NSFW, obviously.
If you've been online in the right circles this year, you've almost certainly already heard this. My apologies, it rocks too hard to pass up.
I'm not totally sure what sort of reception this one will get. I wish that the session band was just a little more ragged than they are. The guitars, in particular, don't carry the same menace that Morello's did on the original.
Luckily, Denzel Curry supplied enough of both raggedness and menace to more than make up for it.
I had other songs I would've liked to have played, but there aren't any live videos for Avenade, and Blanck Mass videos aren't necessarily all that impressive beyond the crushing wall of sound.
Anyway, enjoy!
Rage is one of those bands that I was surrounded with, liked, but still never really got into on my own.
That's about how I left about them. I own a couple albums, and there were a few songs I really enjoyed, but one of my friends was just nutso about them, and I was never anywhere near that level.
TBH, I was wishing his voice wasn't so high-pitched. Is he normally like this or did he pitch it up to match de la Rocha's original?
Now he's got an original verse, which is much lower. Wonder what it'd be like if he used that for the whole song.
/sets mic down gently
heh. I should have waited for the full thing before rating. That was worth another star.
Heh, right?
You rated it midway through?!?!
Yeah, I didn't think anything would change what rating I gave it at about 3:45 in
I gave it an extra star to compensate.