and embarrasses our erstwhile rival) and he's always spewing on FB. While I haven't unfriended him, I have learned that his siblings have unfriended him the old fashioned way.
It's tough with relatives. I just hide them instead.
yeah, I've hidden quite a few relatives
I remember putting a Like down on that "Oh." I laughed a lot.
I had friended an old highschool girlfriend who I noticed lived now lived in South Carolina and every so often posted relatively benign christian messages. I once made a snarky comment on my site about the Sarah Palin-Michelle Bachmann visit of a couple years ago and I noticed I was unfriended by her shortly after that.
Heh, I got a friend request a few weeks ago from a woman who told me she is "your momma's cuz." I'm thinking there's a reason my father announced when I was six that we were never returning to visit that branch of the family tree.
When it comes to politics on the book of face, I take the same position as here, which is to refuse to discuss it. When it comes to politics (and many other things), people think what they want to think, and most aren't really interested in trying to understand a position that differs from theirs.
Yeah, I'm not sure I get why people think other people are on Facebook in the hopes of getting bombarded by politics. It's obtrusive enough on bumper stickers.
I have to cop to being a political junkie. I love arguing the stuff. At least, I love arguing when it's actual, engaging discussions where both sides are being respectful and reasonable. I have a pretty well developed network of people who are able to participate at that level, so that helps. There are certainly people (mostly relatives) that I've learned not to engage with at all. So long as everyone is civil - and actually intellectually honest and willing to give fair weight to what other people are saying - I see no harm.
The problem with that on Facebook is that a well-reasoned discussion will draw the attention of people who have no idea what they're talking about. At least it is for a guy like me, who okays every friend request instead of keeping it manageable.
What made me stop discussing politics on the book of face is that people, some of whom seem quite rational in person, would continue making the same point over and over again, completely ignoring what I'd said in response to their point. It convinced me that they had no interest in what I thought, they simply wanted to tell me what they thought. I'm willing to have a discussion, but an exchange of talking points is not a discussion.
When I worked for a museum the curator would forward "jokes" from his work computer that were often racist and sexist in nature. I asked him to remove me from his forward list because I didn't want to have to explain why I had these e-mails on my work computer. He then started forwarding them to my home e-mail, asking on Mondays if I'd seen the new one(s). I marked his address as spam and never looked back.
Goes to show that a) people are people no matter where they work, and b) something you think is hilarious probably isn't that funny to other folks.
Did they double check to make sure that was Burnett and not Punto?
orbital fracture. Hit by a piece of fallen satellite this time around
Initial diagnosis for my illness yesterday: stomach ulcer. Ugh. None of the usual causes seem present in my case, so I might end up getting to have a camera check out my stomach.
Oh no, did I cause it while playing Werewolf?
just don't sue. I have novak on retainer
That's not really an incentive against a lawsuit.
Well, if you have to have a camera stuck inside you, better to have one that goes downstream than upstream, if you follow.
Hope they figure out some treatment soon, Pirate.
I am totally itching to do a Wolves/NBA podcast. Who wants to be involved/do the technical stuff. I am willing to moderate.
I can do it. Mags, email me the info on how you set up things. I also have a laptop with Ubuntu, so it should transfer fine.
I think Mags is unavailable, which is the problem.
Oh right, visa stuff right now. I'll send an email and try to get something together. And now I just remembered I'm not available this weekend anyway. Well, I'll see what happens.
Thaaaaaaaaat explains why he hasn't gotten back to me. I've been itching to do an interview podcast.
I am ready to partake in the non-technical stuff.
I tried to set up something for the game today, but had mixed luck. I sent an email to Mags so I can be the secondary technical person.
Sorry for the lack of contact lately. Firstly, we are having trouble getting internet at the house, and it's expensive to park at the bar/cafe all day. Secondly, I'm just finishing my first week of teaching and getting into the swing of things. Hopefully I will be free to record a pod next weekend. In the meantime, I've started talking with sean about him doing some stuff. Trust me, I'm wanting to do a new one too.
