All games on are free this weekend! You can keep tabs on Astros and Angels while watching the Twins.
Unless you're freakin' blacked out!
thankfully it's only affecting my phone and U-Verse, not the PC
I have no idea how to slap the "free mlb tv" icon on the header
It's a tag. Add the "MLB.TV Free Game Of The Day" tag and the icon will appear on the front page.
Ah cool!
I feel good about having Santana starting here.
Mauer and Hunter in the lineup
Santana on the mound.
It's like we're still in 2006.
Sano is a smidge better than Rondell White, though.
No comment on the Santana?
He was named Johan at one time too. Sadly, he's way better than the original Johan at this point.
But the current ii is most def NOT way better than the original ii at this point. 😉
Ditto Mauer even more.
true that. Time travel is still not possible.
Butera wasn't catching back then, though.
Butera is on the verge of his first ever season above the Mendoza line. He's at. 204 right now, though an 0 for 3 night would send him back below.
oooh. Bert says Duff-man reminds Bert of himself. And Gordo immediately says its time to go to commercial break. Hahaha.
Dick. Not Gordo. Le Sigh.
Too bad I don't know how to kill the TV audio and run the radio audio instead on teh Interwebz.
What are you watching on?
Chrome, on my desktop.
Ah, can't help you there. I've been unsuccessful getting the radio feed switched over when I watch on anything other than the roku.
Seriously? Mute the MLB TV and then open a second tab with Gameday and select the audio feed. I'm doing that right now just fine.
well, how the heck about that! thanks, rhu.
Gordo getting all excited about Hosmer not fielding a ball, then Butters missing one.
err. Who's the PBP guy on tv? I never get to see them.
Dick. Dick-n-Bert. Oy.
Hicksy! Happy Birthday! Here's a ribeye!
on the board!
The last two nights Provus has said it would be a great time to break a slump: Santana walked, hicks singled home a run.
that State Farm "all the nevers in life" advert is spot on.
what's with the obligatory leadoff doubles?
He's clearly out.
that seems like an example of an ump being lazy and knowing full-well that his call would be challenged.
He was in really bad position to be making that call. I think he was setting himself up for a play on the base.
Though yes, he definitely seemed to make that call knowing he had backup.
The Twins had to burn a challenge on that? jeeze
Hi everybody! Checking in from the BWW in Bellingham, WA where I can watch every game that matters. I have such an understanding wife.
For some reason, keeps crashing my Wi-Fi when I watch it on the roku. Anyone else see anything like that?
Go, Tejas!
Ah, que bueno!
pretty close. Let it go with 2 outs.
Pretty sure he was out.
Pretty annoying watching MLB TV many seconds delayed from the audio feed. Wouldn't be so if I was getting advance warning of lots of Twins hits & HRs
now I understand what you were talking about. Yes, annoying.
That's the nice part about a streaming device. On the roku I can select the audio feed and the radio is synced up with the video.
Buxton has that standing up.
For sure. Hicks was shading toward left, if he was playing straight up he makes that catch, too.
Buxton probably has that straight up I'd he was playing left, right, or center.
What I'm saying is I'd strongly prefer he were playing instead of hunter.
well, one out double is an improvement over the leadoff double, I guess.
Santana living the good life.
Santana doing some wiggling
Dazz with a low-key Gordo'ing on that can of corn. "Might have a chance...nope, just in front of the warning track."
you rang?
Nice catch Hicks.
And, Buxton makes that boring.
So...wife gets two tickets for the game tonight from her boss, basically for being awesome.
Target. Corporate. Suite.
I'm extremely happy for us, but this is Wed night.
Thurs: scramble to find a sitter. Call, email and text every person we can think of, including one of the teachers at her daycare.
Finally at 6:45 last night, we get a bite; my best friend's wife has plans but will cancel them. We say, "Awesome!"
Kernel wakes up this morning with a sore throat. One of her classmates was sick Mon & Tues, but came to school anyway. Teachers tell us Wed that this kid's parents finally took her to the doctor: Strep throat.
So, I stay home from work and take Kernel to the walk-in clinic hours at noon. Tell my wife to recruit a replacement - I'll stay home with the kiddo with strep. Text my buddy's wife that she won't be needed after all.
Get in to see the doc about 12:40 - swabs kids throat (she hates this).
While waiting, get a text from another buddy, "Got an extra ticket for the game tonight. Interested?"
Doc comes back says, "Negative for strep, but we'll send a swab to the lab for culture. About 5% of the time, the initial 'negative' ends up positive, so treat her as though she's contagious.
Wife recruited one of her oldest friends who's a stay-at-home mom.
She. Was. Thrilled (to get outta the house).
So, here I sit, watching baseball on my couch with you fine people while my wife - who HATES baseball - takes in the game from a suite.
My wife doesn't like baseball either, but she loves taking in a game from a suite.
yeah ... can't say as I blame them.
