I just shared my spiced Scottish winter ale with one of my best friends from work last night. It went over huge. In the absence of real acting around here, this is as good as it gets.

I just shared my spiced Scottish winter ale with one of my best friends from work last night. It went over huge. In the absence of real acting around here, this is as good as it gets.
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The guys on Effectively Wild had a fun game in today's episode: given a player's name and position (within the top twenty) on a franchise's all-time saves leaderboard, guess the franchise. I thought it would be fun to do the same here, though I've confined myself to Top 10 finishers.
Below are the players and their positions in a franchise's top ten. You guess the franchise.
1. Mike Marshall - 10th
2. Mike Timlin - 7th
3. Bob Wickman - 4th
4. Randy Myers - 9th
5. Tim Burke - 6th
6. Doug Jones - 7th
7. Matt Capps - 7th
8. Michael Jackson - 5th
9. Steve Bedrosian - 3rd
As a bonus, guess which player is currently 4th in all-time saves for the Twins' franchise.
I easily knew #1 and the bonus.
That's awesome. Classic, indeed.
As seen on BookFace:

That's beautiful
as someone who is always working with a 'team', I'm going to have this tattooed on my chest.
That's like the motto for each one of those Survivor type reality shows.
I accidentally read today's title as "cremation" and thought "they picked the wrong coffee can image..."
Bo: Classy to the End. I'm sure he'll get along great with President Cheaty McSweatervest.
Wu-Tang Financial is killing it on teh Twitters.
Perkins to be the VIP guest for the Gophers at the Citrus Bowl Parade.
Thats cool.
And it sounds like the Gophers are going to sell most, if not all their allotment of tickets.
Very interesting three-way trade between the Padres, Rays, and Nationals.
For only being in The Show a short time, Wil Meyers has been involve in some large trades.