5 thoughts on “September 11, 2024: 23 Years”

  1. My daughters were 8 and 5 when it happened. Daddy had a lot of explaining to do that day and the days after, and I think for them it was something like the Kennedy assassinations were for me. I was 4 and a half when JFK was killed, 9 when Bobby got shot. I remember watching the JFK funeral on TV with my mother. For some reason the image of the soldier leading the riderless horse behind the caisson has stayed with me my entire life, maybe because it made my mother (an Eisenhower Republican at the time) openly cry and it was the first time I could recall seeing that. I guess I can't shake how much the 60s shaped my world view.

  2. This is not an original or super salient thought, but I find it amusing that high school debate has significantly more restrictions and expectations of decorum. Your time limit is your time limit and there are no exceptions. If you talk out of turn or don't shut up when you're supposed to, you lose. I guess in that case it's more like a court room. Government is more like recess

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