I was reminded yesterday that sleep issues can be caused by going to bed by well-lit electronics. Though I know this to be true, it's a hard habit to break.

I was reminded yesterday that sleep issues can be caused by going to bed by well-lit electronics. Though I know this to be true, it's a hard habit to break.
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If you have young kids, these are amusing.
A few years ago, I suggested that the Gophs screwed up when they didn't go after NDSU's football coach, Craig Bohl, and their basketball coach, Tim Miles, instead of hiring Tubby and #PlayforBrew. Uh, yeah. Miles has it going on at Nebraska.
True, but it sounds like Nebraska invested a lot of resources for him too. Maybe they got tired of losing to Creighton every year.
Precisely. They weren't even the best program in the state of Nebraska and now look (maybe still not the best program in the state, but upper division in the B1G). I like the Pitino hiring for the Gophers. He's similar to Miles. Incidentally, you know that McDermott from Creighton? His dad? Another former Bison coach.
I am still reserving judgment on McDermott. He didn't do well at Iowa State and his son carries those Creighton teams.
so, you are saying a coach is only as good as his players? 😉
Somewhat. But a college coach has some control over the players he gets. Unless the McDermotts are like the Korvers and have multiple division one basketball players, he is going to have to prove he can recruit outside his household.
True, but it sounds like Nebraska invested a lot of resources for him too
*murmurs Tubby Smith/Practice facility*
The barn ain't so great, either.
You'll never be considered one of us with that attitude!
I'm punished enough by following the local pro teams. I'm only going to hook onto the Gophers in the most cynical of bandwagon ways. Other than, of course, if they ever play the Flickertails in hockey again.
If you were watching Heat/Thunder, you got to see what the fuss is all about re: LeBron James. On almost every night, Durant is the clear cut #1 player on the floor, no matter who OKC is playing. But, last night, he was a very distant second.
so, Danny Granger to Philly for Evan Turner. Granger gets to play (and shoot) his way back into game shape with his big, expiring contract. Turner gets a shot at a ring as a leader(?) of the second unit on a deep Indy team.
I'm not a huge Evan Turner fan. He seems to be a guy who produces in a lot of fantasy league categories, but is not an efficient scorer. His offensive rating is below 100 and his defensive rating is above 100. That's not a good combination for a guy who has been Philly's leading scorer. His ceiling appears to be a long way below Granger's. But his salary is less than half of Granger's.
I hope Danny can reestablish himself in Philly. That would make him a big catch on the free agent market this summer. On the other hand, he's in his age-30 season, so he's probably on the downhill side of his career, even with a full recovery.
I'm meh on this trade. Turner might be a slight upgrade in 2014 over Granger. Beyond that, I wouldn't want him.
'kay, smartypantses, here you go!
ID the AU -- name the Twins player (current or former) who owns this sig'

The streak ends.
Not for me. Three in a row!
That was my guess.
I got the first letter. After that, not so much.
I got it!
Without looking at any lists or anything, kindof leftfield
Hey, I got one!
So apparently even he can't spell his name right.
or Danny Metricsystem.
There's a storm brewing.
There's always Adderall.
Got a follow-up on my interview from last week – the prospective employer wants me to come in for the second round next Wednesday, and the person I spoke with asked how soon I could start if they offered me the position.
Nice work, those all sound like positive things.
the person I spoke with asked how soon I could start if they offered me the position
Doesn't mean you are going to get it, but that's not exactly a discouraging question to get.
The person I spoke with said they wanted to move to a hire as quickly as possible. I assumed the offer of the second interview was predicated on my ability to start in the position in short order.
It goes without saying that I'm pulling for you. That was a roundabout way of saying that the question was good news.
I know. 'Preciate it, Boss.
That's a tough spot to be in, in a way. It sounds really hopeful, but it's still a long way from being certain. May all go well for you.
I agree with these folks - this sounds encouraging and I hope it turns out well. Knock 'em dead CH!
Мы с вами, CH!
strong language, but good satire
Twins Officials, Players: Why Isn't More Bad Stuff Happening To Us?
Yeah, that's pretty funny. Well, amusing. I smiled throughout.
Thanks for the dal recipe, Doc.
I paired it with an Alaskan ESB, and our guests brought Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin'. Both worked well.
nice photo!
I'm glad you guys enjoyed (and validated me!!!!!111one1111!!!!).
I slept through the gold medal curling match, and Shockwave won't stop crashing so I can watch the USA-Canada match. Not a good day Olympics-wise for me.
Firefox to the rescue!
Well, you really didn't miss a whole lot. It was not close.
It didn't help that the medal matches were at completely inconvenient times.
Heh, they were actually completely convenient for me as I get to work right at about 7:30.
Canada has spend so much time in their offensive zone I'm pretty sure it's legally Canadian territory now.
the US has blocked something like 25 shots.
they are going to be a bruised bunch for the next game.
Heck of a game.
Curl-Color guys are definitely ESPN-El Ocho-esque.
Wisconsin Life is a joint production of Wisconsin Public Radio & Wisconsin Public Television. Their latest episode takes a look at the state's love of euchre.
I never played euchre until I move here; what the heck is "sheepshead"?