That's sort of how I got a ticket to that Detroit game(though not a suite). Sister in law got tickets from work for apparently being awesome, she hates baseball, brother asks if I want to go, I get approval since we were coming up anyway. Only difference is my kids didn't get sick and I got to go.
that's a big difference
At least it wasn't a suite...
silver linings.
Hey, even better: on the MLB TV page is a "Now Playing" link, and you can choose an audio overlay there.
"Alternate Audio is not available for this video"
Rally inning!
Okay guys, let's score before the bullpen.
Alright, Sano, I'd like the ball to go a long way here.
Not so much what I was thinking.
I'm not getting the warm fuzzies here .... Houston up on Arizona early and Young's taking it to the fellas.
Yep, warm fuzzies are gone.
Butera's batting average is once again below .200
Quite a bit of wiggling by Santana, but the end result is good.
Might go out for one more? Fourth time through... Get the bullpen ready.
AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww YEAH!
And there goes Young.
stocking caps at the ball park? what is this, San Francisco?
giveaway to all fans - tomorrow's a TC Bear stocking cap for the first 10,000 (kids, I think).
Houston is not cooperating.
goddamnit, Perk!
Hicks really needs to learn how to hit the cutoff man.
Perkins ... oye.
Hicks is trying to recreate that throw in Yankee Stadium every time.
fittingly on a Hunter fielding gaffe.
For real, that needs to cement his non-Twins status for next year.
everything off Perkins is being hit hard.
Bring 'em back, kids. I'm bailing.
WE GOT THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A two run comeback is more magical than a one run comeback!
I'm grinning.
Hope like hell me and Bunk jumped the gun. Sadly, I don't think that's the case.
prediction: Escobar walk. Dozier HBP, Mauer walk, Sano bops them in with blast that goes over the third deck in LF
So close, but so far away.
Or something much, much worse.
Oh, for the love...
Dozier uno double play. oy
Man, our all-stars have been decidedly un-all-starry since then.
Come on, Sano. This one would be big.
Blyleven is such a marble mouth. He can't go two sentences in a row without stumbling over a word. Or three.
This will just make games 163 and 164 all the more exciting
Santana is ending up unfairly saddled with this one.
Well, that about does it. Assuming Houston doesn't choke, I think we can all bid the postseason farewell. But damn, it was quite the ride.
Still proud of this team considering what was expected of them. And I cannot WAIT for next year.
All games on are free this weekend! You can keep tabs on Astros and Angels while watching the Twins.
Unless you're freakin' blacked out!
thankfully it's only affecting my phone and U-Verse, not the PC
I have no idea how to slap the "free mlb tv" icon on the header
It's a tag. Add the "MLB.TV Free Game Of The Day" tag and the icon will appear on the front page.
Ah cool!
I feel good about having Santana starting here.
Mauer and Hunter in the lineup
Santana on the mound.
It's like we're still in 2006.
Sano is a smidge better than Rondell White, though.
No comment on the Santana?
He was named Johan at one time too. Sadly, he's way better than the original Johan at this point.
But the current ii is most def NOT way better than the original ii at this point. 😉
Ditto Mauer even more.
true that. Time travel is still not possible.
Butera wasn't catching back then, though.
Butera is on the verge of his first ever season above the Mendoza line. He's at. 204 right now, though an 0 for 3 night would send him back below.
oooh. Bert says Duff-man reminds Bert of himself. And Gordo immediately says its time to go to commercial break. Hahaha.
Dick. Not Gordo. Le Sigh.
Too bad I don't know how to kill the TV audio and run the radio audio instead on teh Interwebz.
What are you watching on?
Chrome, on my desktop.
Ah, can't help you there. I've been unsuccessful getting the radio feed switched over when I watch on anything other than the roku.
Seriously? Mute the MLB TV and then open a second tab with Gameday and select the audio feed. I'm doing that right now just fine.
well, how the heck about that! thanks, rhu.
Gordo getting all excited about Hosmer not fielding a ball, then Butters missing one.
err. Who's the PBP guy on tv? I never get to see them.
Dick. Dick-n-Bert. Oy.
Hicksy! Happy Birthday! Here's a ribeye!
on the board!
The last two nights Provus has said it would be a great time to break a slump: Santana walked, hicks singled home a run.
that State Farm "all the nevers in life" advert is spot on.
what's with the obligatory leadoff doubles?
He's clearly out.
that seems like an example of an ump being lazy and knowing full-well that his call would be challenged.
He was in really bad position to be making that call. I think he was setting himself up for a play on the base.
Though yes, he definitely seemed to make that call knowing he had backup.
The Twins had to burn a challenge on that? jeeze
Hi everybody! Checking in from the BWW in Bellingham, WA where I can watch every game that matters. I have such an understanding wife.
