I run two-hour meetings at my store occasionally, and have been warned by one of my employees that she'll be "going off" at the meeting this morning. That should be a laugh riot that's not at all awkward.

I run two-hour meetings at my store occasionally, and have been warned by one of my employees that she'll be "going off" at the meeting this morning. That should be a laugh riot that's not at all awkward.
Comments are closed.
I was just commenting last week to my co-workers that I've never actually witnessed a yelling/screaming you're of argument at work. Kinda disappointing, but I am relatively young yet. I also don't have any stories about any crazy people I've worked with. I feel like I've had a sheltered career so far.
I had a boss once who had worked mostly on the Coasts. He once told me he was very disappointed in that no-one (in our Minny-based group) ever yelled or screamed about anything. His interpretation was that they didn't care.
I told him that they did care, and that when someone in MN says 'I'm not sure about that...', what they are really saying is 'Are you F'ing crazy?!!!!111001101000'.
Going along with what NBB said, you may well work in the wrong part of the country. One time at my job in NYC the boss's assistant was pretty much in a screaming match with him. (The door was closed, but it didn't make a difference.) I finally just left and took a walk around the neighborhood because I couldn't very well concentrate on anything and I had no interest in the conflict. When I got back to work, everything was quiet and no one ever mentioned a thing about it.
I also had some brief contact with the NYC fashion world. Those people are not quite right to begin with and then you add on the fact that they're starving themselves, and wow that's a whole lot of crazy. It was kind of like a real-life Emperor's New Clothes. Definitely not the industry for me.
I just read the best op ed piece ever! The writer explained how legalizing liquor sales on Sunday will lead to the legalization of incest and murder for religious or cultural reasons.
not to mention Bonds making the Hall of Fame
where's Phyllo with the points? This is worth 1.051.
Laugh all you want. It's coming.
Which one?
Whatever is worst.
I recently found out firsthand that this may come from our Scandinavian forefathers. In Sweden, it's the same thing, except stores close at 7pm M-F and 3pm (!) on Saturday (closed Sunday, of course). However, they can buy 3.5% outside of the liquor stores if they need it.
California is rife with incest and murder for religious/cultural reasons, what with teh Firewater available 24-7 in grocery stores, drug stores, gas stations, etc.
This is bad news. We want this stayed and eventually substantially reduced. The Yanks need to pay A-Rod's salary, stay over the luxury tax and get further punished. Getting his $28 million or whatever off the books is really, really bad.
Looks like the MLBPA isn't going to help.
Well this weekend just keeps going wrong. Backing out of my garage today I heard a bang followed by a twang. Hooray! Broken spring.
spring on car, or on garage door?
Car, unfortunately. Here's to hoping the strut is still ok.
Ah well, nothing a little bourbon and Pacific Rim can't do to cheer me up.
Seriously, this movie is exactly as entertaining the second time around as the first.
But is it an awful, awesome movie, or an awesome awful movie? It was stupid fun, in any case.
It's an awesomely awesome movie, is what it is.
Bummer. I need to replace struts on my daughter's car, I'm thinking now I might just get the ones pre-loaded with new springs. More expensive, but it makes the job a lot faster and easier and I don't have to worry about the wear on the old springs. It's a 1996 model, so there's some age on them.
I have (mildly) leaking struts (IIRC) on the mrs' beemer. Our guy says get 'em done (both front and back) within the next year. Yea, team. This after most of a Bill's worth of other work to fix a problem with the transmission.
I broke a garage door spring about ten years ago during a cold snap like the one that just ended. Sounded like a cannon going off right next to you. Luckily only one of the two springs broke so I was able to muscle the door open and get to work, but it scared the Bejeebus out of me.
Me, being the domestic repair genius that I am, did not realize that one of our garage door springs had broken until, some many months later, the other one broke. With the cars inside. And me late for a meeting. Lifting a two-car garage door with broken springs is not a recommended back therapy.
That is a job I hired out.
Oh, I hired out the repair, no doubt.
Name the HOF catchers with a higher OPS+ than Joe Mauer.
Pfffffft. His contract is still like a millstone with an albatross draped over it.
needs maor dingers
Joe Mauer. Rhymes with no power.
Raining hard here in H'town. Heard some loud thunder as we were leaving the grocery store. It's about 53F and the snow is dissolving like the mean lady in Oz.
Warm enough here that I ran into fog last night and liked it.
we got a robust 1/128th or so of an inch this morning.
Last year was the (or one of the) driest years on record in the Sacramento area, with under 6.5 inches of precipitation, a third of normal. This year is looking worse.
Small Sample Size for 2014.
I'm in shorts and flip flops trying to helps 'aints fans lick their wounds.
From the way you and Will talk about NO, I bet even those wounds are delicious.
Today, I had breakfast tacos and mimosas outside in a tshirt and jeans, then played volleyball in the park.
Today, I... drank a vanilla protein shake for breakfast/lunch (clearly not brunch) and snowboarded for seven hours.
All around, it was a good day.
Funny thing. Our diabetic cat appears to be cured of diabetes. We had noticed recently that she was geting lethargic after her injections, then a couple of weeks ago she had a seizure about an hour after her evening insulin . We fed her chocolate pudding and corn syrup to get her blood sugar back up, but after that I stopped giving her insulin. We've been observing her for about two weeks now and she seems just fine without it, no symptoms at all. So basically the dry, high carb food we were feeding her all her life gave her diabetes, changing her diet to high protien wet food cured it.
On another note, remember that prime rib I told you guys about? My wife used some of the leftovers (meat, bones and au jus) to make vegetable beef soup. Best. Soup. Ever.
Wow. Gophers take MSU to OT before falling apart. In East Lansing.
Parenting Fial: my daughter had never heard of Heat Miser before today (we were discussing stop-motion films as a genre after jointly complaining about the new Lego movie - animated instead of stop-motion? WTF?). So I corrected that deficiency by calling up the Snow Miser and Heat Miser songs on youtube.
You couldn't have at least used Aardman??
Heat Miser song?
that is one weird music vid.
I think that's a fan made vid with album art and other stuff.
I think dadboner has hacked Gleeman's twitter account.
I'd say that his target audience does not include me.