I wish I didn't need the money so badly that I was going in to work while sick.
90 thoughts on “September 4, 2012: Dragging”
fun fact: even with a HR last night, Jamey Carroll still has a higher OBP (.340) than SLG (.307). It also marks the first time since June 26 Carroll has a SLG above .300
Miss SBG is now in Kindergarten. Can you believe how fast the time has flown?
Awesome pic. Impossible that it has been five years.
Lucy is upstairs cleaning the house and is going to start working on various projects that have been put off forever. After five years plus of devoting her time to Miss SBG, she's got to restructure her life. A much tougher day on her than anyone else.
Congrats! Our second is starting Kindergarten this week. She's excited and nervous, but it's so time for her to do it.
My first starts preschool on Thursday. We were exlpaining her new weekly schedule to her and I felt it only honest to add "And it'll go pretty much like that for the nest 20 years or so."
When I started lurking at SBG, she was an infant. I know well how quickly the time flies for a father; I already occasionally dread the fact that Skim will be done with high school in ten and a half years. I remember her birth like it was yesterday.
I haven't put them here for a while, so I'll take this opportunity:
Thank goodness your wife is* attractive.
*never seen her, but she must be...only way to explain it.
Take it back or die. In fact, it's too late. Die, but in the meantime, take it back.
My wife is attractive, but these girls are both going to out-attractive both of us, no question.
Cute kids, spooky! Man, it goes so fast.
This exchange made me nod and laugh at the same time.
I won't take it back...it was intended as compliment to your lovely ladies but I know what you look like. 🙂
I kid, I kid.
Holy Moses. I remember a time before you knew Lucy, now the little Miss is in kindergarten? Time does fly.
She was a doll when I met her, man, and she's a doll now. Someday, at least once, I hope my chillun can hang out with your girl.
And here I thought the one year flew by, I can't imagine how fast the first five will feel once they happen.
(P.S. Sorry about the size, if someone wants to edit it to make it smaller, that'd be great. I really don't know how to do it.)
Start lining up the pre-schools! 🙂
FB pics don't embed so well. anyway, gotcha covered.
'preciate it. One of these days I need to learn how to do that.
Here's mine. Cousin took some first birthday pictures for us.
Posting this mostly to brag that Higgins got this image in one shot!
Cute kids, all around. I spent last week watching mine while Philosofette went back to school. Throw in an amazing labor day weekend full of fun stuff with the kids, and being away from them today is pretty much killing me.
They go from here...
...to here...
...in no time. I've said it before, hug 'em if you got 'em.
A question for the lawyers of the WGOM: Someone I know struck a pedestrian last night. This person was not given a ticket and found to be at no-fault for the accident. (the pedestrian was ticketed, and was likely under the influence, although I haven't had that verified yet.) The pedestrian will live. The windshield and passenger side mirror will need to be replaced on the car. Now, according to the person I know, her insurance company has said they will not cover damages because she was not at faul, though I question that she heard them right because that doesn't make any sense. I'm assuming she will need to file some sort of suit against the pedestrian to get them to pay for the damages. Is that possible or even how it works, or is this something that needs to involve the insurance company as well? If you'd prefer to email converse about this, my email is peterson dot jessea at gmail
I don't remember my insurance law well enough and/or practice any sort of personal injury law that runs into these questions, so I wouldn't be any help.
yeah, i don't remember those too good neither. sorry.
Yeah, me neither. Furthermore, this stuff is or can be pretty state specific, so you will want some WI advice, assuming it happened in WI. My first piece of advice would be to figure out what state entity might be able to help with some free advice.
I'm getting the feeling this is going to get worse before it gets better. To make matters worse, the driver is 19 and generally incapable of finding help on her own. (and also has a history of traffic violations.)
I'll secondy-second everything said here. This is an area where I have extremely limited knowledge.
This place is low on blood-sucking-ness.
