30 thoughts on “January 16, 2016: The Rhubarb Run”

  1. I'm just a name on a list...

    I recommend every Citizen take the opportunity for a special sitting to have your portrait drawn by one of our promising up-and-comers, not to mention first row seats to a premier musical extravaganza - very entertaining ☺

          1. I'm at a tap room and I've been drinking since noon. So no comment but man I next a while post to respond.

    1. In corporate USA you would be fired so quickly it would make your head spin (as you were being escorted out of the building).

    2. Was it racism? Obliviousness? Or someone really, really stupid advertising a skeet shooting event on Martin Luther King Jr. day. It's a holiday! Let's go shoot some skeet!

  2. I'm not sure which is my favorite Chris Jaffe fact today:

    1. Joe Mauer is exactly as old as Al Capone the day he was convicted of tax evasion;

    2. Jennifer Aniston is exactly as old as OJ Simpson the day he murdered his wife; or

    3. Steven Tyler is exactly as old as George Washington the day he died.

  3. Le sigh. Headline on Google News:

    Baltimore Orioles sign Chris Davis: How it affects Yankees

    1. Do the Yankees have any young players that are Boras clients? I am pretty sure Boras leveled up in his ability to con(vince) owners to bid against themselves after the Davis contract.

  4. I just made and executed a new year's resolution. I uninstalled FB and Messenger from my phone, switching to using the browser only. I feel lighter already.

    Now if I could only fix the over-aggressiveness of autocorrect on my phone my life would be perfect.

  5. I'm watching curling (the continental cup is streaming on ESPN3, by the way) and the trinket's first comment after waking up from her nap: "dadda, that girl on the end has a lot of make up on."

  6. I'm in far northwestern Illinois for a workshop, and I can't believe the amount of political advertising. I feel for the people of Iowa.

    1. One of the worst things about living in North Sioux City was all the Iowa political ads. And as the actual election got closer, you got to see ads from Nebraska and South Dakota as well.

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