Thao Nguyen – Temple

I got to wondering if Thao (of Thao and the Get Down Stay Down) had been up to anything interesting lately. Turns out, she has.

I'm posting this for the first song, but I'm certainly not going to stop you from listening to this whole performance.

Book pairing: The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir by Thi Bui.


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3 thoughts on “Thao Nguyen – Temple”

  1. Thi Bui illustrated Bao Phi’s A Different Pond, which I bought for the Poissonnière some time ago and recommend with enthusiasm. I’ll have to check this one out, too. I see she also worked with Viet Thanh Nguyen on a book that they co-wrote/co-illustrated with their sons.

    1. I very nearly chose A Different Pond, but I felt like this one was a little closer fit with the song. The Best We Could Do is a fantastic graphic novel memoir--not for kids, but a really great read.

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