38 thoughts on “January 13, 2014: Polar Bear Plunge”

  1. That was just about as terrible as the Wolves have looked all season. If Love and Martin show up at all, they could have won.

    But man, how fundamentally good are the Spurs? They are always getting good shots off passes to wide open guys. I don't think the Wolves are that terrible on defense, but the Spurs just killed them through execution last night.

        1. And that Byelorussians and Poles need 10 letters for the same word (more or less) that their neighbors can spell in six?

  2. This article is saying in good writing what I was complaining about months ago:
    If the Yankees can get out of paying ARod for 2014, it's in teams' interest to give their players steroids once their contracts are albatrosses.
    I don't like the other options that Cameron has, either. Problem is if a team signs (or trades for) a player that is then tagged with PEDs, when any prior team would have had the benefit.
    But in the Yankee's case, they've had ARod's production for ten years now.

      1. At the same time, the non-guaranteedness of ageing sluggers could drive up their salaries. Pay him more and if he slumps, get out the PED evidence!

    1. JoePoz watched so I didn't have to:

      Scott Pelley ends the report like so: “And Bud Selig has announced his retirement from the game. Part of his legacy is the establishment of the toughest anti-doping rules in all of American pro sports.”

      There it is. Bud Selig, who has been commissioner over the worst drug scandal to ever hit American sports, who presided over a game that ten years ago DID NOT TEST for drugs, got 60 Minutes to put that line at the end. Part of his legacy is this glorious chapter of buying papers from Bobby, threatening and paying off Boesch and nailing Alex Rodriguez.

      The report ended and only then, if you watch the Internet videos, do you get the biggest lesson of all. You get to see who sponsored the report.


        1. I'm about 12ish* years younger than you, and I still remember when an hour's news wasn't a joke. Shit, I'm old.

          *I'm taking a guess from memory.

          1. You'll get an exact amount later this week, unless the good Pastor falls down on the job. I'm doubting he will.

  3. A-Rod files his suit against MLB and the players' union. I hope to hell that this drags out, that he gets a stay, and that he plays for the Yankees in 2014. The best result for me would be that A-Rod wins outright. I know that isn't happening, but anything to keep the Yankees and A-Rod joined at the (arthritic) hip is a good day, in my book.

      1. but Teh Cheating!

        The Sanctity of Baseball demands that A-Rod's contract be nullified retroactively to the beginning of the Biogenesis scandal and the Yankmees be allowed to spend all of those dollars again on new free agents. Because New York.

        1. Since A-Rod's cheating is the worst thing to happen in the history of professional sports, I think they should take away every win the Yankees got in any game they played with A-Rod on the roster.

    1. I'm no fan of A-rod, and even less a fan of the yankees, but seeing him beat this would be delicious. Bad for baseball, but good for those of us who enjoy a bit of schadenfreude.

  4. Under that spoiler is the worst tweet in the history of tweets. Open it up at your own risk.

    The Date of the Tweet Makes it All the Worse SelectShow

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