Is it baseball season yet?
They sort of played baseball today, so... yes?
Disney World Uni Watch, continued: BoSox caps 4-1 over all other MLB teams. Saw a Lin jersey yesterday; that's some big bandwagon.
Filed under "typical": there are MLB/Mickey pins for NYY, NYM, BoSox, Cubs, Braves, and Cards. No other teams. Walt's drinking the koolaid.
Walt's little sports entity, 4ltr, mixes the koolaid.
Ah, yes, good point.
Finished Season 3 of Breaking Bad last night. Glad I stuck around.
I can't see how Jesse and Walt stay alive much longer. I know they are coming back for a 5th Season and I have a general sense of how Season 4 goes due to it's recent completion. I'm guessing it's a season-long battle between Walt/Jesse and Gus.
i seem to go through many episodes at a time, and then take a bit of a break. i think i've got about 4 episodes left in season 3, but the last one i watched was about 2-3 weeks ago.
I watched seasons three and four in the span of about five days. I about had a heart attack.
At least you didn't get an ulcer!
I totally almost said ulcer, not even thinking of the potential callback. Missed opportunity!
You're gonna love Season 4.
Unflippin' believable. Season 4 isn't on netflix. AMC doesn't stream episodes, neither does Comcast. I could get episodes through I-tunes but then I would have to pay money. Did anyone else watch season 4 but not on broadcast TV?
Grainger might be a great company and all, but the loud party the resort is throwing for them outside our room window isn't really appreciated.
A question for the Nation's attorneys regarding antitrust standing. Who is able to bring an antistrust suit against a company? Does it have to be a government body like the DOJ or a state's attorney general, or can individuals and other businesses bring suit, and can individuals band together in class action antitrust proceedings?
Class action suits by private individuals are very common in antitrust law. One of my friends is a antitrust plaintiff's attorney in Minneapolis. I can send him your info if you would like.
No need, it was just a question that came up during a conversation with a friend today. That answers it, thanks.
Would your friend be interested in suing the world's cable/internet providers? There's no way that bundling crap is legal. Or at least, there's no way it should be.
Right now, I know he's taking on the dangerous milk cartel.
So I probably check the interwebz every day or two for open positions without much luck. Just now, I found an open spot that is ABSOLUTELY perfect for my background. Of course, the position closed at 430pm. Whatever, I'm mailing an application anyway and calling them next week. Still can't believe I could never find it until after it closed...
If it makes you feel any better, I got an e-mail today from a position that my background was perfect for and they told me I didn't match their basic criteria (which I clearly did). Best of luck!
Weird. I also got an e-mail today for a job opening, and the e-mail made a point of saying I wasn't qualified for it either.
Was it a state job?
Was it a resume-matching based application?
I'm still trying to figure out how "5 years of experience and licensed in MN" doesn't meet the minimum qualifications of "2 years of experience and willing to be licensed in MN".
Yeah. And it's an application I sent in 9 months ago. The requirement was to have a license. I didn't have my license yet when I applied (I got it 8 months ago), but they told me to apply anyway. Idiotic system.
Wait, you guys actually hear back?!
I once put a rejection letter on my fridge for a year because it was the nicest response to a job application I'd ever gotten.
hockey is stupid sometimes. The Wild are in Montreal and there is a fight 10 seconds into the game. In my book, both players should get suspensions. Im not 100% against fighting, but 10 seconds into the game...come on.
a lot of good that fight did to pump up the team. Down 2-0 and Backstrom hurt is leg and that all happened 5 minutes into the game
Yep. I gave up on it to watch the Timberpups and they pull out a point with a crazy 3rd period - tied the game at 4 with 9 seconds left in regulation only to lose it in the shootout.
the Setiguchi shootout thing pretty much sums up the Wild season
Rather than use their trade exception on Beasley, the Lakers are asking Minnesota to take back a player making comparable money, sources say. That would enable the Lakers to acquire Beasley at no extra cost.
