All posts by Daneekas Ghost

First Monday Book Day: Seasonal

I've mentioned before that I have been on a very slowly progressing odyssey to acquire the entire Seasonal Quartet by Ali Smith.  To recap: in 2017 I read Autumn and loved it.  I noted that she was writing additional books as follow ups to that and resolved to read those other books as well.

Time passed.

In 2019, I bought Winter, the second book in the series, I noted that Spring was coming later that year and that Summer would be out shortly after that.  I resolved to read all three books once they were out and available.

Time passed.

In 2021, I was in a bookshop in White Bear Lake and noticed that they had all four books of the Seasonal Quartet available.  Being unprepared, I misremembered my previous purchases and bought Winter and Summer. Upon returning home I discovered that I now had two copies of Winter and zero copies of Spring. I resolved to buy the missing book and start reading the series.

Time passed.

In 2024, I was in a used bookshop and found a copy of Spring! The series, now complete, I just needed to set aside some time to read all four books. In September, I posted, "Now I just have to get around to reading these."

Between September and now, I listened to a podcast episode of Across the Pond with an interview of Ali Smith about her new book, Gliff, It is a wonderful interview and it reminded me of everything I loved about Autumn and so I resolved two things.

  1. March of 2025 would be the month that I read the entire Seasonal Quartet (I started re-reading Autumn on March 1, and I still love it)
  2. I went out and bought Gliff, and I resolved to read that one and its companion novel Glyph when that one comes out, I'll just have to keep an eye out for it, hopefully it takes less than 8 years to follow through on this one.

All the books I read in February:


First Monday Book Day: Inheritance

Spent most of January reading N.K. Jemisin's Inheritance trilogy.

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - This was a re-read, but it was still really good. I still remembered so many of these characters even after 8 years between readings. Jemisin does a really great job in this series of writing gods that are almost human, but not quite.

The Broken Kingdoms - I was pretty pleased that this didn't just pick up where the first book left off.  Another cool expansion of the idea of gods and humans interacting, but not quite as amazing as book 1.

The Kingdom of Gods - I don't know what I think of this at this point.  In the moment of reading it, I felt like so much of the plot depended on new rules that the reader had no way of anticipating, but the farther I get from it, the more I appreciate it as a conclusion of the trilogy.  Not a book to read on its own, I guess, but one that fits the overall arc of the three books.

The Awakened Kingdom - (novella) - a fun little conclusion, but nowhere near the weight of the first three books.  It was fine.

Jemisin is really good in the longer novel-length stories.  I read her short story collection, How Long Till Black Future Month?, and the best stories read like short treatments of longer novels (and in multiple cases - they are exactly that - the plot of Broken Earth is there in one story, the plot of the Dreamblood books in another, and she keeps coming back to the ideas in the Great Cities series across multiple stories. I haven't yet regretted picking up a Jemisin novel, and this month did nothing to change that.

All the books I read in January:


So, which N.K. Jemisin series are you going to start in February?

Alternate question: What are you reading?

First Monday Book Day: New Year

Books DG Read in 2024 - An exhaustive list:

Essays, Poetry and Memoirs 

  • Happily by Sabrina Orah Mark *****
  • Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Dederer *****
  • All Things Are Too Small by Becca Rothfeld *****
  • Whose Story Is This? by Rebecca Solnit *****
  • The Position of Spoons by Deborah Levy *****


  • Sure, I'll Join Your Cult by Maria Bamford
  • Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit
  • Call Them by Their True Names by Rebecca Solnit
  • The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Blythell
  • Wolfish by Erica Berry
  • The Sound of Being Human by Jude Rogers
  • Sparrow Envy by J. Drew Lanham
  • The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han
  • Doppelganger by Naomi Klein
  • Waiting For the End of the World by Stephanie Valente
  • Steep in the Boil by Meagan McShea

Science, History, Education

  • Charge by Frank Close *****
  • Superheavy by Kit Chapman *****
  • Sex Talks by Vanessa Marin *****
  • Bottoms Up and the Devil Laughs by Kerry Howley *****
  • How Humans Learn by Joshua Eyler *****


  • Whatever It is, I'm Against It by Brian Rosenberg
  • Infusing Critical Thinking into Your Course by Linda Nilsson
  • Pedagogy of Kindness by Catherine Denial
  • The Emotional Lives of Teenagers by Lisa Damour
  • Everything in its Place by Judith Flanders
  • The Fifth Sun by Camilla Townsend
  • The Last Week by Marcus Borg
  • If This is the Age We End Discovery by Rosebud Ben-Oni

Novels and Short Fiction

  • The End of Drum-Time by Hanna Pylväinen *****
  • Either/Or by Elif Batuman *****
  • Same Bed Different Dreams by Ed Park *****
  • Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar *****
  • The Empusium by Olga Tokarczuk (translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones) *****
  • The Remembered Part by Rodrigo Fresán (translated by Will Vanderhyden) *****
  • Melvill by Rodrigo Fresán (translated by Will Vanderhyden) *****
  • The Biography of X by Catherine Lacey *****
  • Ædnan by Linnea Axelsson (translated by Saskia Vogel) *****
  • Clear by Carys Davies *****


