February 20, 2012: Timing

Today ends a run where I feel like I've been at work nonstop for as long as I can remember. I'm aching to see my kids. I can't even remember how I dealt with being away from them for a month at a time.

101 thoughts on “February 20, 2012: Timing”

    1. I saw this on twitter yesterday

      Jon Heyman @JonHeymanCBS
      saw mike cameron career WAR was higher than puckett, 46.7 to 44.8. does this prove cameron under-rated? or WAR over-rated

      1. I dunno, I would probably call Mike Cameron underrated. Puckett also had his career cut short. The point Heyman is trying to make fails on multiple levels.

        1. Yeah, the length of careers here needs to be considered, but Heyman will never be able to get that. He always writes under the assumption that every player has the exact same amount of opportunity.

          1. Actually, it isn't that lop-sided. Mike Cameron had 7884 PAs, compared to Puckett's 7831 PAs. Of course, Cameron had five additional seasons, but they were all part-time. Puckett played a full season every year with the exception of his first, where he still played in 128 games. If anything, rWAR nailed it.

            1. Why was Cameron part-time? Teams undervaluing him, problems with splits, or injuries? Certainly there is value to knowing your star player is going out there nearly every day for the season.

              1. Looks like the first two years because he was young, and not that good. Seattle played him full-time. His first part-time year was 2005, and that was because of the collision with Beltran. Played full-time with the Padres and Brewers (ignoring the suspension), and then part-time with the Red Sox in 2010. That appears to be because of a groin injury. Again in 2011 he was part-time, but this time I'm guessing because he wasn't very good anymore. So, I'm going to go with 1. young and 2. injured as the reasons he played part-time.

  1. Not to start something then leave*, but I finished "Deadwood" over the weekend. I really enjoyed the series, but it felt a little unfinished, which I take to be because HBO did not renew the series. We are seriously considering the next dog's name to be "Swidgen".

    *Which is exactly what I'm gonna do, since I don't have internet at the flat yet.

    1. That one was a heartbreaker. The show did decent numbers and was only cancelled because of the overwhelming expense of shooting it; at least that's what I read at the time.

    1. dang. TwinsGeek, Nick Nelson, and Seth Stohs all shutting down their sites. I'm a fan, since I felt all three had pretty blah sites as far as presentation went. I stopped reading all of them on a regular basis, but with a central location I may check some of that stuff out

              1. ahh, highly unintentional. in fact, if the fat-o-meter is correct, there's a lot less gleeman than there used to be.

      1. Of them, I'll be saddest that Seth's site is coming down. It was such a joyfully amateurish site for the official Twins beat reporter of blogs. It was clear he had been doing it forever, and I loved his huge tables of football picks and his exuberant writing (More Sid than Shecky).

        I'll admit I visited a lot less once I started using Twitter and FB: the news is sent to those places in a real-time stream. And I unfollowed Seth's on twitter two days after I followed because his RTs etc made up half my feed.

        Other than getting my one article on Carlos Silva published there in exchange for a Guarddog watch, my favorite thing from him was his interview with Ben Revere seemingly hours after the draft (and well before the Strib and PiPress published any quotes from him). I think Revere even commented a bit on the article, too (or maybe that was on Gleeman's write-up). I immediately went from "What did the Twins see that no one else did?" to "Damn, I hope the Twins are right, I want him to be an All-Star."

        Finally, I thought that his last name was Strohs until sometime last summer.

        1. Um AMR, I was the person who interviewed Revere a day after the draft. Still, I agree that Seth's enthusiasm is definitely enjoyable even if I don't necessarily but into it as often.

          1. Well, My favorite memory of Seth's site is how he linked to DPWY's interview of Ben Revere seemingly hours after the draft (and well before the Strib and PiPress published any quotes from him). I think Revere even commented a bit on the article, too (or maybe that was on Gleeman's write-up). I immediately went from "What did the Twins see that no one else did?" to "Damn, I hope the Twins are right, I want him to be an All-Star."

            Good job on that, DP!

            1. Heh thanks. I took the crazy step of looking him up on the Book of Faces and setting up the email exchange that way. Revere was ridiculously excited and I think I edited at least 75% of the exclamation points he used out of the "interview."

    2. I created a profile over there (wouldn't want another Twins-loving Dread Pirate to create any confusion). No idea how often, if at all, I'll be posting there.

