All posts by Daneekas Ghost

First Monday Book Day – The Comic Book Store

So far, 2017 has turned out to be the year of the comic book for me.  Here's five series that I've been reading.

This is my favorite new discovery of the year. It's kind of steampunk, kind of high fantasy with definite Asian influences and a dash of Elder Gods thrown in for good measure. It's a little gory, and a lot convoluted, but I've really enjoyed it. I've read through issue #10, and I'm struggling over whether to wait for the collections, or buy the issues as they become available. The art is really really good. Although the story seems like something you've heard before (orphan girl struggling against forces much greater than herself), there are plenty of factions and intrigue to keep it interesting.

It's sparse and a little funny and a little sad. A policeman on the moon drives through his patrol. The moon is emptying out, but still there are just enough people around to create small stories.

It's not a big book, but you will be pulled in.

Trees I didn't really know of Warren Ellis, but reading this and the next series on the list, he has a pretty incisive way of world-building.  Trees are alien spaceships landed without explanation that seemed benign until the end of volume 1.  Volume 2 gets a little bit more into how governments and other systems are reacting to a threat they don't understand.  Volume 1 was very good.  Volume 2 I hope is building toward something else that's as good.

Another Warren Ellis book.  Another fantastic introduction to a new world.  In an attempt to spur more global innovation, The Injection occurred, and now it has taken on a mind of its own.  It sounds like its the singularity, but probably not in a good way.  I was really into the first few issues of this, and I have another 3 or 4 sitting on my bookshelf to read soon.  Ellis loves a dystopia that's not quite a dystopia yet, and he does it pretty well.

Paper Girls
I have only read the first issue of this one, but it seems very cool.  Set in the 80's, a group of four newspaper delivery girls are defending their routes from Halloween pranksters when they find a ... time machine? maybe?  I don't really know yet, but when I get the chance I plan to keep reading.

So, what have you all been reading?  Comic book/graphic novel or otherwise?

Book Day: Award Season

Before I get to the somewhat traditional recap of the science fiction and fantasy awards from this year, I wanted to take a moment to recognize a book on the longlist for the National Book Award for Young People's Literature.  I was furnished a copy of this by the editor (someone we probably all would recognize if she didn't go around in a trench coat and sunglasses all the time).  It's a really affecting story and a gorgeous book (as much as any book about the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki can be gorgeous).  If you don't believe me, you can read the review in the New York Times.

This year, all the sci-fi and fantasy awards actually got handed out, so there was improvement from last year.  Some of my favorites, and lots of links, below.


Nebula and World Fantasy Winner - Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers - by Alyssa Wong - (link)

Just read it.  The title kind of sums it up. This was a really good and deserving winner.

Hugo and Locus Winner - Cat Pictures Please by Naomi Kritzer - (link)

Finally, an explanation for the internet's fascination with the feline.


The Dowager of Bees - by China Mieville - I have Mieville's story collection (Three Moments of an Explosion) sitting on my bedside table, and I'm very excited to get into it. The title story and this one are both really really good.  This one involves the presence of secret cards that can appear in any regular deck.

The Game of Smash and Recovery - by Kelly Link - Link is such a master of revealing just one more thing as you get further and further into the story.

Madeleine - by Amal El-Mohtar - The narrator remembers being someone else.  And it keeps happening more and more often.

The Three Resurrections of Jessica Churchill - by Kelly Robson - Tiny aliens trying to keep their host alive.


Hugo Winner – Folding Beijing by Hao Jingfang – (link)

A very cool idea, Beijing is three cities, each only active while the other two sleep, and travelling between them has dangers.

Nebula Winner – And You Shall Know Her By the Trail of Dead by Brooke Bolander – (link)

A kind of tech crime/virtual reality/love story?  I don't know the best way to describe it except that it moves fast and is a lot of fun.  Definitely worth checking out.

Locus Winner – Black Dog by Neil Gaiman –

Can I tell you a secret?  I don’t like Neil Gaiman’s novels.  On the other hand, I have consistently enjoyed his short fiction.  “Black Dog” is a good ghost story where a traveler stumbles upon a town with more to it than meets the eye.


Our Lady of the Open Road - by Sarah Pinsker - A band on the road in a slightly more post-apocalyptic world than our own.

Another Word for World - by Ann Leckie - A recently anointed ruler is shipwrecked on an unfriendly planet.  (scroll to the end of the linked post for a download link)


Hugo & Nebula Novella – Binti by Nnedi Okorafor –

Standalone book. Very good.  The main character is the first of her family/community to attend a university on another planet.  The trip there is hijacked by an alien menace.  An exploration of what is alien.