  • Blackouts by Justin Torres
  • A Void by Georges Perec (translated by Gilbert Adair)
  • The Murmuration by Carlos Labbé (translated by Will Vanderhyden)
  • Wednesday's Child by Yiyun Li
  • The Confidence-Man by Herman Melville
  • The Netanyahus by Joshua Cohen
  • Pnin by Vladimir Nabokov
  • Real Life by Brandon Taylor
  • It Lasts Forever and Then It's Over by Anne De Marcken
  • The English Experience by Julie Schumacher
  • The Complete Stories of Leonara Carrington by Leonara Carrington
  • The Book of X by Sarah Rose Etter
  • The Topeka School by Ben Lerner
  • Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol (translated by Donald Rayfield)
  • Glorious Exploits by Ferdia Lennon
  • The Employees by Olga Ravn (translated by Martin Aitken)
  • Paradise Rot by Jenny Hval (translated by Marjam Idriss)

Science Fiction and Fantasy

  • A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine *****
  • Perhaps the Stars by Ada Palmer *****
  • Monstress, Volumes 6 & 7 by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda ****
  • My Favorite Thing is Monsters Part 2 by Emil Ferris *****
  • Lone Women by Victor LaValle *****


  • The City Of Saints and Madmen by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Shriek by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Finch by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Authority by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Absolution by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Hummingbird Salamander by Jeff Vandermeer
  • Monstress, Volumes 1-9 by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda
  • Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer
  • Seven Surrenders by Ada Palmer
  • The Will to Battle by Ada Palmer
  • All Systems Red by Martha Wells
  • Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
  • Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
  • Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
  • Network Effect by Martha Wells
  • Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
  • System Collapse by Martha Wells
  • Invisible Kingdom, Volumes 1-3 by G. Willow Wilson and Christian Ward
  • Malarkoi by Alex Pheby
  • The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Naylor
  • The House of Sundering Flames by Aliette de Bodard
  • Saint Death's Daughter by C.S.E. Cooney
  • Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk
  • The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
  • Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher
  • Rakesfall by Vajra Chandrasekera
  • The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera
  • Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson

How was your reading in '24? What's on your list for '25?

First Monday Book Day: Gift

I ordered two books, but got three because the publisher lost my order, then realized that they never sent it, and sent a third book as an apology.

As we enter gift-giving season, what's the book you're giving your friends/ family?   Alternatively, what's the book you're dropping hints about wanting someone else to buy for you?

For my mom's birthday (this past weekend), I got her Ædnan by Linnea Axelsson, because she loves winter and Scandinavia and indigenous stories, so this seemed like a slam dunk.

I'm excited to read the fifth Stormlight book that comes out this week, and I'd like to get to the new James S. A. Corey series at some point as well (The Mercy of Gods came out in August, but I haven't got to it yet), so those would probably make good gifts for me.


First Monday Book Day: Vandermeer Appreciation Month

In October I read almost all of Jeff Vandermeer's novels.

I read the Ambergris trilogy:

  • The City Of Saints and Madmen (re-read) - still an incredibly good evocation of place and environment. The city Vandermeer creates in these loosely connected stories is such a full on experience.  You can feel the menacing dampness and the uneasy sense that the mushrooms have more control than anyone realizes.
  • Shriek (first read) - probably my least favorite of his novels, this felt like an extended character introduction that wasn't really needed for the series. Non of the characters really had a goal other than revealing more information about the city.
  • Finch (first read) - now we get a detective story in the fungus-city. Duncan Shriek (from the second book) gets a role that makes sense here, so I guess that made the second book worth it, but this was still a much better book. Finch (the detective) actually has a goal that's not "look at this weird city!" A good finish to the series.

I read the Southern Reach trilogy (and the newly published fourth book) and enjoyed this more than I remembered, these are better books than I had previously given them credit for.

  • Annihilation (re-read)
  • Authority (re-read)
  • Acceptance (re-read)
  • Absolution (first read) - still in the middle of this.

I didn't re-read the Borne series, but I think those books are still my favorite Vandermeer.

Lastly, I read his stand alone book from 2021 that I bought but never actually read before

  • Hummingbird Salamander (first read) - more detective, less fungus. I feel like this book was missing Vandermeer's strength, which is overwhelming the reader with environment (the city in Ambergris, Area X in the Southern Reach novels, the Lab in the Borne series...) and that just wasn't here.  He still writes a good thriller with environmental themes, but this didn't get me as much as the others.

It's always fun to just plow through a bunch of novels on a theme, and I've found a particular joy in re-reading a bunch of novels and series this year.

What did you read this month?

Big | Brave – Theft

I think I've played Big | Brave before -this song just feels right to me, it hits when it needs to hit, soars when it needs to soar and, sustains the whole way through.

That said, my favorite song this year might be "I felt a funeral" - just your classic drone metal setting of an Emily Dickinson poem.

2 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10 (2 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10)
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