So, I helped Joe Morgan with his RCA cable problem last night. Turns out he showed up while I was at lunch, explained what he needed, assumed the other guy was wrong, brought it home and had to come back. My guy was totally right, though Morgan didn't admit this conversation had happened to me while we spoke. He was a nice guy and got bothered a lot by customers (there are a lot of Reds fans in town). I cut off a few people from bugging him, which he greatly appreciated. I did not bring up my views on baseball.
100 thoughts on “February 12, 2013: I wanted to ask if his first name is “Fire””
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The local baseball card shop owner showed me this absolutely beautiful photo, an 8"x10" B&W of "Wahoo" Sam Crawford doing some bat maintenance in his Detroit basement workshop. I'm glad I found the image online to share:
Gorgeous. I wonder who the picture up on the wall is.
I agree with strat, that's a great pic.
edit: I'm not the baseball historian that some of you are and didn't know him from ty cobb, so his bio was fun to read.
+10 for tagging Crawford.
Happy Mardi Gras, y'all.
King Cake or whatever it is called is awesome. I could go for that right now.
Someone brought one into work this morning. I went to Mardi Gras in 2001. Got so wasted on Monday that Tuesday was kind of a dud. Rookie mistake.
I started the day with Jell-O shots. Nutritious and delicious.
Be careful not to bite too hard, you never know where the plastic baby will show up.
It hasn't happened to me, but I'm wondering etiquette when, while cutting a slice, the knife runs across the baby.
once again, we just had 2 king cakes delivered to the office. we do business with some company in new orleans, and they send them about 3-4 per year. they send one to us, and another for one of our NY offices, though they use our address. that NY office doesn't actually do any real work with them though, so we just hold on to theirs for them.
i've been baby-free, but that's mainly because i don't really eat any.
We get at least three from one of our clients. All end up in the breakroom.
This year's were a bit of a downer, the cream filling seemed a bit more like barely-sweetened lard or shortening. Not sure what that was about. Had to have several pieces over several days just to make sure.
creme filling? wow, your gifter is high class!
why, what do you get? Plain sweetbread?
Sheenie baked three king cakes last night. Her father also usually ships up one. I've had the baby several times. Tonight we're eating Sheenie's king cake and Popeye's chicken.
Good choices around.
Popeye's! I'm going to do that. Nice.
we have a Popeyes in the neighborhood. Haven't been yet, but I've been meaning to find an excuse. I loved me some Popeyes back in the day.
After I saw this, I have been craving chicken, but I couldn't decide between wings and fried chicken, so I got both. I need to get my calories in, right?
So, um... Pitchers and Catchers officially report today for the Twins, right? And nothing about it yet?
The Twins? Is that some sort of independent league baseball team?
Sorry, I was listening to Mike & Mike, and all they've talked about is an NFL team that missed the playoffs re-signing its mediocre quarterback.
I think I see your problem.
I think the one baseball view I would share with Mr. Morgan would be, "I think you were the greatest second baseman of all time."
and the hilarious thing is, he spouts ignorance re: the statistics that prove he is the greatest second baseman of all time
Which is why the statement is perfect: it is both high praise and a rejoinder.
I did indeed tell him how much I loved footage of him as a player.
He was back in today, so I talked to him again. My female co-workers suddenly wouldn't stop staring at him when I mentioned he was a HoFer.
I am so old I remember him playing.
chicken wing! I don't know why, but I loved that quirk.
That would be the thought I'd likely share.
Arrest ≠guilt, but as a Gopher fan, I may be willing to forgo the "Five-Star" recruits in favor of upstanding citizens.
Can they get neither?
Good point. Guess my thought was, "Well, you can't have both."
Chris Jaffe, an occasional poster in the old basement, was a guest on MLB Network's Clubhouse Confidential yesterday. He also filmed a segment for a Prime Nine episode that hasn't yet aired.
This just in: the Olympics suck. More accurately, the people who run the Olympics suck.
It's like they're trying to give me reasons not to watch.
the pentathlon stays because they had a better lobbyist
What do they have against New Ulm?
Is it so bad to have more sports?
there's only so many sports that NBC can ignore.