You probably don't want to know. I've played it before, and its basically euchre with arbitrary and changing rules and money is now involved.
I assume the game was invented in Wisconsin during a brandy bender.
Apparently it originated in Central Europe. That doesn't preclude the brandy, however.
Huh, I wonder where I picked up that it was invented here? Maybe I just assumed that because this is the only state that plays it.
I played a fair amount of sheepshead in Gaylord when we first moved to Minnesota, lots of good German-Americans down there. Until I figured out the game I always lost money, never more than five or ten bucks, though, and eventually I was able to hold my own with the locals. But for awhile I thought my new friends were just making the game up as they went along and I was the only one not in on the joke.
Did the locals also volunteer to take you snipe hunting?
My nephews introduced my son to a game that sounds a lot like that -- seemingly arbitrary rules changes within the game. I don't think it was called "sheepshead", however.
I thought that was called "Fizbin".
Royal Fizbin, ftw
that's the ticket.
Wonder if you're referring to "Mao".
I assume the game was invented in Wisconsin during a Benedictine brandy bender.
Euchre is huge in Indiana too. We play at my grandparents' all the time. My Mom refuses to play.
I played a ton of Hearts growing up and plenty of Hand & Foot now. I bet I'd enjoy euchre.
We play lots of Euchre with NBBW's folks. Eukie!
I may be repeating myself but
I played "Buck" in High School. I believe it's the same game.
It was built on cheating, being subtle enough in your cues to your teammate on what card to throw you.
Saw this linked over at CH. Kevin Love is extremely good at this basketball stuff.
"I dont see that his [Rubio] jump shot is really causing any problems"
Ok, Coach Nick. I mean, this is a nice breakdown but that statement is ridiculous.
well, it doesn't cause any problems for the defense....
I'd say that his problems with his jump shot are over-blown since he does so many other things incredibly well that keep the offense flowing. His finishing at the rim is more the issue.
I get that, but to say that Rubio's jump shot is not a problem has not watched the Wolves this season. His jump shot is so bad he just doesnt attempt many, unless Love, Pek, and Martin are hurt. And as you said, his at the rim shots...yeeesh
All that said, Rubio is still a plus assest for the Wolves.
Rubio is still a plus assest for the Wolves.
I think that's basically what he was saying, he just phrased it very poorly.
I'd be fine with Ricky's jump shot being poor if he didn't miss so many bunnies. It also seems to me (SSS, eye test) that when there aren't a lot of scoring options out there, and he's looking to score rather than distribute, he does better. Obviously he shouldn't be taking shots from Love, but I wish he was a little more selfish in trying to score.
He is below average at nearly every spot on the floor, per his shot chart. Sure, he's bad at the rim, but he's bad everywhere. Contrast his shot chart with that of our favorite whipping boy, JJ Barea.
I'd rather compare their +/-
Your +/- would probably be bad too if you were part of a unit that switches out K-Lub for ???
Not that I am a fan of JJ either. But he's probably better in his role than Luke Ridnour would have been. (did I really just say that?)
The next sentence he compared him to Magic not shooting well in the beginning of his career. I don't know a good way to compare them, but Rubio's career FG% is .358. Magic never had a season below .466, and that was his final season.
I'll agree that he may have gone too far there. But still, the rest of the video is pretty much NBA pron.
I don't have a problem with that statement. His (lack of) jump shot isn't causing problems, the second teams lack of anything positive is, though.
If he had a jump shot, he'd be all kinds of awesome.
Tough, tough loss for the US there.
Unfortunately, Canada played its best game of the tournament today.
bah! spoilers, people...
I happen to have tickets to a Saturday matinee of Mamma Mia at the Orpheum. 2 p.m. Hypothetically they could be switched to Sunday night at 6:30. Someone should claim them. Sooner rather than later so we can take care of getting the name switched over and stuff.
Give me call, probably, since I'm not really on the computer (funeral stuff, being by family, etc.). 320 area code. three zero and nine are the first digits. Then 9549.
You lost me at I happen to have tickets to a Saturday matinee of Mamma Mia at the Orpheum
They were a gift for my parents-in-law (and my grandfather-in-law passed...) who aren't able to use them now. That said, I'd still totally see the show myself too.
Chick centrale. Pretend you are interested/amused.
So which The Wire character are you? I got Snoop!
Tommy Carcetti.
Avon Barksdale. Yikes, I think?
Even though I've never watched the show (don't judge me! I'm sure I'll see it at some point), I'm a sucker for quizzes.
I got Stringer Bell.
Did anyone get stuck in the snow from last night's storm? Lose power?
I lost my internet for a while last night and had to shovel out a hefty drift at the end of my driveway.
My sister and Omar lost power last night. Since my BiL is out of town on National Guard stuff, Fatty got to sleep in the bed and keep her warm.
Obviously not a picture from Sacto. Green grass suggests actual availability of moisture.
indoor-outdoor carpet.
Saw this picture today. Thought you might enjoy:
I believe I read that Clay had no clue who those moptop boys were at the time.
Red Sox CEO Larry Luchino is an idiot
I got my record player hooked up today. Thanks again for all the input on here!
I guess Pelfrey had an infection in both ears.