World Fantasy Novella – The Unlicensed Magician by Kelly Barnhill –

Standalone book.  A 1984-like state has been rounding up magic children.  Written in a very particular style (an affected, self-aware childlike tone) that made the world interesting, this still told an engrossing story.

Locus Novella – Slow Bullets by Alistair Reynolds –

Standalone book. A generational starship of war criminals, soldiers and settlers from the recently concluded space war begins to wake up. Reynolds is a pretty good sci-fi author, and he delivers some pretty good sci-fi here.


Penric’s Demon – by Lois McMaster Bujold – A country boy is unwittingly tapped as a vessel for a demon and the magic that comes with that.  This might have been my favorite of the novella nominees.  The audiobook is a brisk 4 hours and it tells a good story.  Bujold has published two more in the series this year, which I keep meaning to check out.

The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn – by Usman Malik – A story of multiple cultures and generations.

The Citadel of Weeping Pearls – by Aliette de Bodard – A space station disappeared years ago, and now it seems it might be possible to find it, visit it, or maybe bring it back. I'm just going to keep recommending de Bodard's short fiction every time I write one of these. This is in Asimov's SF magazine, whose stories sometimes appear and disappear online if you search them.  I couldn't find it right now, but keep an eye out.

Guignol – by Kim Newman – Horror story revolving around a theater of the grotesque in Paris.  This was terribly gory, but still did a great job of creating suspense and payoff.

The New Mother – Eugene Fisher – Genetic mutation and what it means to be human and to tolerate those on the other side of that line.

Honestly, this year there wasn't one story that I was over-the-moon excited about, which is kind of rare.  Hungry Daughters and Folding Beijing were both really good, but I don't know that either rises to that level where I will remember them when I write a recap like this next year.

As far as novels go, I'm still working my way through the nominees there a little bit, but N. K. Jemisen's The Fifth Season is probably my current favorite.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik was also really good.  A good old magic story.

I'm currently reading The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi and I'm not too impressed.  It's like a re-setting of The Wind-up Girl.  Which I don't mean as a compliment.

The thing I'm most excited to read from the nominee lists is K. J. Parker's Savages.  I really liked some of Parker's novellas (A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong and Let Maps to Others), so I'm looking forward to reading this longer effort.

First Monday Book Day – Labor Day “Get to Work” Edition

The Olympics always mess up my reading schedule quite a bit, so in honor of not really reading all that much this month, here are a dozen short stories that I have not read yet from my bookmarked "Stories to Read" Folder.


Charlie Jane Anders - The Time Travel Club (audio)
I loved Anders other short fiction, so it was completely on the reputation of the author that I picked this one.

Desirina Boskovich - The Island
I have no recollection of bookmarking this.  It appears to be a horror short story.  I'll have to read it and get back to you.

Chen Qiufan - The Mao Ghost
Translated by Ken Liu, who I love as an author and I've loved his choices for translated sci-fi work as well.

Aliette de Bodard - Prayers of Forges and Furnaces
I will read anything by de Bodard ... eventually.

Yoon Ha Lee - Combustion Hour
I feel like so many of these are "this author is awesome - I just haven't got around to this yet."  And that's exactly what this one is.

Sofia Samatar - Those
Sofia Samatar - Tender
Samatar's "Selkie Stories are for Losers" was a wonderful story and one that convinced me to read her first novel, which I really liked.


Kobo Abe - The Magic Chalk
Abe is always surreal, but I've never read any of his short work.

Leopoldine Core - Historic Tree Nurseries
She won a Whiting Award last year, and every time I've read a book by someone who won that award, I've really enjoyed it - her collection "When Watched" is on my to-read list as well.

Clarice Lispector - Clandestine Happiness
Lispector (the most famous Brazilian woman author) is going to be my 2017 reading project, which includes her recently released complete collection of short stories.  I'll probably just pick this one up when I read that.

Tade Thompson - The Monkey House
The fun part about going through this list is finding stories that I have no clue where they came from or why I bookmarked them.  This must have been recommended somewhere, but I can't for the life of me remember where it came from.

Colin Winnette - Ghost Mountain Murder Mystery
I love Colin Winnette - "Giant Panda" is one of my favorite short stories of all time.  There's no good reason that I haven't already read this.

Anne Marie Wirth Cauchon - Wait Anywhere
Cauchon got me invested in a novel ("Nothing") with a cast full of self-absorbed twenty-somethings, which is kind of remarkable, so I marked this one to see what her other writing is like.