This is a shot in the dark, but does anyone here perhaps have an extra ticket to Surlyfest that they don't need? I'm going to be in town that weekend, and I just found out several of my friends are going. Tickets are sold out, but I'd like to attend if possible. I'll give you full price for the ticket AND give you half the drink tokens!
You'll pay through the nose, but you can generally find a single ticket on list of craig.
Don't know how many of you read David Pinto's baseballmusings.com, but every year about this time he starts rooting for massive ties in the playoff races. Here is his scenario for a seven-way tie in the A. L. East, Central, and Wild Card.
A massive tie in the new format would be loads of awesomeness.
This is a playoff hunt I can back fully!
I'll amend that: I'd like to see a six-way tie with the Yankees just missing out 😉
I'd rather see them play a past-midnight tiebreaker and then have to play the early ALDS game the next day.
OK, I'm for it if they have to forfeit because their plane hasn't even landed yet.
Back at work for the first time in a week plus today. Already ready to leave.
I would prefer the CBS/Turner matchup (like what they do for the NCAA basketball tourney) than anything on FOX.
CSI: Balls and Strikes?
Two and a Half Men (the Twins' 2013 starting rotation)
I'm afraid of no broadcast baseball at all during the season.
I got some pretty good news today. The results of the myocardial perfusion imaging (nuclear stress test) I did on Friday came in. Sorting out the medical mumbo-jumbo, the course of treatment calls for no further intervention at this time. That means they aren't going to do another angioplasty and stent placement, we're just going to manage things with meds, diet and exercise. The test showed normal bloodflow into the heart tissue, no significant damage or abnormal healing in the heart wall, and strong tolerance to exercise. My injection fraction, a measure of how much blood the heart pushes out when it contracts, was 69%, and anything in the 65-70% range is considered as good as it gets. I'm one lucky SOB. I get a second chance to restore my heart to a more healthy state. But it also means that it's all up to me to make it happen. I hope I'm up to it, because it isn't exactly an easy road. It's just a much better road.
Wonderful news! Stick with it, Twayn. You can do it!
And remember, a heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others and by your injection fraction.
Yeah, I screwed that up, though. It is actually the ejection fraction. Apparently direction matters.
Yay for this.
late to the party, but better late than never. Congrats, Twayn. Awesome news. And another push to all of us to take care of the Temple while we can. We aren't gonna live longer, but we can die better. I'll vote for that.
cc to Can of Corn: I didn't check my facebook all last week, so I didn't see your meetup invite until it was too late. Where did you sit? At least we both got to see a great baseball game.
No worries, we'll get 'er done next time. I had some pretty great seats down the right field foul line. See discussion beginning here. A few of us got to see a real gem in person.
Has anybody seen the last two episodes of Breaking Bad? I watched them over the weekend and was a little disappointed.
I haven't watched them yet (or any of the season), but I allowed myself to be spoiled because it was bound to happen anyway. I rolled my eyes about the ending as this is exactly the type of thing the show does that drives me up a wall.
the thing which would eventually bring Walt down would be something fairly trivial, some little item he overlooked that would tie him to Gus's operation. I knew this because it was forshadowed in the first episode of the season when he almost forgot to throw out the plant he used to make Jesse's girlfriend's son sick enough to be hospitalized. I just didn't know what exactly it would be. Walt let his success go to his head, he got overconfident, thinking he could outsmart everyone and not miss a trick. He was done in by his own hubris.
I felt they were very good - not up to the end of Season 3 or 4 (and technically this was the midpoint of season 5, not the end) but that's an insanely high bar. And I feel the ending was earned...
Given WW's warning to Jesse about Icarus; Hank's statement that Mike would eventually mess up no matter how good he (or anyone else) is at what he does.
I thought the last episode was beyond gorgeous. Practically every scene was incredibly beautifully shot. However, the deus ex machina ending was a a fairly weak way to get us to the moment we all expected - Hank starting to figure it out. I will say, the show has set such a high bar for suspense that the entire idyllic patio scene had me terrified about what was going to happen.
I commented to the wife while watching how well that episode was directed.
