Long story short, I have to take the girls to the carpool an hour earlier than usual, and then work a longer shift than usual, on a day of the week where we typically have very few customers to pass the time.

Long story short, I have to take the girls to the carpool an hour earlier than usual, and then work a longer shift than usual, on a day of the week where we typically have very few customers to pass the time.
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Once in a while, pandora.com totally mystifies me in their classification of songs. My alternative country station just gave me "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men.
My wife listens to Pandora at work, and says if she creates pretty much any station, it will become a Beatles station within about two hours.
with enough application of the thumbs up/down
I totally depend on Pandora to stretch the boundaries now and then -- it's been a boon for finding cool tunes
I'm mildly hungover, been up since 5 for no good reason, and for some odd reason all I want to do is listen to Yeezus
Just like Kanye!
Okay, I've wanted to make this it's own post (or series of posts) for quite a while now, but I think it'll just be easier to spring them in the Co'C every now and then. Call it "ID the AU"
I currently have 16 different baseball cards with this Twins player's autograph on them. His autograph has a nice flair to it. Here are three examples:

Spoiler those answers!
I agree.
Sorry if this one came out of left field
Thanks for playing -- look for more in the (post-vacation) future.
Miss SBG with a life kinda sucks sometimes moment this morning.
She had this little toy that she loved when she was a kid. You sat in it like a car and it had a steering wheel and two pedals. If you stepped on the pedals, it sounded like a car. Cool toy for a two year old. This morning, she insisted that I get it out of the attic. I told her that it's not a good toy for her anymore. She insisted. I told her, okay, but you can't play with any other toys today if I bring it down. Deal, she said.
I went and got it. She's too big to sit in it. She insisted I broke it because it doesn't do much. I told her, no, that's how it always was. She kept insisting that I broke it, even though I know that she knows that I didn't break it. I relented on the deal, of course, with the lesson that be careful what you are willing to deal away.
It's kind of like when I went out to the farmstead where my mother grew up. As a kid, I believed that house was HUGE. The house is gone now, but I remember going into it long after they sold it (I was in college then) and man, was it tiny. You can still tell where the foundation was now and it seems tinier still.
I understand that feeling. That's my entire hometown, for that matter.
It's worse, of course, watching it happen to daughters. I've been asked a few times what's the toughest thing about being a dad, and I answer truthfully "Watching them outgrow things."
Maybe that's why I haven't gone back to the farm since my parents sold it. I want to keep my memories, not lose them.
The folks in the Timberwolves offices might be more creative than the folks over at Target Field
Those boys in the marketing department have had a tough go of it over the last decade or so.
speaking of marketing, how about this for a crime against nature? But at least it will cover up the skunk.
Those big traditional brewers are getting their clocks cleaned by craft beers and hard liquor, especially in the younger and more affluent market segments. Changing the packaging can only go so far.
It's not just craft brewers taking market share. That's pretty minor. It's that the market is on a long-run, downward trend.
craft beer sales in 2012 were up 15 pct by volume over 2011. But the 13.2 million barrels of craft beer sold in 2012 constituted only 6 percent of the 208.6 million barrels of beer consumed in the U.S.
Clay Davenport projects the Twins for 72 wins. I'll take it. 1.7% chance of winning the division.
Only two more than the Astros. Davenport's projections tend to avoid extremes. If the Astros are really only two games worse, that wouldn't be good.
He projects the Twins with the worst offense and second-worst pitching/defense in the AL (flip-flopping with Houston). Do. Not. Want.
Not sure that I follow the projections in the .dts files. He's listing a lot of 2014 PA for players who won't be on the major league roster.
I might not be looking in the right spot, but only Buxton getting any PA seems off. Kubel getting ~450 PAs also seems high given his performance last year, but it could happen. There are a few at the very low end, but that seems insignificant and someone at the fringes will get some PAs for random reasons.
This is not meant to disparage Davenport - there were a lot of teams that performed just about exactly where he predicted they would. But man was I happy to see this (if only to reassure myself it won't be another lost season in MN).
He projected the BoSox to win 98 games in '12 and they ended up with 69.
The Orioles were maybe going to win 68 games and they went out and stacked up 93.
He thought that Oakland would only win 80 games and they took 94 and the AL West crown.
77 wins projected for the eventual 98-win team in D.C. and 84 wins for a Rockies team that only won 64.
Unfortunately, he also thought the Twins would get to 68 wins and they only managed 66.
Despite past performance, you really never know how a team is going to perform until they play the games. It's one of the reasons I love baseball.
That's the fun of projections. I look forward to other ones to average out how low expectations are for the Twins.
Hopefully the JeffA 162-0 projection gets included when we're averaging out all the different projections.
Hey! Guess what fellas! I'm on impromptu vacation for the next two days because it may snow. Ahahhahahahhah. Hahhahahahahahhahahhahahah. Hahahahahhahahahahahh.
Us transplanted Northerners had a good chuckle here last week with all the closings.
To be fair to the residents of my fair city, these jokers don't know how to drive in ideal conditions.
To be fairer, ideal conditions would be a Po' Boy in one hand, beer in the other.
Beer in the winter, Daiquiri in the summer. Hand grenades and hurricanes always.