      1. When the first comment I see was one posted by Fanatic Jack, I'd have to say my initial impression is that I'll probably only be reading the articles.

        1. Yup, that was my initial reaction as well. I don't really need to read a whole bunch of commentors telling me that we're too easy on Joe.

      2. Also signed up and borrowed CoC's description of the WGOM to use in my signature just in case I ever post something.

          1. Here is it:

            Twins fans who also happen to be witty bookish foodies with excellent (or at least unique) tastes in beer, music, and movies.

            I edited it a bit for length.

            1. I'll add that to mine as well. Now that the Centric Powers are in concert on one site, there's no reason we can't have a little détente between nations.

              1. That makes it Twinkie Town, Gleeman, Twins Daily, and then us. Probably in that order for views as well.

          1. Alright, I got cheaptoy before anyone else could.

            So if we all register, can we try to turn it into an alternate WGOM in case we suddenly can't raise any money for this place?

      3. I thought about registering there, but I don't know what I'd do there that I don't already do (or couldn't do) here.

        1. Even if it's just to make one well-argued and respectful comment in a sea of noise, just register your name so there isn't a different JeffA.

    3. If you are looking to increase eyeballs here, I would suggest posting stuff over there linking to here.

      1. They explicitly said they are cool with that:

        When you sign up, you get your own blog. (Click on “Blog” and then “My Blog.”) You can ignore it, or you can customize it and write your own stories, which members can find on the main blog page, or on the left. If you already have your own blog elsewhere, don’t sweat it: you can double post and include links back to your main blog. We want people to find you.

  2. the Wolves play Denver tonight. The bad news is that at 16-16, the Wolves are still last in the Northwest Division. In fact, it's game 33, and it will be the Wolves 3 game against a Divisional foe. They are 0-2 on the season, losing game 1 against OKC, and game 16 against Utah.

    The good news is that we have a ton of games against the NW and have a chance to leapfrog over a bunch of teams in little time.

  3. Anyone follow Corey Koskie on Twitter? (It sure seems a legit feed, although not verified.)
    Presented here in chronological order, because they're all through twitlonger:

    Anybody read article on Joe? An article based on water cooler gossip. Where's facts?

    I don't Agree with people who don't want to put their name behind comments of"disgust" as Souhan put it. RT @MNTwinsGUFS: @SethTweets @ckone47 I have to say I agree with it. $184 mil comes with a lot more responsibility than Joe has taken, injuries or not.

    Yes RT @MinnesotaMathew: @ckone47 Souhan's?

    All I can say is Joe is a good dude and he works his butt off. He is not going to throw anybody under the bus @Mnlp33: @ckone47 may be hear say but it represents a huge part of the fan base. He is the example of why mn teams don't spend. Ask K Love.it matters

    So offended? Losing cred? I have a right to an opinion just like you. RT @Mnlp33: @ckone47 Souhan put his name on it. Your losing cred by being so offended. People have the right to be upset with cash sitting out. #sackup

    If they have problem with Joe they need to talk to Joe. Not express "disgust" to Souhan. Ps- disgust was Souhans word not mine. RT @Mnlp33: @ckone47 exactly my point. Why are the opinions of others "disgust"?

    I know he is getting paid a lot. But believe me he wants to be out there!! The dude is a gamer!! Just know if he could play he would of been out there RT @FateUndecided: @ckone47 I dunno..it's ridiculous how much he's getting paid to sit around. I don't even make a fraction of what he does & I work full-time.

    You have the full right to be upset that Joe didn't play. I would be too if I didn't know what really went down. I can tell you these 2 facts!!! Joe loves playing baseball and Joe loves Minnesota. RT @Mnlp33: @MinnesotaMathew @ckone47 regardless it's an opinion. You don't have to agree. Disgusting or not.

    Fact.....There is 1 minnesotan Me..... There was 1 teammate Me.... RT @Mnlp33: @ckone47 Cory Cory Cory. As opinions go do you think there is a Minnesotan that would call Joe a gamer? Fact-teammates don't. Fact!

    Here is the way I look at it. If everybody could do what joe Mauer does then he is not getting paid 184million. He is top 3 in the world. MayRT @FateUndecided: @ckone47 I'm sure...not anything against athletes...I just wish society's pay scale was more equalized for those of us who work 40hrs+/wk.