I was wondering about how Mike got busted. Is there any attorney/client priviledge issue? I didn't mind that Mike had Walt make the delivery since it seemed like he had lost his mojo and he always underestimated walt.
I liked the first half of the last episode and I was ok with them glossing through 3 months. What I didn't like was the sudden retirement without getting any reaction from his partners. As we have seen, you don't just retire from that business.
I also like the clue for Hank. I agree with Twayn that it fits his character.
I liked the sudden retirement; as usual, BB does the unexpected with the Empire Builder reaching the top - and then realizing that it's not all the fulfilling. I didn't mind condensing this, as the great montages got the point across succinctly. And the ramifications of his quitting the biz can be explored in the last eight episodes.
The shot of the MRI makes me wonder if WW's cancer is back - and he figured that he's not going to have time to conquer the world, so he would try to right some wrongs and enjoy time with his loved ones instead. But that seems a bit pat.
I was ok with the retirement. I just wish it could be dealt with over a couple episodes instead of five minutes.
I think I'm two or maybe three episodes behind. I'm eager to catch up and get in on this conversation, but I was busy finishing season one of Game of Thrones. I'm already annoyed that there aren't more episodes yet.
I have some good news too. After hinting at it for weeks and weeks and weeks, my boss finally met with me today to discuss a full-time position. The work itself will still be dull, and the benefits aren't mind-blowing, but they are offering me a whole lot more money than I was expecting. I've been making peanuts for so long now that getting a legitimate salary and actual health insurance is like some impossible dream coming true. I'm pretty pumped.
oh, yea. Great news, New Guy. Plus, you should have plenty of pent-up mental energy for writing, which you don't need to use up Bukowski-ing at bars!
In other good medical news, quad screen came back today negative. I really don't care boy/girl, straight/gay, baseball/barbies, PC/Mac. Just want healthy. So, we're part way there.
Wait...you guys are expecting?!?! Congratulations!
I was with you at first but indifferent on pc/mac?! I think you took it too far.
Whatabbout Sox/Twins?
Sheesh, congrats to everyone around here today! Ass-slaps all around!
::looks longing at phone that isn't ringing with news::
Better than the ring I got earlier today... by the way, I randomly bumped into my buddy with whom I put you in touch while at the State Fair (seriously, I almost tripped over his three year-old without realizing they were even there). He reiterated that you should be reading absolutely nothing into the silence.
That is exactly the kind of thing I needed to hear after the day I had today. I knew day 1 back would be rough, but I underestimated.
Better than the ring I got earlier today...
apparently, I've been out of touch. What what, DPWY?
I think that means that some guy named Colin finally proposed.
It's a thing!
All tied up in the East.
May all of their remaining losses be huge blowouts and their wins be close.
I want them to win the WS being outscored at every step along the way.
fun fact: even with a HR last night, Jamey Carroll still has a higher OBP (.340) than SLG (.307). It also marks the first time since June 26 Carroll has a SLG above .300
Miss SBG is now in Kindergarten. Can you believe how fast the time has flown?
Awesome pic. Impossible that it has been five years.
Lucy is upstairs cleaning the house and is going to start working on various projects that have been put off forever. After five years plus of devoting her time to Miss SBG, she's got to restructure her life. A much tougher day on her than anyone else.
maybe in a few years, this will be the response.
Congrats! Our second is starting Kindergarten this week. She's excited and nervous, but it's so time for her to do it.
My first starts preschool on Thursday. We were exlpaining her new weekly schedule to her and I felt it only honest to add "And it'll go pretty much like that for the nest 20 years or so."
When I started lurking at SBG, she was an infant. I know well how quickly the time flies for a father; I already occasionally dread the fact that Skim will be done with high school in ten and a half years. I remember her birth like it was yesterday.
I haven't put them here for a while, so I'll take this opportunity:
Thank goodness your wife is* attractive.
*never seen her, but she must be...only way to explain it.
Take it back or die. In fact, it's too late. Die, but in the meantime, take it back.
