Did you see that Diamondbacks game last night? Awesome! I'm glad I have an adopted team, because the one I was born with...well, I don't know whether to trust them yet.
79 thoughts on “April 7, 2012: Underway”
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Did you see that Diamondbacks game last night? Awesome! I'm glad I have an adopted team, because the one I was born with...well, I don't know whether to trust them yet.
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But the home runs...NEVER...FOLLOW!!
Good Lord, but this organization needs some new blood in the front office.
Bleck. I have always found it sound advice to not focus on hitting home runs; just focus on hitting the ball hard up the middle, and home runs will follow. Hitting to the opposite field seems only prudent when it's an 0-2 count when you're choking up on the bat and protecting the plate. Oh wait, nobody chokes up on the bat anymore.
Hey, would you rather have a .260 hitter that knocks out 30 home runs, or a .290 guy that hits 10?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Yeah, this organization can never develop power hitters. Well, except for Morneau. And I guess Cuddyer could hit for power. And I guess Kubel could hit a few. It seems to me that Sano is doing just fine with power. He and Rosario were among the leaders in homers in their league last season. I wouldn't worry about it.
2011: 14th (last) in AL Homers
2010: 9th (with Thome getting 25)
2009: 9th
2008: 14th
2007: 13th
2006: 13th
2005: 12th
2004: 6th
2003: 9th
2002: 8th
2001: 9th
2000: 14th
1999: 14th
1998: 13th
1997: 14th
1996: 14th
1995: 13th
1994: 12th
1993: 12th
1992: 10th
In the last 20 seasons, the Twins have had one (1) season where they have hit more home runs than the league median. One! You are right, they freaking develop power hitters like crazy.
I can understand trying to teach a young player not to get pull happy. But why would they say "focus on hitting the ball to the opposite field" instead of say "focus on making solid contact" which seems like much more sound advice.
Did you actually read the story? The writer and Sano attributed Sano's increase in HRs to the approach the coaching staff had him take.
From Surly:
You know $8.75 for 24 oz of Surly at TF isn't that bad of a deal, relatively speaking, especially when you think 12 oz of Michelob Golden Draft goes for $7.25 a 12 oz. bottle.
I had an 22oz. IPA at Chase last night for $10.75 that couldn't lace Surly's boots.
Here it is. I was half-convinced it had just been sitting there for a long time and I got a Stale Ale, but apparently it's just a crummy beer. At least the Milkmaid offered her the end of her perfectly acceptable Sam Adams Summer. I don't know if it was good, or just a necessary palate-cleanser.
Twins-O's is the free game of the day on mlb.tv. Woohoo!
Well dang, first pitch is at 2 AM for me. Why can't the free game be a Twins day game?
Look on the bright side: if the Twins are terrible again, they'll be the free game of the day quite often!
Stay away from anything that will tell you the final score and watch it when you can.
Baker with a flexor strain. Sez Gardy:
Can a flexor strain turn into a torn ACL/MCL, or is the flexor a completely different part of the elbow? It seems not, but I could be reading this wrong:
The ACL and MCL are in the knee, so that'd be a helluva elbow injury.
Damnit Mags, I'm a lawyer - not a doctor! And yet...
I stand partially corrected.
Well hell, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while! 🙂
Flexor strain?
Say it with me: Never heard of it!!!!111one111!!!
yeah, that pansy should rub some dirt and pine tar on it and go back out there!!!!
effin' sled.
h/t the 'wig.
Caution, naughty word:
That is a very interesting read but what's "h/t the 'wig" mean?
Wig is frightwig, erstwhile WGOMer who likes the book of face.
and "h/t" is "hat tip"
I thought so, but I don't get the call out. Does he have a problem with Welles or Citizen Kane?
The topic has never come up here, as far as I can remember. 😛
Note to anyone who hasn't been around here for the last seven years or so: if brianS appears to be needling someone, you can probably bet that he's giving me the business, as is the case right here. I suppose I should add that he has a few other targets (ubeldude) as well.
Maybe we should have some sort of quick start guide to the in-jokes around here. For people who haven't been here long, it's got to feel sometimes like we're talking in code or something.
Actually, I kind of like the idea of having to earn it; picking things up through participation and learning from "mistakes" in translation help "newbies" become a member of the community. If you don't understand a reference, you either man-up and ask or pretend like you get it and make a minor fool of yourself. For instance, I once commented that I had not gone to the SBG School of Law, informing the inquisitive party that I'd attended law school at the institution not named for it's most famous alumnus, the 15th CJotUS.