It was one thing to get rid of baseball/softball--they'd only been contested 4-5 times (about as often as Tug of War was contested as an olympic sport, but wrestling? I'd sooner get rid of any team sport than wrestling. Here's a rough list of how often each sport has been held at the summer Olympics:
28 - Swimming
28 - Gymnastics
28 - Athletics
28 - Fencing
27 - Track cycling
27 - Wrestling
27 - Rowing
26 - Diving
26 - Water polo
26 - Soccer
26 - Shooting
25 - Road cycling
25 - Sailing
25 - Weightlifting
24 - Equestrian
24 - Boxing
23 - Modern pentathlon
22 - Field hockey
18 - Canoe/kayak (sprint)
18 - Basketball
15 - Archery
15 - Tennis
13 - Volleyball (indoor)
12 - Handball
12 - Judo
8 - Synchronized swimming
8 - Rhythmic Gymnastics
7 - Canoe/kayak (slalom)
7 - Table tennis
6 - Badminton
5 - Mountain biking
5 - Volleyball (beach)
4 - Trampoline
4 - Taekwondo
4 - Triathlon
2 - BMX
While I'm not the world's biggest modern pentathlon fan, I don't see why that should have to go, either. Surely if you're going to get rid of a hand-to-hand combat sport, Taekwondo or Judo ought to go before wrestling, right? I'd even remove boxing before wrestling. It's not even like it's a difficult sport to contest. It'd even make way more sense to remove soccer from the Olympics, since FIFA treats it as a second-rate tournament, basically a U23 world championship. Not to mention that soccer is much more logistically challenging to host than wrestling, given the number of venues required.
so, rhythmic gymnastics will be an event, but wrestling won't...
If I understand correctly, rhythmic gymnastics doesn't count as one of the 25 core sports. FIG organizes all three of artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, and trampoline and in total they count as one of the 25 core sports. Similarly, diving, swimming, synch swimming, and water polo are all lumped together, as are the cycling events (road, track, bmx, mountain), the equestrian events (dressage, jumping, eventing), volleyball (beach and indoor), canoe (sprint and slalom), and wrestling (freestyle and greco-roman.)
ahh. well, it's still a waste of time 😉
Wait, Trampoline is an Olympic event? And now wrestling isn't? Ugh.
See above: I think trampoline is included because FIG organizes it, and it doesn't count as one of the 25 core disciplines.
More concerning to me is the number of core disciplines that are taken up by racket sports--badminton, table tennis, and tennis each have their own governing body, so eliminating any one of those three would open up a spot for wrestling, whereas eliminating trampoline would not make room for wrestling. Similarly, Judo and Taekwondo each have their own organizing body, so they each take up a core discipline slot.
Of course, if I was king of the world, I'd probably get rid of some of those sub-discipline events, like synch swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline (though trampoline at least fits with "higher" in "faster, higher, stronger"), BMX, beach volleyball.
well, it's even worse. "Wrestling" is actually two very different sports, or events at least: Freestyle, and Greco-Roman. It's like lumping "Swimming" together with "Diving" and saying that it's one sport.
Similarly, diving, swimming, synch swimming, and water polo are all lumped together
Beat me to it!
ack. I was looking at your list, where you listed swimming and diving separately.
Yeah, sorry for the confusion. I took this list, and imported it to Excel to come up with a rough count for each event, but the table is a little inconsistent so it turned out partially baked.
Actually, the IOC does exactly that. FINA is the organizing body for swimming, diving, synch swimming, and water polo, so those four events all count as one "core" sport.
so the solution is a strategic partnership between the governing bodies of wrestling, boxing, taekwondo and judo. And maybe baseball (hey, baseball fights!).
Basically. You could reduce from 26 to 21 just by strategically combining wresting, boxing, taekwondo, and judo under one governing body, and tennis, badminton, and table tennis under one governing body.
Then they can bring back baseball (with softball and cricket), tug-of-war, and two other disciplines.
Rock climbing and scrambling?
I wonder if Lance will ever be able to do Triathlon in the big O.
52 different nations have had at least one wrestler win an Olympic medal -- 40 in Greco-Roman (contested almost every Olympiad 1896-2012) and 44 in Freestyle (almost every Olympiad 1904-2012).
Worldwide participation and success? Let's get rid of it!
“Well, when I was growing, I used to wrestle cows on our dairy farm …â€
As long as curling remains a part of the winter olympics, I don't give a shit.
Just the history of the sport should have kept it in. I am all for sports where everyone has an opportunity to compete. You don't need special equipment (like a fencing foil, a horse, a bicycle, etc.) to compete in wrestling, just protective gear.
