One of my favorite singer song writers singing a song from one of my other favorite singer songwriters.
One of my favorite singer song writers singing a song from one of my other favorite singer songwriters.
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Lovely. He's been a favorite of mine since I first heard Devotion + Doubt many years ago. Truly, one of the most over-looked talents of the past 20 years.
Not live, but here's a swell Kris Kristopherson cover by the man.
Oh, FFs. KristoFFerson.
yeah, I get him and Nick Noltey confused all the time.
A few years ago all it took to get him to appear was 500 bucks, dinner, and a room to stay in. My friend Ted paid the man to play his apartment in New York. I've heard it was legendary.
I need to start saving up.

This was solid - thanks for sharing.
Also, did you know Buckner had a new record coming out that day, or was it just a happy coincidence?
(Just downloaded it from the Merge site and listening to it now.)