The downside of spraying for cockroaches is that the first thing that happens is cockroaches coming out from every possible hiding place. Found five yesterday morning. Ugh.

The downside of spraying for cockroaches is that the first thing that happens is cockroaches coming out from every possible hiding place. Found five yesterday morning. Ugh.
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Hooray for northern winters!
I saw my first cockroach indoors (I believe) in the dorm my senior year of college. Seen my share here in StL though.
the first time I saw one fly was in New Orleans. Good times.
For me, this sentiment also applies to scorpions and several kinds of spiders. I don't miss living where I have to worry about a scorpion or brown recluse in my boots.
Let's be careful here, or soon Cheap and Nibs will start another conversation about how much they love winter.
It's so true.
I've already gotten too much vitamin D this year.
I was just thinking it was about time to tune up the snowblower...
It's only August?
I took out three scorpions on the patio a few days ago, which is what led to the spray. At least no scorpions are coming out of the woodwork.
We were walking down the streets in Bangkok, Thailand a number of years ago. There were many places where there was construction underway. I remember looking down into the man-holes in the street. Cockroaches the size of tablespoons. I did not point this observation to NBBW.
My most memorable encounter with a cockroach was in Senegal. I was taking a shower, and an enormous cockroach appeared on the wall. At one point it crawled onto the shower head and I realized that if it fell, it would be too large to fit down the drain. Eeeeeeek!
Cockroach came out of the anti-overflow hole thing in the sink while I was brushing my teeth two nights ago. I about stabbed myself in the brain with my toothbrush.
sounds pretty official
Love for Wiggins, Bennett, future 1st rounder.
I still hate the idea of trading Love away for potential and would have rather seen one more go-round with last year's crew. I know I had said a while back that I would root for any team Love went to (sans-Lakers/Knicks), but I dislike that an organization as terribly run as Cleveland has lucked into all of these #1 picks and gets the best player in maybe ever and then gets the best PF in the league while a team as also poorly run like the Wolves continues to suck.
Why win the draft lottery when you can just trade a future HoFer for 3 of them!
At this point, I'm glad they're making the move. I don't like the idea of losing Love, but I think you'd waste a year of the inevitable rebuild (c'mon cheaps, it's the Wolves - I'm convinced he wouldn't re-sign no matter the outcome of this season) and I don't think they'll have a better chance to pick up a potential superstar on his rookie deal in the next couple of years.
I hope they're able to make a move for a veteran PF (like Young) and get rid of Barea, Mbah a Moute, etc. I don't mind going young, but I'm not interested in giving Bennett starters minutes until he proves he's a starter (same goes for Luc & Hummel). He didn't have a good year last year, and while it's too early to say he's a bust, his rookie season was statistically worse than Wes Johnson's...maybe apples to oranges (since I'm not great with advanced b-ball stats) but still. They could even use Martin as a trade chip since Wiggins kind of makes him superfluous.
I know it'd be completely unlikely for him to re-sign, but this team is going to mismanage this rebuild so one more year with a good shot at the playoffs would have been more fun for me. Plus, I have a feeling that the chances of Love re-signing would be better than the chances of Wiggins turning into an all-star.
That's more pessimistic than I'm willing to be, but considering it's the Timberwolves, you could be right.
As for your first point, I actually think that getting in front of this, pulling down a package of #1 overall picks (no matter that Bennett showed he shouldn't have gone 1st overall last year) and doing so in a way that suggests an actual process points to an improvement in management...but again, your pessimism certainly has merit.
[edit] and this piece on the addition of Williams by Britt Robson suggests that the management could be improved.
I am definitely being cynical with regards to the Wolves, but losing two top 5 type of players because the FO couldn't put a reasonable cast around them (save for one year) has me pretty beaten down.
RE the Front Office. I'm not well-versed in the intricacies of the whole history, but KG didn't take less money so they could add players (not saying that he 'should have' mind you, but still). They couldn't force Gugs & Sprewell to stay, when Starbury wanted out, at least they picked up an All Star in the deal and Sealy's death was tragic. On the other hand, Joe Smith, Marco Jaric, recent drafts, etc., etc.
Flip wasn't making player/personnel moves back then, and walked into a sh!tstorm last year, but as long as Taylor owns the team...yeah, beaten down's completely reasonable.
