Last night at the bar and grill, after Skim's violin recital, my wife asks "Why would a restaurant bother to have Miller Lite, Coors Light and Bud Light? Why not just carry one and say you've got them all?"

Last night at the bar and grill, after Skim's violin recital, my wife asks "Why would a restaurant bother to have Miller Lite, Coors Light and Bud Light? Why not just carry one and say you've got them all?"
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The trinket had her first dance recital last night. Her class of about 10 or so 3/4 year old girls were dressed in "cake" ballet outfits. It was pretty adorable. They had a three minute routine and she spent the first minute bothering with her hair. But once she got it to stop annoying get, she did really well and clearly knew all the steps. She had two particularly funny moments: when they first came on stage she loudly said "well here we are.", and at the end she had to be the last one off stage
Then, when they all came back out for the finale, she spent the first few moments waving and saying "hi, dada!"
Skim had a recital last night as well, though this one was of the musical variety (she plays violin). She's only played for a month, but has picked it up quickly. It was a recital for all skill and experience levels, and by the end, I was blown away by these kids.
Our two boys had their spring concert last night, too. The little one is only 16 months, so he pretty much just sat there, and swayed a bit a few times. He did get up any one point to mess with the painted sheet that was hung up behind the kids and almost knocked the whole set down, so that was fun.
Older boy is 4, so he knew all the songs and sang the whole time, and did some of the dancing. They had a kazoo part at the end that he loved, though the downside is that means the way home involved a kid with a kazoo in the back seat of the car.
Because of the recital, I wasn't able to watch any of the playoff games last night, but I saw this this morning and thought it was a very inspired tweet:
"Sorry, that page does not exist."
Huh, it works for me. Anyway, or was thetweetofgod saying "Steph Curry, holy crap"
clear your cache?
An interesting story about Logan Darnell and his mom.
I assume some might find this interesting, and it fits in with the introductory theme: the most popular beer in every country.
Big day today: the Valet is going to his first Twins game!
(My sister attended her first Twins game when she was three days old.)
Have fun!
I think the jalapeño is just now ready to go to a Twins game. I'd like to find a weekend day game to go to (or maybe Memorial Day?). If anyone else with young'uns is interested, maybe we could coordinate plans. I figure if he gets bored with the game, it might work out to have another kid or two around to
distractentertain him.I'll have to discuss with the wife but I'm interested.
I was thinking I'd leave the peperoncino (almost 2) at home since day games are during his nap. I suppose he could nap in a stroller, but then I'd be walking laps around the concourse rather than actually watching the game. Of course, maybe your kid is more flexible than mine about that sort of thing.
Anyway, just let me know here or by email!
Oh, I forgot about his nap. He starts at 1, making most Sunday games unworkable. Maybe there's a 3:30 or so game that would work.
Looks like just one game that starts in the mid-afternoon: July 11. It starts at 3:05. It's also Phil Hughes bobblehead giveaway day!
That game is just a few days after my birthday, and I can't imagine a better gift than a Phil Hughes bobblehead! And that date should be good for us.
I believe we'll be at the game on the 30th.
Pete would certainly be an excellent distraction for the jalapeño, so I'll keep this in mind as a possibility to attend with just him.
We'll always be able to tell him about how he was teething and having some problems and then had an explosive blowout onto his mother's lap. He'll love that one.
Poor Sheenie!
My phone's weather feature could use work.
57 degrees; mostly cloudy
Sunny skies all day today.
Nice to see that the Twins brought Phil Hughes back up to the big leagues yesterday.
I'd like to see the revised comparison to this point last year; he started out poorly then too, and that ended working out satisfactorily.
MAR/APR 2014: 292 /331/478 and 26/6 K/BB in 28 innings
May 2014: 262/260/315 and 24/0 K/BB in 33.3 innings
MAR/APR 2015: 289/295/523 and 26/2 K/BB in 32.67 innings
May 2015 to date: 300/325/513 and 9/3 K/BB in 19.3 innings
2014 through May 15: 275/299/413 and 40/6 K/BB and 4 HRs in 47.3 (8 starts)
2015 through May 15: 293/307/519 and 35/5 K/BB and 10 HRs in 51 innings (8 starts)
So pretty much the HRs.
Also a lower strikeout rate: 7.6 last year versus 6.2 so far this year.
...because they were HRs instead if Ks.
Morneau with another concussion. That isn't good.
Just saw that. Hope it isn't too serious, but no, it isn't good news at all.
Really? ugggh.
Did anyone else see mad max? Oh. Em. Gee.
Save it for Monday, porkboy.
I'll be otherwise disposed in Northern Ireland. O.M.G. seriously crazy movie.
Northern Ireland is part of the W in WGOM, ain't it? 😉
I haven't seen it, but I've seen others on Facebook expressing this sentiment. Provided you mean crazy in a good way.
YES. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
I may make an exception on my general anti movie theater policy for this movie. My wife wants to go to Pitch Perfect 2, might be an opportunity for me to go to this while get and her friend go to that.
Last night, Kenley Jensen struck out 4 batters in an inning
He did it on 14 pitches. wowzers!
Giants are beating the Reds like a rented mule. Now 11-0 in the sixth.