For some reason, keeps crashing my Wi-Fi when I watch it on the roku. Anyone else see anything like that?
Go, Tejas!
Ah, que bueno!
pretty close. Let it go with 2 outs.
Pretty sure he was out.
Pretty annoying watching MLB TV many seconds delayed from the audio feed. Wouldn't be so if I was getting advance warning of lots of Twins hits & HRs
now I understand what you were talking about. Yes, annoying.
That's the nice part about a streaming device. On the roku I can select the audio feed and the radio is synced up with the video.
Buxton has that standing up.
For sure. Hicks was shading toward left, if he was playing straight up he makes that catch, too.
Buxton probably has that straight up I'd he was playing left, right, or center.
What I'm saying is I'd strongly prefer he were playing instead of hunter.
well, one out double is an improvement over the leadoff double, I guess.
Santana living the good life.
Santana doing some wiggling
Dazz with a low-key Gordo'ing on that can of corn. "Might have a chance...nope, just in front of the warning track."
you rang?
Nice catch Hicks.
And, Buxton makes that boring.
So...wife gets two tickets for the game tonight from her boss, basically for being awesome.
Target. Corporate. Suite.
I'm extremely happy for us, but this is Wed night.
Thurs: scramble to find a sitter. Call, email and text every person we can think of, including one of the teachers at her daycare.
Finally at 6:45 last night, we get a bite; my best friend's wife has plans but will cancel them. We say, "Awesome!"
Kernel wakes up this morning with a sore throat. One of her classmates was sick Mon & Tues, but came to school anyway. Teachers tell us Wed that this kid's parents finally took her to the doctor: Strep throat.
So, I stay home from work and take Kernel to the walk-in clinic hours at noon. Tell my wife to recruit a replacement - I'll stay home with the kiddo with strep. Text my buddy's wife that she won't be needed after all.
Get in to see the doc about 12:40 - swabs kids throat (she hates this).
While waiting, get a text from another buddy, "Got an extra ticket for the game tonight. Interested?"
Doc comes back says, "Negative for strep, but we'll send a swab to the lab for culture. About 5% of the time, the initial 'negative' ends up positive, so treat her as though she's contagious.
Wife recruited one of her oldest friends who's a stay-at-home mom.
She. Was. Thrilled (to get outta the house).
So, here I sit, watching baseball on my couch with you fine people while my wife - who HATES baseball - takes in the game from a suite.
My wife doesn't like baseball either, but she loves taking in a game from a suite.
yeah ... can't say as I blame them.
That's sort of how I got a ticket to that Detroit game(though not a suite). Sister in law got tickets from work for apparently being awesome, she hates baseball, brother asks if I want to go, I get approval since we were coming up anyway. Only difference is my kids didn't get sick and I got to go.
that's a big difference
At least it wasn't a suite...
silver linings.
Hey, even better: on the MLB TV page is a "Now Playing" link, and you can choose an audio overlay there.
"Alternate Audio is not available for this video"
Rally inning!
Okay guys, let's score before the bullpen.
Alright, Sano, I'd like the ball to go a long way here.
Not so much what I was thinking.
I'm not getting the warm fuzzies here .... Houston up on Arizona early and Young's taking it to the fellas.
Yep, warm fuzzies are gone.
Butera's batting average is once again below .200
Quite a bit of wiggling by Santana, but the end result is good.
Might go out for one more? Fourth time through... Get the bullpen ready.
AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww YEAH!
And there goes Young.
stocking caps at the ball park? what is this, San Francisco?
giveaway to all fans - tomorrow's a TC Bear stocking cap for the first 10,000 (kids, I think).
Houston is not cooperating.
goddamnit, Perk!
Hicks really needs to learn how to hit the cutoff man.
Perkins ... oye.
Hicks is trying to recreate that throw in Yankee Stadium every time.
fittingly on a Hunter fielding gaffe.
For real, that needs to cement his non-Twins status for next year.
everything off Perkins is being hit hard.
Bring 'em back, kids. I'm bailing.
WE GOT THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A two run comeback is more magical than a one run comeback!
I'm grinning.
Hope like hell me and Bunk jumped the gun. Sadly, I don't think that's the case.
prediction: Escobar walk. Dozier HBP, Mauer walk, Sano bops them in with blast that goes over the third deck in LF
So close, but so far away.
Or something much, much worse.
Oh, for the love...
Dozier uno double play. oy
Man, our all-stars have been decidedly un-all-starry since then.
Come on, Sano. This one would be big.
Blyleven is such a marble mouth. He can't go two sentences in a row without stumbling over a word. Or three.
This will just make games 163 and 164 all the more exciting
Santana is ending up unfairly saddled with this one.
Well, that about does it. Assuming Houston doesn't choke, I think we can all bid the postseason farewell. But damn, it was quite the ride.
Still proud of this team considering what was expected of them. And I cannot WAIT for next year.