First Monday Book Day: It Was a Good Reading Month

My dad always tells me that he can pretty much figure out when classes end for the semester for me just based on my activity on goodreads.  Since the first Monday of May, we've eased into summer vacation here, which has done wonders for my "to-read" pile.

The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisen - The world is destroyed by a never ending series of natural disasters, and now a newer, bigger disaster has occurred. The world building is really cool, which I'm always a sucker for, and the magic (magicians can draw power from the earth, and cause or quell earthquakes and volcanoes) is super cool.  As of right now, this has my vote for this year's Hugo.

The Dirty Dust by Mairtin O Cadhain - Billed as the best book ever written in Irish, it was translated twice in the past year, making it available in English for the first time.  I really liked this. It's certainly modernist (the entire book is dialogue that weaves in and out of comprehension) and the characters aren't particularly likable. They are all dead and interred in the local graveyard, but they are no less petty and provincial. Old insults fester and new insults bloom throughout and watching the dead continue on in their profane, affronted, unproductive afterlife still somehow makes for a dark comic narrative that was an enjoyable read.

The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps by Kai Ashante Wilson - This was a short novel about a caravan crossing a dangerous wilderness and the love between the sorcerer (wielding some kind of outsider black magic) and the captain (who it appears is a god in disguise).  It was whirling and new and pretty great.

So Sad Today by Melissa Broder - Switching gears quite a bit here, this is a collection of personal essays, with the emphasis on personal.  Broder is a poet (I read her collection "Scarecrone" last year and really liked it) and she really opens herself up here.  Body dysmorphia, monogamy, open marriage, anxiety, depression, vomit fetishes, everything is on the table.  But rendered in a really distinct, vain yet somehow vulnerable voice.  I thought her poetry was very internal when I read it, but these essays expand out into her world without losing that self-centered perspective (and I mean self-centered in as positive a way that I can).

Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War by Susan Southard - The story of the second atomic bombing told from the perspective of those who survived it.  It is intense, and a story that I did not know.  Seeing the Japanese dealing with an atomic bomb that they didn't understand was horrifying.  The scale of these weapons is awfully incomprehensible to me.

The Sublime Object of Ideology by Slavoj Zizek - The English department's philosophy reading group's pick for the spring semester finished up this month.  I thought it was very interesting, the idea of "they know it, but they do it anyway" being explained in philosophical terms.  As always, half the fun for me was getting to listen to a bunch of people who know what they are talking about talk about this stuff.

Ancient Oceans of Central Kentucky by David Connerly Nahm - Two Dollar Radio might just be the best indie publisher out there.  This is another wonderful book from them.  A man appears claiming to be the narrator's brother who disappeared as a child.  A fractured psychedelic journey through childhood in small town Kentucky results and the final half of the book is incredible.  Another book that I loved.

Mira Corpora by Jeff Jackson - Another Two Dollar Radio book.  This one was very strange, the voice of this book was the best part. Jackson tells a nightmare version of his childhood in a voice that is almost calm, while at the same time being bizarre and dreamlike. The note from the author's introduction is an almost perfect summation - "Sometimes it's been difficult to tell my memories from my fantasies, but that was true even then."

Tinkers by Paul Harding - Pulitzer Prize winner from 2010 or so.  This was good, but for me, not something great.  Old man lies dying in his home surrounded by family, while the stories of his latest three generations are told.

The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy by David Graeber - The same guy that wrote the history of debt.  Graeber has interesting ideas about why we like bureaucracy even as we profess to hate it and why we need it and turn to it to try and fix problems that we know it can't actually make better.  In dealing with administrators at my university, I enjoyed the thoughts on the power and violence inherent in bureaucracy.  The last essay on Batman is all kinds of dumb though.

Fortune Smiles by Adam Johnson - Six long short stories.  Johnson is a pretty good writer (if you've read The Orphan Master's Son you probably already know this). The characters in every story become real very quickly.  I recommend this one too.

The Wind-Up Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi - I grow weary of genetically engineered apocalypses as settings for science fiction.  However, of that genre, this is a pretty great entry.  The story moves quickly and it was an easy read to get engrossed in.

Beatrice by Stephen Dixon - The latest from Publishing Genius (another favorite indie press).  Beatrice accomplishes what it sets out to do very elegantly, I think. A short novel from inside an aging writer's head as he attempts to deal with the death of his wife. Finding a way through is an enormous undertaking, and that way can be so easily lost.

Nobody Dancing by Cheryl Quimba - Poetry from Publishing Genius.  It was ... OK.

