December 27, 2012: Doldrums?

So, what of this strange malaise that a bunch of you feel between Christmas and New Year's Eve? I don't get that these days. Hell, it's hard for me to remember it's December around here.

36 thoughts on “December 27, 2012: Doldrums?”

    1. Wow. I will absolutely be buying the home Twins one as my 2013 cap. The road is nice, too. Hell I may buy them both. So awesome.

      1. ones that I think look good: Astros, Brewers (alt), Giants, O's, Pirates, Reds (because Im a sucker for Mr. Redlegs), both Twins, White Sox

          1. doctor of style, I need to get that on a business card!

            just interested, I guess. I mean, my wardrobe consists of: charcoal hoodie, the other charcoal hoodie, or the black hoodie.

  1. Just when I thought I couldn't hate Dwayne Wade any more.


    1. I didn't have the audio on, and thought to myself "I bet they called the foul on Sessions, too." Sure enough. God, what a scum bag.

      1. I haven't listened to the audio either, but the initial foul call on Sessions was ok. But, if I'm not mistaken, he was called for a second foul when we went to discuss things with Wade.

        So, in summary, I firmly believe Lebron James is not "fouling" because the league is giving the Heat biased officiating.

          1. I was hoping for a lifetime ban, but I suppose this is a start.

            I don't suppose the ref who effed the whole thing up will get any punishment, eh?

    1. My favorite comment:

      As a taxpayer in the Buffalo area, and even as a fan of the team for about 25 years, it infuriates me that our tax dollars are being wasted on corporate welfare when, for example, organizations like the one my wife runs for the homeless and poor has to scrabble for every last grant dollar and STILL doesn't have enough to pay for the personnel or vehicles it needs to improve. I want this team GONE. I'll enjoy watching REAL football being played on Sunday and Monday nights, just like I do now.

    1. That story led me to this one. I think we should invite Mr. Leitch to visit the basement.*

      Guy Fieri/food review discussion? Check.
      Pop culture value v. legitimate quality? Check.
      NFL TV ratings prove it's the BEST SPORT! Check.
      FourLetter hate and a "GOML" comment? Check.

      A couple of sample, WGOMish nuggets:

      Just because a bunch of morons and teenagers are watching The Voice doesn't mean that the rest of us have to give a shit.

      There was a time we didn't give a shit how popular something was, by the way; there was a time that "selling out" was considered the worst thing you could do.

      And the grand finale, the coup de grace:

      The beauty of the Web is that it belongs to you, and me, and to each of us, individually. What are other people doing on the Internet? Who the hell cares? I'll just find people who like doing what I'm doing and talk to them. Is that the best way to make money on the Web? Probably not. But that's their problem: Not ours.

      *edit - then I read further and he insinuates that Minnesotans are incestuous!?!

      1. Oyster crackers! I have no idea why people even bother with the soup. If you put oyster crackers in a vending machine, I would replace all my meals with them. For whatever reason, cutting regular crackers up like that makes them irresistible. ENTER THE OCTAGON.

        this made my day.
        I havent bought regular crackers in about 10 years. Its oyster crackers or no crackers at my place.

        1. I especially enjoyed the comment that oyster crackers are hexagonal, not octagonal. SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET IS WRONG! πŸ™‚

      2. Hmm- he insinuated that the Vikings fans in NYC at the sportsbar he went to every week are incestuous.

        So, number #1- not Minnesotans, and more importantly, #2- why would he keep going back there every week? Wouldn't a couple weeks be enough to make you find another place to watch the game?

  2. We came to the conclusion that the eagle video was a fake, but here's final proof:

    It was a bizarre, terrifying sight seen by millions of people: A large bird videotaped in the skies above a Canadian park suddenly swooping down and snatching a baby. The bird drops the child a few seconds later, flying away and leaving shocked bystanders. A day after the video went viral, students at an animation school, Centre NAD, admitted that they had created the hoaxed video. A statement issued by the school credited (or blamed) three of its students and explained, "both the eagle and the kid were created in 3D animation and integrated in to the film afterwards." As interesting β€” and scary β€” as the event was, it turned out to be a non-story.

    This is from Dr. Benjamin Radford.

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