A good percentage of my co-workers are either out sick or working sick. Two of us have daughters who just passed through serious illnesses. Is the rest of the country like this, or is it just Arizona?

A good percentage of my co-workers are either out sick or working sick. Two of us have daughters who just passed through serious illnesses. Is the rest of the country like this, or is it just Arizona?
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There's been all kinds of stuff going through here. Strep throat, influenza, etc. So far, Mrs. A and I have stayed healthy, but there's a lot of winter to go yet.
Almost our entire family got hit right after Christmas. First my wife, then me, my son, then 3 of 4 daughters starting with the youngest and on up. My oldest daughter went unscathed (knock on wood). Normally sickness runs slowly through our house, but this ran through like wildfire. Hopefully we're done with it.
The wife and I both got something right after Christmas. It wasn't too bad except for the nagging, persistent, unproductive cough. After two solid days of that my ribs and belly were so sore I could hardly get out of bed. This cold dry air isn't helping matters, either.
I was the last to get things in our house. It hit the first after Thanksgiving (someone in NU had it?) and I missed a week of work during the busy season.
My co-worker put in great effort to covering for me, to the point it makes me slightly nervous. (I'm not so irreplaceable.)
It's been a bad flu season.
Not sure if there are any NDSU fans here, but just want to let you know that I'll be rooting against them today as our hometown ISU Redbirds are taking them on today. Best of luck to both teams and I hope for a good game.
Seriously, you're not sure? Or was that SBG bait?
I was pretty sure there was a fan, but I couldn't remember who. I don't come here as often as I used to.
But kudos to NDSU, they played a fantastic game.
Who is this NDSU you speak of?
Apparently, if you wear Gophers on your shirt, you are completely incapable of passing the ball to a teammate no matter what the sport.