I have similar tastes for Olympic sports. The less equipment, the better. I was actually surprised a bit how some of the more equipment-y events go back as far or nearly as far as wrestling, at least cycling, equestrian, and fencing.
All you need for rhythmic gymnastics is a ribbon!
Not true. You need a hula hoop and a stick (baton? some damn thing) too.
also, tell me with a straight face that the title "rhythmic gymnastics" doesn't make you think first of teh pr0n. And then make you feel dirty, because so many of the contestants are prepubescent girls.
Huh. Never thought of that before. ðŸ˜
Eh, the Olympics suck regardless of which sports are involved.
I only watch for the sprints.
We all know how much you love swimming!
Hey now. I like swimming. I'm just asking for some perspective.
Do you swim Stick? Check out the U of M for a good deal ($1 for the community).
Gym has pool.
Well, good news and bad news-
Good- The new work firewall doesn't bar me from the WGOM.
Bad- All the gravatars are just showing image placeholders. Evidently those take up too much bandwidth. Boooooo!
Interesting perspective on the state of the nation's high school education.
I'd like to hear from more teachers about their thoughts on No Child Left Behind or education in general...seems like "teaching to the tests" isn't the best way to promote academic (or other types of) curiosity.
I'm not a teacher, but my wife started substitute teaching this year since our kids are all in school, so I've heard some related stories.
The story that is probably the most relevant to this comes from a one-week stint she had teaching algebra to 7th and 8th graders. Every single kid was getting an A or B for the year. Every. Kid. The regular teacher didn't use textbooks, allowed unlimited retakes on tests, and gave extra credit on homework. The test that my wife gave to the 7th graders, one kid passed with a 74%. No one else was over 60%. I don't think the teaching methods and the grades those kids were getting are preparing them for anything.
I wish I could say that I thought this was a isolated incident, but I don't believe it is.
as with every other profession, there are good teachers and bad ones.
Grade inflation is endemic. My favorite story came from the Chronicle of Higher Ed a few years ago. Some twit from an Ivy League university justified Ivy grade inflation by arguing that their kids were all that much smarter than the kids in state schools, so of course the average grade should be high.
When I was in college, my roommate asked me to help his sister with college algebra. She was an honor student in high school, but this was her third shot at college algebra and suffice it to say, she was not getting it. I tried to help her, but she literally could not solve an equation as easy as 3X-7=0. I tried and tried and tried. She could not figure it out. I finally said, "How in the world did you graduate from high school?" Not the most politically correct thing to say, but after explaining 20 times that you add 7 to each side and then divide each side by 3 to isolate X (or whatever the equation was) and having her just not be able to do that, I just had to ask.
What was her answer?
She got pissed off, of course.
I suppose I shouldn't have expected something witty.
You do not even need to take algebra in high school.
My wife is a great writer and was summa cum laude in college but can not do one lick of algebra.
I was a Precalc TA for one semester at the UMN. The students that came to my office hours were like that.
a kid on Jeopardy just trumped Cliff Clavin on the Final Jeopardy answer
Damn. I didn't get home until 5. YouTube tomorrow i hope
That is a thousand kinds of awesome.
That is
a75 thousand kinds of awesome.FTFY.
Does anyone know how to acquire the bonus tracks to "Almost Killed Me"? I checked Amazon, but no dice.
speaking of awesome,
Absolutely. (subject to edit)
I hate it when athletes get into politics.
Stick to the basketball at least until you retire. Unless the point is a better lottery pick.
Hey, if the water torture is too forbidden zoney, I won't be offended if someone axes it. I just thought it was funny in a "watch delmon play the outfield" sort of awkward slapstick.
Ok, clearly there's actually something there that I'm not seeing. Or you guys are taking this joak to new heights.
It was just the Rubio-takes-an-awkward-drink animated gif, phyllo.
Ah. That's less funny then a thread dedicated to nothing.
Seinfeld threads are soooo last decade.
My problem isn't with you. It's that danged Rubio thinking he can tell us how to run our country when he has no ideas on how to even help the Timberwolves.
Now that wrestling is out of the Olympics, isn't politics the next logical move for Rubio?
They kept basketball didn't they?
Is he that bad at it?
Have there been any shoe ads on tv with him playing basketball? Until I see one, I can't judge whether he's good at basketball.