My wife is attractive, but these girls are both going to out-attractive both of us, no question.
Cute kids, spooky! Man, it goes so fast.
This exchange made me nod and laugh at the same time.
I won't take it back...it was intended as compliment to your lovely ladies but I know what you look like. 🙂
I kid, I kid.
Holy Moses. I remember a time before you knew Lucy, now the little Miss is in kindergarten? Time does fly.
She was a doll when I met her, man, and she's a doll now. Someday, at least once, I hope my chillun can hang out with your girl.
And here I thought the one year flew by, I can't imagine how fast the first five will feel once they happen.
(P.S. Sorry about the size, if someone wants to edit it to make it smaller, that'd be great. I really don't know how to do it.)
Start lining up the pre-schools! 🙂
FB pics don't embed so well. anyway, gotcha covered.
'preciate it. One of these days I need to learn how to do that.
Here's mine. Cousin took some first birthday pictures for us.

Posting this mostly to brag that Higgins got this image in one shot!
Cute kids, all around. I spent last week watching mine while Philosofette went back to school. Throw in an amazing labor day weekend full of fun stuff with the kids, and being away from them today is pretty much killing me.
They go from here...

...to here...
...in no time. I've said it before, hug 'em if you got 'em.
A beautiful thread!
Yeah, a thread like this was long overdue.
it keeps getting better, too
I really, really do not understand why people won't admit Michael Young just basically stinks at this point.
Michael "Delmon" Young.
A question for the lawyers of the WGOM: Someone I know struck a pedestrian last night. This person was not given a ticket and found to be at no-fault for the accident. (the pedestrian was ticketed, and was likely under the influence, although I haven't had that verified yet.) The pedestrian will live. The windshield and passenger side mirror will need to be replaced on the car. Now, according to the person I know, her insurance company has said they will not cover damages because she was not at faul, though I question that she heard them right because that doesn't make any sense. I'm assuming she will need to file some sort of suit against the pedestrian to get them to pay for the damages. Is that possible or even how it works, or is this something that needs to involve the insurance company as well? If you'd prefer to email converse about this, my email is peterson dot jessea at gmail
I don't remember my insurance law well enough and/or practice any sort of personal injury law that runs into these questions, so I wouldn't be any help.
yeah, i don't remember those too good neither. sorry.
Yeah, me neither. Furthermore, this stuff is or can be pretty state specific, so you will want some WI advice, assuming it happened in WI. My first piece of advice would be to figure out what state entity might be able to help with some free advice.
I'm getting the feeling this is going to get worse before it gets better. To make matters worse, the driver is 19 and generally incapable of finding help on her own. (and also has a history of traffic violations.)
I'll secondy-second everything said here. This is an area where I have extremely limited knowledge.
This place is low on blood-sucking-ness.
This is a shot in the dark, but does anyone here perhaps have an extra ticket to Surlyfest that they don't need? I'm going to be in town that weekend, and I just found out several of my friends are going. Tickets are sold out, but I'd like to attend if possible. I'll give you full price for the ticket AND give you half the drink tokens!
You'll pay through the nose, but you can generally find a single ticket on list of craig.
Don't know how many of you read David Pinto's baseballmusings.com, but every year about this time he starts rooting for massive ties in the playoff races. Here is his scenario for a seven-way tie in the A. L. East, Central, and Wild Card.
A massive tie in the new format would be loads of awesomeness.
This is a playoff hunt I can back fully!
I'll amend that: I'd like to see a six-way tie with the Yankees just missing out 😉
I'd rather see them play a past-midnight tiebreaker and then have to play the early ALDS game the next day.
OK, I'm for it if they have to forfeit because their plane hasn't even landed yet.
Back at work for the first time in a week plus today. Already ready to leave.
interesting nugget: CBS enters into the MLB television race.
I would prefer the CBS/Turner matchup (like what they do for the NCAA basketball tourney) than anything on FOX.
CSI: Balls and Strikes?