The obvious match is Luke Walton, who makes $5.7 million. But Walton has another year left on his deal at $6.1 million, and the Timberwolves, who would prefer an expiring contract, are hesitant. But the sides are still talking.
The obvious match is Luke Walton. Sure it is. Chris Brussard, you suck.
Did you see the Anthony Morrow for Beasley rumor today? I could get behind that.
yeah, lets trade and expiring contract for a player with a bad back and another year with a higher salary. MAKES SENSE TO ME.
make it so Kahn!
He would be the best former Laker on the Wolves since Mark Madsen. Or Kurt Rambis.
Broussard also floated out this one today: the Celtics are actively shopping Rondo around. 2 people on ESPN, Mike Wilbon and Jackie MacMullen, pretty much said thats not whats going on.
The dude is just a rumor monger, and his slop is not sticking to the wall.
Spoons, even if it wasn't.
Wes Johnson finished the game last night with a +/- of -25 in only 17 minutes played. I didn't even think it was possible to suck that bad.
Wes has finally started to show his true talent- sucking more than anyone thought was possible. It can't be easy to be that terrible, can it?
Sounds like one of Spooky's "Seemingly Useless Super Powers".
Trust me, that talent of Spooky's is quite useful
Wow, we're workin' blue early today.
more like purple
You must never underestimate the depths to which Wes Johnson's game can suck.
Did you see the +/- numbers I put up yesterday? His drag on the team is breathtaking.
If there's one area of the job Adelman has done so far that is extremely disappointing, its his continued insistence of starting Wes Johnson. I really don't understand what he's trying to do there.
Trying to convince the front office that he needs someone better?
Ooooh, the long term strategy. I hadn't thought about that path. Let's hope you're right.
Don't be too surprised if Martell Webster ends up in the starting lineup before too long.
SBGville wins the state basketball title! (41 years ago) I still remember it (I was in kindergarten then, but it was an enormous deal for the whole town, as you can imagine) and every once in a while I see Moose in the Twin Cities.
We've been exploring financing with our credit union and are nearly finished with the pre-approval process. Unfortunately, our timetable to find, close on, and move into a new house has been radically condensed. Our present lease expires at the end of May, and after two years of worry-free renting (we have called our landlord exactly once), said landlord just indicated that she would not be willing to month-to-month to give us a little more time to find the right place. While that's certainly within her rights, it is a little disappointing because of the work we put in helping her renovate the house after the disastrous previous tenants left.
So, we're officially on the market.
It probably doesn't work for you location-wise in any way, but I know of a neighborhood in which a talented brewer lives with plenty of brand new houses for sale....
Oh, man, I wish I could handle that commute every day. I know we could buy a nicer house for the same money out there, and I hear there's a guy in the neighborhood who knows something about digging fence post holes...
It does kind of suck. It was a lot nicer when I worked in Lake Mills and my commute was about half what I'm doing right now and didn't include any highways. Also, the developer of this neighborhood is a dick. I just need people to start buying the houses around me to, hopefully, cease the property value freefall that is going on right now.
Are you in WI like Cheap? If you're in MN I could have some advice to keep you there on a month-to-month for a little while if you want.
Yep, I'm just north of cheaptoy, right in the heart of the state capital (I'm a grad student at the university there).
Well then so much for me helping you out. Psh.
I'm nonetheless curious about what you had in mind. (And I appreciate the offer, spoiled only by geography).
Long story short, most leases in MN automatically convert to month-to-month. There are often rules about accepting rent that can serve to waive a landlord's right to evict (or at least delay it) and notice requirements for month-to-month non-renewals. Using all those tools, unless the landlord is very sophisticated, I can usually keep people in their places for quite a while.
This is making me reconsider the choice to rent out our house...
Just make sure your contract details every possibility. It's all about the lease.
