Sour Cream had another birthday last night. Lately I've spent countless hours remembering the Milklings as infants and toddlers, and find their current state almost impossible to believe.
Skim sorta has a boyfriend. She went to school with him in Phoenix and they just do Google Hangouts now and then. Kind of a harmless first boyfriend, I guess.
And here I was having trouble realizing the Poissonnier is going to be eight months old this week... Congrats to Sour Cream, and to you & the Milkmaid.
I just wanted to mention how much I've appreciated people's comments on the "1987 Rewind" posts. We're getting many more comments than last year, which may be because some of us can actually remember 1987, while I'm probably the only one here who has any memories of 1965. I especially appreciate when people supplement the posts with memories, stories, links to articles, etc. Those things help put the games into context, which I would do in a perfect world but which I don't have time to do in the world in which we live. At any rate, thank you for your participation!
I don't remember a lot from 1987, but I do remember a lot of those players in later years. I got the 1987 World Series highlights video in 1988 and watched it about 127 times. And now I own the full game DVD set. So, yeah, I feel like I have more to contribute.
I was thinking it would be fun to try to coordinate a "live" game log in JeffA's Rewind posts when we eventually arrive at the World Series.
I think sean and I talked about that once. Basically everyone gets a DVD and presses play at the same time (or through some other arrangement).
A secret, live youtube might work too.
Actually, I think I found something that will work very easily for pre-recorded files. If there's enough interest then we could do gamelogs for the World Series.
I don't know. Recreating past seasons of baseball is one thing... but recreating live comment threads on the same? There's gotta be some sort of nerd event horizon, right?
... if this is a thing I'll be there... and also I'll drink some beers while it happens ... and I'll enjoy it.
I haven't seen any of the 87 or 91 World Series beyond the major highlights. So I might be interested to see some of the team's history from before I knew them.
I think I suggested it back when the '91 DVDs came out.
I seem to remember that.
I own both sets and am ripping the '87 discs now.
Were I the father of a young girl, I'm guessing I would prefer most of her boyfriends be several states away.
Do the son's girlfriends' parents wish the same thing?
part of me is scared for that; probably not as much as if I had a daughter, but it's a scary thing. I would like to think when the time comes I will encourage my son to date and then get to know who he's dating and their family and so I can hopefully be there for him through tough times and help guide him so that when he's in college and away from home he makes some decent decisions.
I'm with you on the "get to know the boy and his family" preference. I think, personally, I like that on the front end, not the back end (at least, if they're dating in high school), but I absolutely find myself judging parents by their kids, and vice versa, so... yeah. I hope to approve of family too. And I hope that's important to my kids as well. It was very much so for me.
I happen to be a father of a daughter whose boyfriend is across state in KC. We haven't met him yet, but he's getting the benefit of the doubt for now.
Hey, CH, you making down to Chi-town for [redacted]'s birthday party this weekend?
Probably not, unfortunately. The Poissonnier is recovering from a bout of roseola that basically destroyed our weekend. I'll check with Mrs. Hayes, but we probably won't be able to swing it.
Heh, sorry, I was more making a joke that I keep seeming to bump up against your social circle. I met him through friends (through friends) a few months back and I just noticed the connection on social media a couple days ago.
We have some very unlikely connections between the co-op and Chicago.
11 years ago today

That ball is still in orbit.
I was at work when this happened and we were listening to the Astros radio call and we were trying to figure out what happened. He never really said Pujols had homered.
Makes me miss the dugout, where Brad Lidge's mugshot/icon got a bloody nose.
The reality of living two hours from any retired relative is hitting hard today. Our in-home daycare provider closed today because of a stomach bug in her family, and she might be closed again tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow afternoon I'm supposed to be participating in the first meeting of a professional development program I applied for, and one of my major annual projects is due this week. Mrs. Hayes has an outreach event she can't miss. The Poissonnier's honorary grandmother has guests in town, so that option's out, too.
Orchestral Lunacy
Went and got myself cultured this weekend - rather a rarity - and had a pretty good time doing it.
I'll recommend going, if such a performance reaches a venue near you. At Family-Weekend prices, quite worth it.
Twins outright five players to Rochester: Andrew Albers, James Beresford, Pat Dean, Tommy Milone, and Logan Schafer. Milone and Schafer can elect free agency.
What was your favorite Tommy Milon moment?
0.0 rWAR in three seasons with the Twins, though 1.6 fWAR.
The pop culture of my youth tells me I probably shouldn't eat this hoagie before going to bed.