    1. It sure seems a legit feed, although not verified.

      judging by some of the accounts that are following him (like the official twins feed and other FO members), i'd say it's legit.

        1. I struggled at first, but half way through I started to parse it out. The first part of each message, up to the @ symbols is Koskie while everything after that is what he is responding to.

    2. OK, here's a cleaned-up translation:

      Koskie Anybody read article on Joe? An article based on water cooler gossip. Where's facts?

      MNTwinsGUFS to SethTweets and Koskie I have to say I agree with it. $184 mil comes with a lot more responsibility than Joe has taken, injuries or not.
      Koskie I don't Agree with people who don't want to put their name behind comments of "disgust" as Souhan put it.

      MinnesotaMathew to Koskie Souhan's?
      Koskie Yes

      Mnlp33 to Koskie It may be hearsay but it represents a huge part of the fan base. He is the example of why MN teams don't spend. Ask Kevin Love... It matters.
      Koskie All I can say is Joe is a good dude and he works his butt off. He is not going to throw anybody under the bus

      Mnlp33 to Koskie Souhan put his name on it. You're losing cred by being so offended. People have the right to be upset with cash sitting out. Mauer should "Sack Up"!
      Koskie So offended? Losing cred? I have a right to an opinion just like you.

      Mnlp33 to Koskie Exactly my point. Why are the opinions of others "disgust"?
      Koskie If they have problem with Joe they need to talk to Joe. Not express "disgust" to Souhan. P.S. "Disgust" was Souhan's word, not mine.

      Mnlp33 to Koskie and MinnesotaMathew Regardless, it's an opinion. You don't have to agree. Disgusting or not.
      Koskie You have the full right to be upset that Joe didn't play. I would be too if I didn't know what really went down. I can tell you these two facts: 1) Joe loves playing baseball and 2) Joe loves Minnesota.

      Mnlp33 to Koskie Corey, Corey, Corey. As opinions go, do you think there is a Minnesotan that would call Joe a "gamer"? Fact: Teammates don't. Fact!
      Koskie Fact: There is one Minnesotan: Me! There was one teammate: Me!

      FateUndecided to Koskie I don't know.... It's ridiculous how much he's getting paid to sit around. I don't even make a fraction of what he does & I work full-time.
      Koskie I know he is getting paid a lot. But believe me he wants to be out there! The dude is a gamer! I just know if he could play he would of been out there.

      FateUndecided to Koskie I'm sure... Not anything against athletes, I just wish society's pay scale was more equalized for those of us who work 40hrs+/wk.
      Koskie Here is the way I look at it: if everybody could do what Joe Mauer does, then he is not getting paid $184 million. He is top 3 in the world.

      I'm imagining Shecky as a chair in the Baltimore dugout.

        1. Just use this as a Rosetta Stone.
          It's easier in Twitter itself because the @'s, which are other users, are shown in blue, so it breaks it up.

          At one point, I tried to use brackets for corrections like

          [Joe Mauer should "s]ack[ ]up["!]

          But I really don't know how to do that for such extensively-needed corrections.

  4. This dovetails nicely with the "Mike Cameron, All Star" discussion above:

    Rank Player Win Pct HBP
    1 Mike Cameron .613 (352-222) 31

    1. what I dont understand about the Gasol trade is where will he play? Pek has established himself as a starting C, and Love is a dominate PF....so put Gasol at the 3? move Love there? Gasol as a $21 mil backup?

        1. If we are convinced that Pek! is the real deal, then a trade of Williams for Gasol makes very little sense, particularly given the salary disparities.

          Now, if LA were willing to eat some contracts (Darko, SCB/Wes, and Miller) to make the deal balance, rather than taking Williams, we could talk. But it still doesn't make much sense. Minnesota needs a two and a three, not another starting 4/5 earning ~max money.

          Too bad Sacramento isn't holding a fire sale. Marcus Thornton could be a tasty addition, assuming his shooting pct comes back around to career averages (he missed a week or so with a bad thigh bruise; that will affect a jump shooter).

          But really, the Wolves' best bet probably is to sit back and wait for Williams to develop at the 3.

  5. So, I'm not sure if y'all watch the news, but my dad was on it tonight. In little Blue Earth, Minnesota, a guy was murdered in an invasion on his home last night. Next door to my dad.

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