My mother-in-law is visiting. She came for the wedding of one of my wife's cousins...except last week, the wedding was cancelled. So, the MIL will hang around with my daughters, which is probably a more enjoyable use of her time, despite the awkward wedding situation.

Good morning from Williamsport, PA. I finally learned my lesson and no cats escaped on the highway.
We left earlier than yesterday and didn't have to deal with Chicago, or 548937 Illinois tolls, so made acceptable time. The Ohio highway plazas on I-80 placed at good distances apart were great. Pennsylvania, I'm looking at you. Some more plazas would be nice in the middle of nowhere.
I recall feeling like it took always forever to get through Pennsylvania. Good luck to you today!
This week I've been updating process and procedure documents for an operations audit. All things considered, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.
I'm at United Methodist Annual Conference. All things considered, me, too.
I went to one as a youth delegate many years ago. I feel your pain.
leaving soon (??) for a weekend in Tahoe. Belated anniversary celebration, so you guys are on your own. Snark responsibly.
this is the one I wanted:
HPR is playing baseball for the first time in his 11+ years. He's very willing to take walks without even swinging at any pitch.
Last night, in the sixth and final inning with his team down at least ten runs (suggesting umpire mentality):
First pitch was a questionable strike 1 looking.
Second pitch was a horrible strike 2 looking. The catcher trapped it on the ground.
I mention something to my daughter that those calls are bad for any player but awful for someone like HPR.
Third pitch he swings and foul ticks out. (Later, we found out that the caught-foul-tick third-strike exception is not a thing in his league's rules.)
HPR played 3B for an inning and had a great play of running to the bag in time to turn and catch the throw from an outfielder on a would-be triple.
However, HPR forgot to apply the tag (thinking it was a forceout), even though he had the ball in his glove about a foot from the ground before the runner started his slide.
Soclose to a great play that would have ended the inning. Instead, his team gave up another 4 runs.
HPR's team is... not good. Their league is five teams and they've gone 2-1 vs one team and haven't beaten any of the other three. When they get down early, they lose excitement and start lagging after balls. Then they get some fire later in the game when the outcome is virtually decided. HPR, new to this whole thing, keeps excited but can't seem to rally his teammates to that energy level.
(I started to write this in a response to something about Joe Mauer in yesterday's CoC, but it was so off point, I decided to put it here.)
The jalapeno wanted to go on a long walk the other night, and we ended up at Waite Park. We watched a boys baseball game--I'm guessing the kids were around 9 years old. He was absolutely riveted, but I found it frustrating. So. Many. Errors. The pace of the game was slow, and the teams were not well matched at all. The catcher on one team kept losing control of the ball, which was prompting tons of stolen bases.
But hey, it was a beautiful night and no mosquitoes and my kid who had had a terrible day (much of it his own doing) was finally happy, so we stayed and watched.
Major League baseball is one of my favorite sports to watch. I don't really enjoy any lower levels.
Once they get to be about eleven, so that they actually know what they're doing and can actually do it on occasion, I enjoy youth baseball. I'm not much of a fan before that
Yeah, that's about right. With 10 and under you expect the errors, but the hardest part to watch is the lack of awareness of rules and game situations. Not that I blame them. Just hard to watch a kid not realize he doesn't have a force play and has to tag the runner, or not tag up on a pop up.
I admire people who coach little kids. It takes a ton of patience.
I kind of miss going to my daughter's softball games, but that's more about nostalgia than actual appreciation of the product her teams put on the field.
My boy is playing actual baseball for the first time (played coach-pitch last year), and he's doing pretty good at hitting and drawing walks, after diving out of the batter's box a few times the first game. He did get to pitch an inning last game- walked two and struck out three.
His team is pretty good, so that makes it easier for the kids to stay excited and me to watch.
The bauble started t-ball last week. He was able to hit the ball on his first try, but everytime he was supposed to run to the next base, he chased after the ball instead. He also spent the entire time the were supposed to be in the field sitting in a camping chair saying he was scared he would get hit by a ball. Might not be his sport yet.
Speaking of which, Little League is changing rules for bats.
I thought this was a good quote from Steve Kerr.
Steve Kerr on all the former greats who said they'd beat this #Warriors team. #NBAFinals
Anyone here any good with Python? Specifically using APIs and Python together?
I do a lot of APIs, not a ton of python but if you post or email your pain point I'm pretty bored today and happy to help.
Thanks, I just emailed you a quick thing.
I emailed GH too, I know he does a ton of Python.
90% of what I do is Python. Not that today I would have been able to help.
I was at a conference yesterday and one of the Vendor swag items was one of those spinner things. I have to say I don't really get the appeal but then again I'm probably doing it wrong.
Is it gas or electric?
I have no idea. I'd probably say tacos and pizza powered.
snark with snark - well played
Denard Span and Eduardo Nunez will be the first 2 batters tonight for the Giants against the Twins.
Lessons in lying bastards. We are in S. Lake Tahoe for the weekend -- a package deal with a time-sensitive sales resort. Oh, but the hotel is not the resort. And the "resort dollars" we were promised...uh huh. And the tour got rescheduled to mid-afternoon from mid-month tomorrow. And the hotel people here are playing dumb.
I can't wait to share my appreciation tomorrow.
Speaking of Founders, in addition to the All Day IPA 15 packs, I discovered that that they now also have their Centennial IPA in 15 pack form for $15. That is one hell of a deal.
This would seem to be the plot of a Seinfeld episode.
As in, driving down a load of 15$ 15 packs to NOLA....
Glenne Headly (you'd recognize her) passed away yesterday.
I was sad to see that. I LOVED Dirty Rotten Scoundrels when I first saw it on tv the first time.