Corn, the hat tip was just to recognize where I'd gotten the link. Poking a stick at Stick, well, that's ... what I do.
Whatever do you mean, Boss?

Wow. It took me at least 45 seconds to find the dolphins.
Still looking....still looking....nope. All I see is a jug*
*or two
From what I've read and heard today, a lot of the media apparently expected the Yankees to go undefeated this year.
Well, why should this year be different?
You mean from now on? They are winless so far.
expectED, past tense
For all I know, they may still expect it. After all, can a game really count if the Yankees don't win?
Ubaldo will drop appeal after Saturday start
It's absurd that you can appeal to delay the suspension and then drop it when it's convenient.
he is pitching pretty darned good this afternoon *looks at box score*
Two walks in this inning now. I fear an implosion.
I'm also torn on this. Cheer for one of my favorite pitchers to get one, or lament the inevitable "No-hitters aren't impressive anymore because there are too many teams" nonsense from the MSM?
eff the MSM. no hitters are cool
The coolest. If I miss everything else, I just want to see one in person someday. I've never seen one go even as far as the fourth or fifth, I don't think.
the coolest feat I ever witnessed at a ballgame was the Twins hitting into a triple play in the 6th inning. That game was also memorable because the Twins scored a billion runs off Mark Buehrle in the first inning and lost the game.
They just haven't been cool since Lester got his.
Well, there it goes.
Costly blown call by Welke down the third base line, robbing Hafner. Really poor call.
according to the twitters, Revere is paying RF tonight
Wasn't that the final punchline to that old Abbott and Costello routine?
Indians color guy: "Francisco Cordero now in for the Jays. It's no longer a Save situation [with the Jays up four], but regardless, Cordero is still a formidable foe..."
These guys really believe that closers pitch better in Save situations, and that makes me sad.
The art world has lost a...member.
It doesn't say how he died. I assume he saw the Miami Marlins' HR celebration thingy and suffered a heart attack.
Dude, the Marlins celebration thingy would have a heart attack while seeing his work.
Good thing its just a machine and doesn't need its heart.
I don't know who's in charge of the visuals of the new park, but I've just gotta say "Bravo!"
I gotta feeling I'm gonna ride these jokes for years.
Eric Byrnes is the color guy for SF-ARI. He's got the worst voice for calling a game I've heard in a long time. Imagine Wilbon at his most riled and never turning it off. That's how annoyed he sounds. It also sounds like he's blowing out his voice because he doesn't know how to pace himself.
I rather like Wilbon, but three hours of Wilbon calling baseball? I wouldn't want that.
If any of you others are in the area for this game - and I can't imagine many are, given the huge-market options available - I highly suggest listening for a spell. It's so out of place.
TV or radio? I'm sure plenty can still check it out either way.
TV. Yeah, I suppose you're probably in the area.
Okay, I thought of who Byrnes reminds me of - former pro wrestling announcer Joey Styles. He'd have a great voice for pro wrestling, but so, so invasive for baseball.
As if the rotation wasn't already the weakest link, Hendriks has to hit up a raw bar in Baltimore...
Poor dope.
I don't know bad a case it is, obviously, but I wouldn't expect him to be out too long. I've had food poisoning a couple of times, and while it wiped me out pretty quickly, I also bounced back from it pretty quickly.
I just think it's unfortunate that he pushed back one of the biggest days of his life. Has he started in the majors yet?
He started four games in September.
I assume I saw those, but was essentially tuned out.
Ungh, and so it begins...
It was better than I imagined. I was afraid he'd made a terrible drinking decision or something.
Its not so much the severity as it is the existence. Technically, I suppose, it really started with Baker. And technically, I suppose, I'm just being really cynical.
Spamsteak gets his chance!
Spamsteak...its probably what Hendricks ate that caused him to miss this start.
man, we need some rain down here in Southern Minnesota. Just finished tilling my parents garden and I didnt hit any semblance wet dirt.
So, Toronto won again today.
AMR's Million-Dollar Magic Number:
162161!I have to sidebar that, seriously, but I think I'll save it as a reward for when I finally go through and remove the outdated banners.
Twins screwing up any chances of dropping it to 160 tonight....