98 thoughts on “July 9, 2012: Shivved”

  1. I'm irrationally high on this team right now. That may say a lot about how low last season was though.

    1. Well, hey, not trading away Willingham and finding some pitching in the off-season and maybe next year....

      1. This. In reality I'm looking for No Blackbeard, a FA or two of average level, and hell maybe a flyer on Timmy Baker.

        1. [poof magazine with Cuddii's face instead of Gob's.jpg]

          If only my photoshop wasn't packed up.

  2. I'm glad I bailed on the game last night when before it went from suck to blow.

  3. Remember how good the bullpen was in the first two games in Detroit? They finished up going 0-3 with 1 save in three opps in the final four games. I'm actually looking forward to the return of Matt Capps.

    1. Acutally, that was no saves in 2 opps since it was a four-run lead in the one win in Texas.

    1. Fair enough, but I hope he considers the injury to Rubio and puts that in context. The team was possibly going to make it before that.

    2. I thought that the timing was curious since it seems like the Wolves are very active.

      Could he be referring to Gasol?

      1. Isn't the timing just related to Love meeting up with Team USA and therefore being available to the press? That'd be my guess.

    3. It's unfortunate to hear any sports exec talk about how they can't control injuries. Sure, some injuries are freak accidents, but teams can put their players in better positions to not get injured by assembling deep squads which allow them plenty of rest throughout the regular season so they don't get overly fatigued and subject to increased injury risk. Also, in basketball, if you have a good enough team, you get more blowout wins where you can rest your starters for long stretches at the end of the game.

  4. You know what teh Interwebz has been missing? A site to tell you how to glue one material to another.

    Glue Philosophy
    We are here to help you choose the right glue for your bonding requirements. We are committed to keeping current with the adhesive market, but we don't claim to know everything about every glue on the market. We recommend the glues that we have found work best for us. We do know one thing for sure: there is no such thing as the All Purpose glue. Every glue has its pros and cons. The secret to a successful bonding challenge is to consider the following glue philosophy:

    The primary principle of glue is much like any relationship in that the adhesive must fit the adherend. (Kinda Zen, eh?)

      1. I thought these were "off-duty cops" hired to provide security? At least that was what I saw in one news story. So what the hell were they doing arresting folks anyway?

        1. I'm not sure if I want my response to be:
          "Ignoring the Constitution."
          "In all fairness, AP is black."
          "Forbidden Topic Warning!"

    1. I have been ignoring this generally, but the part I liked was an officer "jumped on his back."

      According to the source, Peterson, his girlfriend, and some family members were at a nightclub in Houston. At closing time, a group of police officers entered the club, and they began instructing the remaining patrons to leave.

      Peterson wanted to get some water before he left, but an officer told Peterson that he needed to leave. Some words apparently were exchanged, but Peterson eventually walked to the exit with one of the club’s bouncers.

      It’s believed that one of the officers then jumped on Peterson’s back from behind and tried to take him down. (Key word: “tried.”) Other officers then joined the fray and completed the arrest.

      Peterson was charged with resisting arrest, which implies he was being arrested for something else. He is charged for now with no other crime.

      Some flatfoot thinks he can take down All Day by himself? He's lucky Peterson didn't kill him.

      I'm not feeling a conviction here.

      1. In my head, it's a tallish, spindly mook not unlike myself trying to take him down, and that's hilarious. AP wouldn't even notice me (he shook my hand once and I wanted to cry...the man only has some inkling of how strong he is).

        Maybe he wanted to be able to say "I once got the opportunity to tackle an NFL running back!"

        1. Oh jeez, the image of you jumping on AP just made it that much funnier. I'm imagining a very drunk Spooky yelping as he leaps on AP. Even the noises I'm imagining are funny.

          1. At Boomtown in Mankato (remember Boomtown?) Mitch Berger drunkenly fell and used me to hold himself up...on consecutive nights. Yeah, he's a punter, but the dude was still huge and powerful.

            1. I'm just surprised Berger was at Boomtown. I thought they all went to a certain downtown establishment.

        2. We used to have a former Drake running back on the rugby team. He had all kinds of school and Pioneer League rushing records. He was an absolute mountain of a human being, nearly impossible to tackle. I can only imagine how hard it'd be to take down someone like Adrian Peterson.

      2. Apparently he has twittered back a response quoting Churchill. "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

        Did not see a Churchill quote coming. AP even got the punctuation right on "its". Didn't see that coming either.

