January 12, 2014: Swerve

So the girl who warned me there would be fireworks at the meeting was civil and diplomatic. Instead, another one went off on an insane tirade about completely different things. Well, at least I was prepared for an awkward meeting.

19 thoughts on “January 12, 2014: Swerve”

    1. Speaking of Buxton and Sano:

      they are future No. 2 and 4 hitters around whom the Twins can sandwich Mauer.

      I generally like Passan, but sheesh- where's an editor when you need one? Or at least someone who understands what a sandwich is.

      1. I dunno, if you think of it like a club sandwich, then Mauer hits 1st, 3rd, and 5th.

        I think a Mauer-Buxton-Mauer-Sano-Mauer lineup would probably score a few runs. Plus, ghost runners!

        1. Well, DG knows how to make a sandwich with a very high WAR, but I'm not sure I trust him to fill out a lineup card.

    2. Interesting that Passan compares Buxton to Eric Davis. I hope Eric Davis is Buxton's floor (only Buxton being a lot more healthy than Davis was throughout his career)

      1. through age-28 (2983 PA in the majors), Davis was on pace for a HOF career. 272/364/522, 140 OPS+, 166 HR, 233 SB. As mostly a CFer. Eric Davis was an outstanding player. I hope he's Buxton's floor too! πŸ™‚

  1. I've been very lax in checking out the guest DJ posts, but I have the apt to myself at the moment, so I'm going though the backlog.

  2. So apparently they're showing The Princess Bride at Southdale on Wednesday evening. I just may have to get myself over there.

  3. Tried my hand at flan today. Recipe was a hybrid of Jose Andres and Joy Of Cooking. First time I've ever made caramel. That part was at least fantastic. We'll see how the rest of it turns out in a few hours.

    1. I started a batch of orange bitters from a kit a friend gave me for Christmas. If this goes well, I'll probably try making my own from scratch. I love bitters.

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