Two and a Half Men (the Twins' 2013 starting rotation)
I'm afraid of no broadcast baseball at all during the season.
I got some pretty good news today. The results of the myocardial perfusion imaging (nuclear stress test) I did on Friday came in. Sorting out the medical mumbo-jumbo, the course of treatment calls for no further intervention at this time. That means they aren't going to do another angioplasty and stent placement, we're just going to manage things with meds, diet and exercise. The test showed normal bloodflow into the heart tissue, no significant damage or abnormal healing in the heart wall, and strong tolerance to exercise. My injection fraction, a measure of how much blood the heart pushes out when it contracts, was 69%, and anything in the 65-70% range is considered as good as it gets. I'm one lucky SOB. I get a second chance to restore my heart to a more healthy state. But it also means that it's all up to me to make it happen. I hope I'm up to it, because it isn't exactly an easy road. It's just a much better road.
Wonderful news! Stick with it, Twayn. You can do it!
Awesome! Good to hear.
totally awesome.
Fantastic news!
And remember, a heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others and by your injection fraction.
Yeah, I screwed that up, though. It is actually the ejection fraction. Apparently direction matters.
Yay for this.
late to the party, but better late than never. Congrats, Twayn. Awesome news. And another push to all of us to take care of the Temple while we can. We aren't gonna live longer, but we can die better. I'll vote for that.
cc to Can of Corn: I didn't check my facebook all last week, so I didn't see your meetup invite until it was too late. Where did you sit? At least we both got to see a great baseball game.
No worries, we'll get 'er done next time. I had some pretty great seats down the right field foul line. See discussion beginning here. A few of us got to see a real gem in person.
Has anybody seen the last two episodes of Breaking Bad? I watched them over the weekend and was a little disappointed.
I haven't watched them yet (or any of the season), but I allowed myself to be spoiled because it was bound to happen anyway. I rolled my eyes about the ending as this is exactly the type of thing the show does that drives me up a wall.
I've been predicting for weeks that...
I felt they were very good - not up to the end of Season 3 or 4 (and technically this was the midpoint of season 5, not the end) but that's an insanely high bar. And I feel the ending was earned...
I commented to the wife while watching how well that episode was directed.
I think I'm two or maybe three episodes behind. I'm eager to catch up and get in on this conversation, but I was busy finishing season one of Game of Thrones. I'm already annoyed that there aren't more episodes yet.
I have some good news too. After hinting at it for weeks and weeks and weeks, my boss finally met with me today to discuss a full-time position. The work itself will still be dull, and the benefits aren't mind-blowing, but they are offering me a whole lot more money than I was expecting. I've been making peanuts for so long now that getting a legitimate salary and actual health insurance is like some impossible dream coming true. I'm pretty pumped.
what hungry joe said.
oh, yea. Great news, New Guy. Plus, you should have plenty of pent-up mental energy for writing, which you don't need to use up Bukowski-ing at bars!
In other good medical news, quad screen came back today negative. I really don't care boy/girl, straight/gay, baseball/barbies, PC/Mac. Just want healthy. So, we're part way there.
what rhu_ru said.
Heh heh -- you're alright, dude

Wait...you guys are expecting?!?! Congratulations!
I was with you at first but indifferent on pc/mac?! I think you took it too far.
Whatabbout Sox/Twins?
Sheesh, congrats to everyone around here today! Ass-slaps all around!
::looks longing at phone that isn't ringing with news::
Better than the ring I got earlier today... by the way, I randomly bumped into my buddy with whom I put you in touch while at the State Fair (seriously, I almost tripped over his three year-old without realizing they were even there). He reiterated that you should be reading absolutely nothing into the silence.
That is exactly the kind of thing I needed to hear after the day I had today. I knew day 1 back would be rough, but I underestimated.
apparently, I've been out of touch. What what, DPWY?
I think that means that some guy named Colin finally proposed.
It's a thing!
All tied up in the East.

May all of their remaining losses be huge blowouts and their wins be close.
I want them to win the WS being outscored at every step along the way.