Last night it was promised to me (by someone who can make it happen) that I could meet Johnny Winter the next time he plays Phoenix. Huh.
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Last night it was promised to me (by someone who can make it happen) that I could meet Johnny Winter the next time he plays Phoenix. Huh.
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If you are interested in the NBA and like podcasts, you should listen to Jalen Rose. It's pretty darned good.
A big semi just went past my office window with "SBG" on it in big letters. Is the Boss Emeritus advertising now?
There is a SBG gym in Dublin as well.
I nominate "Straight Blast" as the boss's new nickname.
Gym for short.
or "Jim" for a waaaay inside joak.
I like it.
I had a dream last night that the Twins got Jair Jurrjens for free because nobody else wanted him and he reported to spring training in All=Star form. Then I had a dream about my best friend cheating on his wife. I sense an underlying theme.
Things that aren't going to happen?
'The Lakers have just pooped their big boy pants'
that is quality.
This Lakers season has the potential to be great*.
*Great as in a complete meltdown.
I liked this from 4ltr on last night's game.
Howard's going to be longing for the good old days with SVG pretty soon at this rate.
"great" is not an antonym to "terrible"

LEN3 is reporting the Twins have made offers to several pitchers, including Liriano and Joe Saunders.
Fine with Liriano. Noooooo on Joe Saunders.
Possibly Hardy, LEW!, JI
JIM THOME, and Morneau? I'll have to dig out my sister's O's hat from Mom and Dad's at this rate.
Apparently Revere's name has come up in trade talks. No idea who with or who for. They said they'd "want a CF in return," so that confuses me. I might be irrationally hopeful, but I'd be okay with Maestro manning center field for a couple of months while Hicks is getting ready in Rochester if they could trade Revere for a decent, cost controlled pitcher.
fewer and fewer fan favorites...
Maybe the Twins can just stick Rubio in center and Shved at second or short.
Shved is 6'6". That's pretty tall for a 2Ber. Can he pitch?
I'll be damned if I let the Twins training staff get anywhere near a Shved pitcher. Non-traditional shortstop it is.
Shved is 6'6".
too tall to be a catcher. move him to first!
Now you're thinking.
Mark Belanger and Cal Ripken as former Orioles' SSs with some altitude (I guess Belanger listed only at 6'1", but he was a giant for the times relative to your typical, short, latino all-glove-no-stick middle infielder in the 1960s and early '70s).
Just to continue the Bal'more theme.
I had Buford, Blair, and Belanger cards at one point. Unfortunately, all were attached to bike spokes with wash line pins and are worthless now, even if I could find them.
I still have my Paul Blair 3-D card from a box o' Corn Flakes in the 1970s.
they're not worth much in mint condition in any case
I would imagine that all sorts of names come up in trade talks. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is likely to happen.
the Twins medical staff moved to Eden Prairie
dave brubeck, dead at 91.
Take Five is in my top-5 favorite songs of all time. He was an iconic figure at UOP in nearby Stockton.
i used to know the most awesome single guitar arrangement of "take five". now, i only remember the opening chords.
Dido. I listened to him all day on Sirius while in the car to and from my long meetings.
One of my all-time favorite jazzmen!
WFCR (NPR out in NBB-land) playing Brubeck tonite on Jazz A'la Mode at 8PM EST.
I will be listening whilst making Madras Curry.
Well past the good stuff - don't bother now.
it shouldnt bug me, but it does. There is a Culvers commercial that touts 'searing the burger seals in the flavor' when in fact searing doesnt seal anything. it creates flavor by carmelizing (or what its called) the meat
maillard reaction.
[Aflac duck spit-take.gif]
mallard reaction
That damned duck. I'd say with relative certainty that there is no type of business with more consistantly annoying commercials than insurance companies. The AFLAC duck, pretty much every Geico commercial, Flo (the worst for me)...