Of course, you're in TX, right? They're very consumer friendly, so you might just want to see what they've got for tenants, since those generally go hand-in-hand.
Don't trust form leases, whatever you do. If there's something you want, make sure it's spelled out in writing.
***None of this counts as real legal advice. I don't practice in any state but MN. Consult local attorneys for real advice.***
You wouldn't happen to do your lawyering in Pacific Heights, would you Phyllo?

Exactly what are you trying to say, Doc?
The founder of Summit Brewing is from Wahpeton, ND, which is in the same county as SBGville.
Dropping a hundred bucks on an subscription again this year feels something of a waste now, thanks to MLB prohibiting regular subscribers like me from using anything but the "lite" version of the very well-reviewed At Bat 2012 app. Only Premium subscribers get full access, punk!
Way to put a bad taste in my mouth before the season even begins, MLB.
It's all about the fans. Psshtt.
I put in the extra 20 bucks for premium last year. I mostly used it to decide which feed I wanted to watch, but it's been worth it.
Yeah, I do the premium too, and wouldn't have it any other way.
I got the Roku Internet TV largely because you can get MLB.TV on it. Now I find out it has to be Premium. I haven't decided if I'm going to go that route.
So yeah, he's an embarrassment to the profession. I find the practice of forwarding e-mail jokes to be a mostly sophomoric activity to begin with, but for a sitting federal judge to send one out like this from his work account is, to be sure, beyond all bounds of decorum.
At this point, the only email jokes I get are political ones based on falsehoods, sent from redneck acquaintances. I can't imagine a judge sending one. Wow.
I rarely get them anymore, and the only people who send them I would be comfortable describing as rednecks (even though they aren't all racist, just mostly not funny).
I had a friend who was constantly sending me forward stories, and about 80% of them I found on snopes as false. I would forward her the correct information. She eventually got so annoyed she stopped sending me anything.
I used this strategy, too. That, too, got me off of such lists.
I prefer to believe that by responding to these forwards with correct information and reasonable responses I changed their beliefs of the people who sent them, and that's why I don't get forwards any more, not because they just took me off a list.
I think this one in particular I did change their mind on some things, but she did express how she hated that I always had to be right and I couldn't just let her believe what she wanted.
So her e-mails had to do with unicorns?
Close. A lot of e-mails like, "Can you believe Obama said this?"
Not to mess with the Forbidden Zone, but I do find myself tilting at windmills occasionally on the Book of Face when I see h.s. acquaintances throwing trash into the wind.
I removed someone recently for posting something which offended my beliefs greatly. I think I'm going to accept that policy going forward.
I actually got myself removed once, but I certainly wasn't the one taking a position outside of the mainstream.
I wouldn't be shocked if I have, since there does seem to be a lot of opinions opposite of mine hanging about in the people I have on my list.
That's the best thing about Google+ - no high school acquaintances.
or anyone else either 😉
I had a FB "friend" that would post some really unhinged comments on some discussions I had started. I thought long and hard about the most maddening reply possible and finaly settled on "Oh."
He quickly unfriended me.
My first cousin is diametrically opposed to me politically (and he's big time into the save the Sioux nickname, a cause that I, too, am in favor of because it provides a recruiting advantage for my alma mater and embarrasses our erstwhile rival) and he's always spewing on FB. While I haven't unfriended him, I have learned that his siblings have unfriended him the old fashioned way.
It's tough with relatives. I just hide them instead.
yeah, I've hidden quite a few relatives
I remember putting a Like down on that "Oh." I laughed a lot.
I had friended an old highschool girlfriend who I noticed lived now lived in South Carolina and every so often posted relatively benign christian messages. I once made a snarky comment on my site about the Sarah Palin-Michelle Bachmann visit of a couple years ago and I noticed I was unfriended by her shortly after that.
Heh, I got a friend request a few weeks ago from a woman who told me she is "your momma's cuz." I'm thinking there's a reason my father announced when I was six that we were never returning to visit that branch of the family tree.