Paradise of the Pacific: Approaching Hawaii by Susana Moore - Another history where I came in knowing very little.  This book was a bit scattered, which took some getting used to, but the subject was an interesting one, so I made it through.  Hawaii is a pretty interesting place, I might have to seek out more info on this.

Like I said, it's been a good month for reading.

First or Second Monday or Tuesday Book Day

I'm currently working my way through The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans by Lawrence Powell, a history professor at Tulane. It's occasionally dry in its recounting of names, but the history of New Orleans as a city that kept itself as independent as possible from the various 17th and 18th century colonial powers is an interesting one. I'm almost up to the Louisiana Purchase.

On deck, I have Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War by Susan Southard, so I have a little mini theme of city-based historical books going on right now.

What are you reading?

Books Books Books

Two really good story collections I read this month.

Get in Trouble by Kelly Link.

One of those books that just keeps getting recommended over and over until you think "there's no way it's actually that good, right?"  Well, now I get to join the club and recommend this one.  It was pretty great.  For a sample of the stories in this book you can read "The New Boyfriend" or "I Can See Right Through You".

The Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra.

Yes, the title is kind of bad.  But the linked stories in the book are all kind of sadly, cynically funny in a way that seemed very appropriate for the Russian setting (especially the first story "The Leopard" which is about a Soviet censor responsible for doctoring photographs who turns it into an art of his own).

Also, the Nebula nominations came out this month, so if you're looking for some sci-fi to read, there's at least a starting point.  I have to get my Hugo ballot together by the end of the month, so if you have any recommendations in any of those categories let me know.

First Monday Book Day: Two Books

Two books of note that I read last month.  Both I loved, but only one that I would recommend.

A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing by Eimar McBride - (goodreads link)

The story of this book is a good one, McBride searched for a publisher for 7 years without success, before a tiny Irish press published it and saw it take off and eventually win a whole bunch of awards.  I had heard a bunch about it due to all of this and it was always listed as very experimental, so I finally got around to it this December.  I loved it, but I'm not sure there's any way I would recommend it to someone.

The style is very fragmented in a stream-of-consciousness way. I got swept up in the broken consciousness of the narrator. The first chapters were beautiful, and things get brutal from there. The narrator and her brother (continually fighting the effects of a brain tumor) are the only bright spot, and the final scenes between the two of them are remarkable and powerful.

Upright Beasts by Lincoln Michel - (goodreads link)

A collection of short stories that are all just a little bit weird and alienated.  So, basically catnip for me.  Here's the first story (Our Education) and you should read it. I read the whole collection in one day, and it was and enjoyable quick read.

Final Stats from 2015:

112 books read (34,096 pages)
90 fiction (74 novels - 8 story collections - 8 graphic novels)
62 published in 2014 or 2015
38 by women
33 by independent publishers (loosely defined and probably inaccurate)

(Header image is Reading Two Books by William Wegman)

Monday Book Day: Re-Reads

Apologies for missing the first Monday.

I finished the Great Vonnegut (Re)-Read of 2015 by finishing his last novel, Timequake, right at the end of November.  When I decided to read all of Vonnegut's novels, Timequake was the one that I was most interested in re-reading.  I read it in 1997 when it was first published and I was in 10th grade.  And I don't think I got it.  I had always been perplexed when people have good things to say about the book because I thought it was my least favorite book of his.  So, I was very interested in what my reaction would be to it this time around, moreso than any of the other books.  (One nice thing about that being that it served as a very nice motivator to keep the project going, I had to get to Timequake to see how it had changed for me).

This time around, I loved it.  I'm not going to argue that it's a great novel.  It's half of a novel at best.  But if you spend time with Vonnegut, especially post-Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut, this book is a near perfect epilogue to his career.  Through this whole year I got the perspective that I was missing back in 1997.  The payoff to the project was pretty good.

This summer, I got in a friendly argument with my Dad about re-reading books.  He refuses to do it, using the "there's too many books I haven't read out there and not nearly enough time to read them all" argument.  He could not understand why I would choose to re-read all of Vonnegut's novels or start The Wheel of Time over from the beginning when the final three books started coming out.  So I went back and looked through my reading spreadsheets and found that I really don't re-read very much.  I feel like that's the majority opinion, most people feel like they don't read enough and so why spend time reading something again?  But the effect of my Vonnegut re-read is making me question that a little bit.  There are books that I've said I'd like to go back and spend some more time with (2666 is the one that leaps to mind), but I don't know that I ever would have.  Now I'm reconsidering a little bit.  Maybe that will be a project for a future year.  Re-read one book per month that I've wanted to revisit?  Could be interesting.

So, do you ever re-read?  Never re-read?  What books would you revisit if the feeling struck you?