        1. AP was well-spoken enough in person, but if he doesn't use a ghostwriter for his twitter, he's impressed me on several occasions (at least, I think I'm thinking of AP. I haven't been over there in a while).

      3. Those details of the incident should generally be taken very skeptically, as it is PFT. But yeah, the image of one cop trying to take AP down is pretty funny.

  5. Our paid moving help arrived late and were seriously the most unprofessional folks I have ever met. Dude was employing his teenage girl's boyfriend, and came with no idea of how to move shit. I did more work, and they totally ignored my request that they not handle my art collection or lift my press without me to ensure its safety. Oy. The kid did some pretty hefty damage to the paint job (and probably my 40's waterfall dresser...), and scuffed the shit out of my floor. Then the dude wanted to charge me for an "extra" fifteen minutes. Right.

    1. The amount of bad luck you have had with this move is off the charts. Here's hoping it turns around soon.

        1. And compounding my excellent streak of luck, I just discovered that I was given a seventeen foot truck that was mislabeled as a 20. Three feet is a pretty big deal, you guys. Shit.

          1. You just need to get the hell out of Texas and shake the dirt off your sandals once you're across the border.

    2. I'll just say be happy that your moving orders didn't sit unnoticed on the fax machine until hours after they should have started, leaving you to help them move stuff in order to be done by 1AM. A wonderful way to spend the day after Christmas.

      Oh, and the "dangerous" cleaning supplies that they wouldn't move? We put them in a box in the trunk of the car that they moved for us. What they don't know won't hurt them.

  6. OMG, AP is obviously on 'roids!

    So not feeling a conviction, but this does kind of have the feeling of squashing a mosquito with a sledgehammer. More to the story? Or just a way to get the Houston prosecutor to back off?

    1. As someone who is probably as much of a legal expert as Adrian Peterson, if I was that high profile and was making that much money, I wouldn't want to make the mistake of going cheap on a lawyer just because my completely uninformed opinion was that it would be a straightforward case.

      1. though it probably doesn't quite apply to this case, i think it was chris rock that said that, in relation to hiring a high-profile lawyer, he'd rather look guilty at the mall than innocent in jail.

    1. Three hours and 14 minutes, 170 step-outs, and three double-shot macchiatos for that?

      Please, I beg of you, bring on the NFL.

      and exactly how long is the average NFL game?

    2. Top Jimmy has a long ways to go to get to the top of the crap pile.

      The urine soaks through, however.

    3. I saw a headline on strib.com this weekend that read: "Souhan: I Was Wrong." I didn't click through, but prayed it was his resignation column.

        1. Seriously? Really? Where is the update about how much value joe is providing for the team? Who are these people? Why, god, why!?!

          1. I'm sure most stribbies regard Reusse as a cantankerous grump with oldfashioned and crazy ideas.

    4. I only read the byline, the first four paragraphs (not a single predicate!), and the last three.
      Please, somebody, save Rick Reilly from the torture of baseball games by firing him and not paying him millions of dollars!

        1. Isn't it enough that they're wage slaves? No, you must add insult by fingering them as the source of Rick Reilly columns!
          Is that enough or will you next accuse them of designing 1996 Summer Olympic Mascot "Whatzit?"?
          If you were nearer, I'd challenge you to a duel* for so mucking my Filipino** grandfather and his heritage!

          * Via Nerf Sword
          **Actually German

      1. I'd rather be illiterate than read either of them.

        You have choices, people. You can choose not to read the garbage.

        1. I'm with E-6 on this one, fellas. My eyes still haven't completely recovered from the lye bath I gave them after the last Souhan article I read.

          1. I'm sure Reilly columns are even more basic than lye: soak your eyeballs in them.

      2. Adande may not be on top of the shitpile, but he makes up for it by having his nose firmly planted in Kobe Bean's arse.

  7. I may be spending too much time at Canis Hoopus during the lead up to free agency, 'cause every time I come back here to the Cup of Coffee, I could swear the title reads "Shved".

          1. Well, I guess if the Wolves sign Alexey he's got a ready-made nickname, huh?

                1. Both. (One week til Breaking Bad!)

                  Some Eastern European guy at Canis explained that Shved means Swede in Slavic.

    1. So what does AAA Chris Berman say?
      "Further further further further further! in the general direction of [nearby suburb or prominent neighborhood]! It's out from here!"

    1. Ummm...am I the only one who....uhh... Oh, nevermind - this isn't your other site.

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