When it comes to politics on the book of face, I take the same position as here, which is to refuse to discuss it. When it comes to politics (and many other things), people think what they want to think, and most aren't really interested in trying to understand a position that differs from theirs.
Yeah, I'm not sure I get why people think other people are on Facebook in the hopes of getting bombarded by politics. It's obtrusive enough on bumper stickers.
I have to cop to being a political junkie. I love arguing the stuff. At least, I love arguing when it's actual, engaging discussions where both sides are being respectful and reasonable. I have a pretty well developed network of people who are able to participate at that level, so that helps. There are certainly people (mostly relatives) that I've learned not to engage with at all. So long as everyone is civil - and actually intellectually honest and willing to give fair weight to what other people are saying - I see no harm.
The problem with that on Facebook is that a well-reasoned discussion will draw the attention of people who have no idea what they're talking about. At least it is for a guy like me, who okays every friend request instead of keeping it manageable.
What made me stop discussing politics on the book of face is that people, some of whom seem quite rational in person, would continue making the same point over and over again, completely ignoring what I'd said in response to their point. It convinced me that they had no interest in what I thought, they simply wanted to tell me what they thought. I'm willing to have a discussion, but an exchange of talking points is not a discussion.
When I worked for a museum the curator would forward "jokes" from his work computer that were often racist and sexist in nature. I asked him to remove me from his forward list because I didn't want to have to explain why I had these e-mails on my work computer. He then started forwarding them to my home e-mail, asking on Mondays if I'd seen the new one(s). I marked his address as spam and never looked back.
Goes to show that a) people are people no matter where they work, and b) something you think is hilarious probably isn't that funny to other folks.
AJ Burnett hurt. crazy how it happened
Did it involve a pie-ing?
Did they double check to make sure that was Burnett and not Punto?
orbital fracture. Hit by a piece of fallen satellite this time around
Initial diagnosis for my illness yesterday: stomach ulcer. Ugh. None of the usual causes seem present in my case, so I might end up getting to have a camera check out my stomach.
Oh no, did I cause it while playing Werewolf?
just don't sue. I have novak on retainer
That's not really an incentive against a lawsuit.
Well, if you have to have a camera stuck inside you, better to have one that goes downstream than upstream, if you follow.
Hope they figure out some treatment soon, Pirate.
I am totally itching to do a Wolves/NBA podcast. Who wants to be involved/do the technical stuff. I am willing to moderate.
I can do it. Mags, email me the info on how you set up things. I also have a laptop with Ubuntu, so it should transfer fine.
I think Mags is unavailable, which is the problem.
Oh right, visa stuff right now. I'll send an email and try to get something together. And now I just remembered I'm not available this weekend anyway. Well, I'll see what happens.
Thaaaaaaaaat explains why he hasn't gotten back to me. I've been itching to do an interview podcast.
I am ready to partake in the non-technical stuff.
I tried to set up something for the game today, but had mixed luck. I sent an email to Mags so I can be the secondary technical person.
Sorry for the lack of contact lately. Firstly, we are having trouble getting internet at the house, and it's expensive to park at the bar/cafe all day. Secondly, I'm just finishing my first week of teaching and getting into the swing of things. Hopefully I will be free to record a pod next weekend. In the meantime, I've started talking with sean about him doing some stuff. Trust me, I'm wanting to do a new one too.
Is it baseball season yet?
They sort of played baseball today, so... yes?
Disney World Uni Watch, continued: BoSox caps 4-1 over all other MLB teams. Saw a Lin jersey yesterday; that's some big bandwagon.
Filed under "typical": there are MLB/Mickey pins for NYY, NYM, BoSox, Cubs, Braves, and Cards. No other teams. Walt's drinking the koolaid.
Walt's little sports entity, 4ltr, mixes the koolaid.
Ah, yes, good point.