From that article I linked to above, it seems Robson's on the same page as you and me, but hedging his bets by pointing out:
[edit] Finally, read the comments section of that article. Robson responds to a Stribbie, not once, but TWICE, and wipes the floor with him. It's pretty great.
The ultimate blame for this franchise's futility should be laid at the feet of this man.

Also, while I'm no fan of Martin, this team is gonna need scoring--and in a bad way. He might be the only reason this squad tops 90 points a game. (that would be in response to CoC.)
That's very true...on both counts. And, in my response to cheap above, I don't mean to be flippant about how poorly run the organization is, nor do I mean to endorse Flip as any sort of savior. I'm just saying that I'll still follow this team and hope that Flip's coaching acumen meshes well with the players he'll be working with. I'm also excited about the reality of an honest-to-goodness, #1 overall rookie playing on this team...even though the cost is K-Lub.
I agree, i won't stop following the team. I gotta follow something during the winter and that other team that plays during that season isn't an option.
At least there's still Ricky and Pek.
Let the healing begin.
Interesting copyright story for the lawyers to chew on.
Do yourself a favor and carve out 10 to 20 minutes of time to read this article about the curveball
Decline of the Curve. Many have tried, but few have mastered the art of throwing a devastating overhand curveball
Soon as I saw the Pat Jordan byline, I said to myself, "How long before he brings up his minor league career?" Every damn story he writes, he finds a way to shoehorn that in there.
See? Vote Candy Cummings!
This would have been more convincing before the election.
I blame DW.
The second comment I see on this story about Progessive Field renovations is hilarious
Youth soccer teams just came out for my daughter. So did a letter from the club president saying he fully supports kids playing multiple sports BUT you need to play soccer all year.
This came on the same day I read the James Andrews article saying young athletes need to take at least a two month break from a sport.
Sports used to be fun..GOML
Hey, did you ever figure out if that was an Osprey?
No. I think it was based on the internet pictures I have seen. I can't remember what the wing shape looked like. I was wearing sunglasses and on a run so not great look at it.
How do they figure that ought to work?
I loved playing youth sports (many of them, and competetively), but the current state of youth athletics leaves me so wary that I can't decide whether or not to force my kids into reliving my glory days.
We watched Thor: The Dark World yesterday in preparation for seeing Guardians of the Galaxy this afternoon. I haven't seen Winter Solider yet, otherwise I'll be caught up on the MCU movies. It's playing right before GotG, but a double feature didn't fit in the budget.
Is there a story connection I should be aware of? I'd like to see them someday.
Of course, I was going to watch Thor, Ironman, etc so I could watch Avengers but never got around to that, either...
They all take place in the Marvel Comics Universe (MCU). Eventually there will be cross-over, but as I understand it you can see GotG without having seen much else from the series and be perfectly OK. I think the only character in GotG that's in a previous movie is The Collector, and he's only in like 3 minutes of The Dark World. I was just getting behind in my Marvel movies, and GotG looks like it'll be one of those that's better on big screen. So I decided it'll be my once yearly trip out into the real world, and while I was at it, hey, might as well see the Thor movie I missed.
It's playing right before GotG, but a double feature didn't fit in the budget.
Dude, get a ticket for first movie then hit restroom stall and snack bar when that movie is over. At appropriate time, stroll into second movie like you own the place.
Alamo Drafthouse has assigned seats, so the chance exists, however slight for a Thursday matinee, that we'd get found out for sitting in the wrong spot. Plus, spending 8 hours in a theater with a bar would negate any savings on sneaking into the second movie.
Watched David Bowie: Five Years on cable last night; besides my interest in Bowie, I was just as interested in hearing from Brian Eno, Rick Wakeman, and Robert Fripp (among others). I was particularly intrigued by Carlos Alomar demonstrating the guitar riff and additional guitar overlays that inspired the song "Fame" (one of my favorite Bowie tracks).
Awhile back, I shared the video of my family's New Year's party created by a family friend who has a ridiculous eye for filming. His video of his BWCA trips with his friends is now a commercial for Explore Minnesota. In May, he was invited to participate in the 24 Hours Queensland contest to create a video in 24 hours to promote tourism in Queensland, Australia. Qantas just announced his video was selected as the winner. Here it is:
Stay classy, H'istan. At least we beat New Haven.
Tim Tebow is returning to the CFL.
The internet rejoices.
I have to say, I liked the first round of those stories a lot more than I thought I would. And a Natrone Means cameo? Sign me the hell up.