Whoa, I'm shocked I got this one in on time. I'm in Manchester for two weeks, so I likely can't follow the team. But, my rental car is a six speed diesel, so there's that.
Deduno (1-3, 3.86 ERA) vs. Gallardo (3-3,3.56 ERA)
Dedudes and his zoomy look to avenge Gibson from last night against the first place Brewers at the swampy confines of Miller Park.
I made it to England and I'm fairly surprised by how often I'm running across terminology differences that are giving me pause and making me have to think about communications. Truly two countries separated by a common language. I also did some driving around between the hotel and the airport (because the Apple maps gave me shoddy directions), and I'm struggling a bit to understand where the left side of the car is, so I've hit a couple of curves on left turns. I've also missed a couple of gears because my left hand refuses to do what my right hand does naturally. Starting today I should get to actually see some of this country instead of just the dumpster outside my hotel room window.
Those powder blue uni's are glorious.
Love them! I have a Killebrew jersey in this style.
yeah, i came here to say just that.
Gameday just keeps getting worse and worse with every new "update" they do. At least Classic is still available...
When you realize that "upgrade" is actually Newspeak, it all makes sense.
Good to have the Hammer back.
haha, perfect shot of hitman john willingham as he rounded first.
He's all bidniz.
The Ham is Willing!
I think Dozier deked the runner into not going to third off that steal.
so many double plays!
And breath
Its been a while since Dozier hit a homer!
Arcia in these unis looks like a young Hrbek
Double play = good.
Dazzle and Uecker talking about the old days and how they were "friends" because they hung out a lot. Man, I wish I could hear some of the drinking stories they're omitting.
Evidently Ueker's nickname for Gladden was "Animal". When Provus came to the Twins booth from the Brewers he thought that was Gladdens nickname, he'd never heard Dazzle or Wrench.
I saw Guerrier in the baby blues and thought I was time tripping.
I missed it, what's up with the stretcher in the outfield?
I missed it, too.
some dude fell out of the stands into the bullpen.
Time to cut back on the Miller Lite.
Fien with the SOC?
Francisco Rodriguez is pretty much a one inning guy: 757 career games, 794.1 innings pitched.
I think they're optional. Perkins just does it for the dramatic effect.
triple play please
All down to Go Go.
Winning road trip!
series split!
Go-Go, Gone-Gone. Puppies.
Glen Perkins wins the internets
That scream I heard must have been Rhu Ru.
If that is his BEST impression, then ok. No more verisimilitude, please.
Perkins was 1 when Davis was throwing away the division title.
That makes it more awesome!
I've been fighting the beginnings of a throat cold, so I took the evening off and watched NOVA's special on D-Day and did some reading; it was 6-2 in the bottom of the 5th when I checked the scroll on the 4ltr. Well done, guys
that NOVA episode was pretty interesting. And a great/terrible reminder that we really don't want to have to do that ever again.