Finished Season 3 of Breaking Bad last night. Glad I stuck around.
i seem to go through many episodes at a time, and then take a bit of a break. i think i've got about 4 episodes left in season 3, but the last one i watched was about 2-3 weeks ago.
I watched seasons three and four in the span of about five days. I about had a heart attack.
At least you didn't get an ulcer!
I totally almost said ulcer, not even thinking of the potential callback. Missed opportunity!
You're gonna love Season 4.
Unflippin' believable. Season 4 isn't on netflix. AMC doesn't stream episodes, neither does Comcast. I could get episodes through I-tunes but then I would have to pay money. Did anyone else watch season 4 but not on broadcast TV?
Grainger might be a great company and all, but the loud party the resort is throwing for them outside our room window isn't really appreciated.
A question for the Nation's attorneys regarding antitrust standing. Who is able to bring an antistrust suit against a company? Does it have to be a government body like the DOJ or a state's attorney general, or can individuals and other businesses bring suit, and can individuals band together in class action antitrust proceedings?
Class action suits by private individuals are very common in antitrust law. One of my friends is a antitrust plaintiff's attorney in Minneapolis. I can send him your info if you would like.
No need, it was just a question that came up during a conversation with a friend today. That answers it, thanks.
Would your friend be interested in suing the world's cable/internet providers? There's no way that bundling crap is legal. Or at least, there's no way it should be.
Right now, I know he's taking on the dangerous milk cartel.
So I probably check the interwebz every day or two for open positions without much luck. Just now, I found an open spot that is ABSOLUTELY perfect for my background. Of course, the position closed at 430pm. Whatever, I'm mailing an application anyway and calling them next week. Still can't believe I could never find it until after it closed...
If it makes you feel any better, I got an e-mail today from a position that my background was perfect for and they told me I didn't match their basic criteria (which I clearly did). Best of luck!
Weird. I also got an e-mail today for a job opening, and the e-mail made a point of saying I wasn't qualified for it either.
Was it a state job?
Was it a resume-matching based application?
I'm still trying to figure out how "5 years of experience and licensed in MN" doesn't meet the minimum qualifications of "2 years of experience and willing to be licensed in MN".
Yeah. And it's an application I sent in 9 months ago. The requirement was to have a license. I didn't have my license yet when I applied (I got it 8 months ago), but they told me to apply anyway. Idiotic system.
Wait, you guys actually hear back?!
I once put a rejection letter on my fridge for a year because it was the nicest response to a job application I'd ever gotten.
you guys don't have to take that...
hockey is stupid sometimes. The Wild are in Montreal and there is a fight 10 seconds into the game. In my book, both players should get suspensions. Im not 100% against fighting, but 10 seconds into the game...come on.
a lot of good that fight did to pump up the team. Down 2-0 and Backstrom hurt is leg and that all happened 5 minutes into the game
Yep. I gave up on it to watch the Timberpups and they pull out a point with a crazy 3rd period - tied the game at 4 with 9 seconds left in regulation only to lose it in the shootout.
the Setiguchi shootout thing pretty much sums up the Wild season
The obvious match is Luke Walton. Sure it is. Chris Brussard, you suck.
Did you see the Anthony Morrow for Beasley rumor today? I could get behind that.
yeah, lets trade and expiring contract for a player with a bad back and another year with a higher salary. MAKES SENSE TO ME.
make it so Kahn!
He would be the best former Laker on the Wolves since Mark Madsen. Or Kurt Rambis.
Broussard also floated out this one today: the Celtics are actively shopping Rondo around. 2 people on ESPN, Mike Wilbon and Jackie MacMullen, pretty much said thats not whats going on.
The dude is just a rumor monger, and his slop is not sticking to the wall.
The Miami Heat are very good at basketball.
I really hate having to concede a point to Bill Plaschke. Turns out Clipper Darrell might be asking for a little bit more than he lets on.
/please don't turn into a forbidden zone thing/