The single worst commercial for me, though, is the Subway one where the adults speak with children's voices. It's a terrible concept, executed poorly. Combined with my distaste of Subway (both the food and as a corporate entity) this commercial makes me see red every time I have the misfortune of seeing it.
Has Subway ever made a decent commercial?
Jared wasn't annoying when he was just a "fat" guy walking to get a veggie sub...or not.
I never grew sick of this one:
If forced to choose between this and Dethklok's coffee jingle, I don't know which way I'd go.
oh, damn it. just the sight of this video got this song stuck in my head.
Do you need me to post the Dethklok jingle for Duncan Hills to cleanse your mind?
(Yr Welcome!)
I will didon the distaste of the new Subway ad campaign. Women bullying the geeky guy and taking his sandwich? This does not make me want to spend money at their stores.
I fully agree. It's easily the dumbest commercial running, which is saying something considering the competition.
Well, Dr. Pepper 10 is still trying with its whole "it's not for women" campaign, so...
That being said, the Subway commercials have a mean spiritedness to them that has come up more than once at work, so I guess I can agree with you.
The Dr. Pepper ads are dumb, but they look like they're supposed to dumb. My feeling is that someone at Subway actually thinks their ads are clever.
What gets me are commercials that make me instantly change the radio station/channel/web site. had this annoying dancing lady mortgage advert. Both my wife and I switched over to in disgust - vote with your feet.
I stopped going to Arby's because I hated their 'Good Mood Food' campaign.
Good Mood Food sounds like GoMoFo, just sayin.
Yep, the other weather sites' ads drove me to wunderground as well.
I'd been using one or the other, bothered but never too ticked to put in the effort to look for another. Then ran across something mentioning wunderground and noticed that a guy a block away from my house has a station, so I'm 95% switched. (One of the old ones does a better job on severe weather maps.
*tries to come up with nucleophilicity joke but bags it*
The wedding photographer. A fantastic essay.
Jackie O: Mind if I sit here?
J. Fitz: Me likes me some French onion soup baked in peasant bread.
J. Fitz: is peasant bread made from peasants?
If it is, are they gluten-free?
+10 to bS on the birth of a new verb (attention OED'ers) didon. Linguistic history here, pallos.
didon v. To agree with an earlier dismissal of a promotional effort. e.g. I will didon the distaste of the new Subway ad campaign. [2012]
I was waiting for bS to blame his autocorrect, but this is far, far better.
People: the sidebar (and mobile?) does not know superscripting. If you read from a regular browser, you should see dido with a superscripted n.
Nonetheless, I approves of Bo's verb-age.
I didon waiting for Italian roasted pepper sandwich.
I'm also not into dinon on duck fat. Eat that.
Gotcha, you were dido'ing to the nth power. Math confuses me sometimes.
Possible changes coming to the mlb blackout policy. You know, eventually, maybe.
You've probably already seen the proper way to display a Tolkien box set:

After 3 hours chatting with support technicians from Comcast, Samsung, Cisco and Linksys, both on the phone and via "chat", I remember now why sometimes, I F*CKING HATE TECHNOLOGY!
We bought a Bluray 3D/DVD player with WiFi direct and internet accessiblity for each other for Christmas. I had it all hooked up and the stupid thing would connect to my wireless network, but not the internet. First it was the ISP, then it was the router, then it was the player - all of the suggestions were about the same (unplug the router, reset the player, disconnect the modem, reset the router...). Finally, Cisco sent me to their third-party system engineers who wanted to charge me $65 to configure my brand new Bluray player to the router. I said, no thanks and went back over to the support pages for more online chatting. I finally got connected to a support tech who responded promptly to my questions and had actual, useful questions for me. He helped me figure out that I to select the something in the device setup that would allow it to communicate with the router. And also to push the refresh button on top of the router to allow it to connect to the device...I asked him what he'd had me do but didn't understand his answer. I kept all of the transcripts, so if anyone's interested in deciphering what the hell I've been up to - let me know and I'll put up a post.
Phew...I was on the verge of throwing stuff. And this after watching the Wolves game!