52 thoughts on “April 6, 2013: Whoops”

  1. About one block from work on the way home last night someone pulls out in front of me and bam. Luckily no one was hurt and the Suzuki POS wasn't damaged to bad. It's still drivable, though I almost wish it had been totaled. The lady who pulled out in front of me was driving a brand new RAV4, there goes that new car smell. Anywho I got back on the road just in time to hear the Davis slam, which just kind of topped off the whole episode. It's funny when he came up I was thinking, well here's his last chance to hit a homer in the first four games and then, oh shit.

    1. I am attempting to link my mlb.tv account with my playstation and I am only seeing info for 2012. I uninstalled and reinstalled the at bat app on my playstation with no luck. Any one else have this problem?

        1. and i had the same problem this year. i messed around with it a bunch of times, selected "current season" about 20 times, couldn't find any solutions on the internets, and then it just randomly started to work somehow. hope that answers your question.

        1. John from mlb advanced media customer service is on it. Thanks, Socal.

          1. So if this happens to you do a hard restart and give it 10 minutes for the software to update and voila!

    1. And you thought the other guy in the booth needed to act more like a grown-ass man.

  2. The Twins are simultaneously tied for first and last in a perfectly mediocre division.

    1. I wonder if his playing time is going to be cut after this.

      he finally moved past the break even mark: 746 points on 736 shot attempts.

    2. There was a point where he was listening? They were telling him to play like that? I call bullshit.

  3. Jim Mandelaro โ€@jmand1

    The @RocRedWings have placed C @drewbutera on DL with left hand injury. Was HBP Friday. INF Eric Farris joins team from NB. #mntwins #ROC

    there goes his trade value.

    1. Wow. So its pretty much true that the world takes an extra 10-15 years to get to Grand Forks, eh? Wait until they see this Ruler of the Ring I keep hearing about!

    2. Hey, careful guys, Eric is a real good HS friend of mine. It's not a Grand Forks Herald piece; "Country Scribe" is syndicated in many newspapers.

      I replied to Eric in FB -- if you are able to see my post, feel free to Like or chime in.

      1. Actually, it looks like he's properly locked his FB down. Here's what I wrote, though:

        Gonna have to disagree with a lot of the things you state in your latest Country Scribe. For instance, "To Beane, and to the statisticians, baseball isn't beautiful until it starts to conform to the averages." To Beane and statisticians, baseball is beautiful NO MATTER WHAT, but their goal is to find or create beautiful metrics which best describe (and try to predict) the outcome of a pitch/play/game.

        "Our national pass time is so tied up with long-term thinking that fun and serendipity has been stripped from the individual games." Au contraire, the gang at WGOM.org (all basement-dwelling computer nerds, like myself) for instance is very statistically minded, and you'd be hard pressed to find a game log there that is stripped of fun and serentipity (aside from those that get out of hand for the Twins in the first couple innings, maybe). And it's "pastime" btw.

        The goal of a baseball team is to win, and if certain metrics can help in that pursuit, then by all means, use them! Meanwhile, I'm still enjoying watching a baseball game as much as I did 40 years ago, and I believe you are as well.

        If you're writing this column to churn some debate, well, nice one. Keep up the great work, in any case. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. Here's the thing I always say when people complain about statistics ruining baseball: nobody is forcing anyone to consider statistics as part of their enjoyment of the game! If you want to watch the game without any knowledge of any statistical analysis, that is your right. If you choose to ignore what other people are doing in the area of statistical analysis, Go ahead! But please, don't sit there and run people down for enjoying the game in a way that you don't care to participate in. That's all I'm asking.

          1. Nobody who enjoys baseball does so without using statistics. It's just that many "old-timers" don't like to be told they're looking at the wrong stats (wins, BA, saves, etc.).

          2. Totally agree. I don't think Eric is as GOML as he sounds, but consider his audience: read the article to Butch and see how it mirrors his views.

    1. Welp, Wilson Ramos hit 2 HRs today and is now hitting .444/.583/1.111 on the young season.

  4. This is delicious:

    On Friday morning, two days after Mr. Rice was fired, Athletic Director Tim Pernetti resigned, and implied that he was being made a scapegoat. He said his initial inclination when he saw the videos last fall was to fire Mr. Rice, but โ€œRutgers decided to follow a process involving university lawyers, human resources professionals, and outside counsel.โ€

    Robert L. Barchi, the president of Rutgers, placed the blame on Mr. Pernetti and other senior officials who he said recommended that Mr. Rice be suspended rather than fired.

    Poor President Barchi. His hands were tied by the recommendations of subordinates.

  5. the Yankees looks old and slow and are getting beat down by the Tigers
    I expect the 4ltr to go full tilt early season Lakers coverage on them.

    1. but now the Tigers are using their bullpen and its only the 6th. I guess the Yanks have a chance in this game.

  6. Rick Adelman gets career win #1000. good for him
    with 55 Wolves wins, he is second on the all time Wolves coaches wins list (Flip 411, Adelman 55, Dwane Casey 53)
    that says a lot about this franchise.

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